Chapter 25: Investigate and Rescue

I turned around to face this grim reaper he's now sitting on my bed, caress my bedsheet. I looked at him and asked.

"what are you doing here?" I said in a ragging voice.

"I was surprised that you didn't shock when I was inside your room, could it be that you almost used to it?" He said like he was amazed by my reaction. I rolled my eyes as if I wasn't masterly his suddenly appearing.

"Of course, you always doing that whenever I was alone or doing something," I said. The grim reaper smiled and there was something that caught in my eye. On his other hand, he was holding a round shape like a gem. It's quite shiny and a little bit fond of ocean color. I was about to ask him about that when he looked at where I am looking.

He gave this to me which is the other way of how I thought about him.

"Why are you giving me this?" I asked.

"you will figure it out soon, you just need to know by yourself and don't tell others that I gave this to you," The grim reaper said. Then he disappears again.

I don't know what was he thinking but I barely did not know anything about this. And I did not know how to use it if I can really use this. I sighed and then went to my drawer to put this thing inside of it.

I took a glance one more time in my room before I lay to bed and go to sleep.


Tomorrow came and just like a normal day, I and my friends went to our school but we knew that there's a monster will attacking the ship for what reason so we met on the rooftop of the school then make a plan on how we gonna take down the monster. Diana and Sapphire still not talking to each other so we just let them be.

Terrence and I decided to get inside the boat, while the girls will find where the monster arriving which is they will stay in the middle of the ocean. I and Terrence decided to investigate what was inside the boat and why the monster wants to attack the ship. Terrence already gets a ticket for us to ride the said ship so we just only need to investigate. After that, we headed to our parting ways, which is boys in the ship while the girls need to find the monster.

We did not join the class instead we will rescue and killing the monster if needed. We used Sapphire flying dust for me and Diana can fly, even if they not good in terms they still proceed to the plan. Hannah got the earphones which are spy phones where we're connected to every one of us so we can contact others if they need help.

Terrence and I are now inside the boat, I gave the signal to Terrence to investigate on the right side of the ship while me on the left side of the ship. We search from Top to bottom, in every room to get clues why the monster will attack the ship.

While I'm searching for clues when my pocket shines so bright. This is strange for me because I didn't bring anything with me that used for light. So I put my hands inside my pocket and gets what's inside it. I felt something round, but I don't know what that is until I get it and I was shocked by what I saw, it was the rounded shape gem which the grim reaper gave to me yesterday. The rounded shape has begun to enlarge until it jumps from my hand through the ocean. I was quickly running to get it but I was too late it fell into the water. To my surprise, Terrence quickly responded to our earphones.

"Philip I got clues!" Terrence exclaimed. I glance once again to the ocean where the round shape gem fell that the grim reaper gave it to me but I guess it wasn't that important so, I ran towards Terrence's direction to where he is.

I met Terrence in the storage room inside the boat. He looked up to me and he pointed out all the toxic big cans but that's not caught up my attention, there's something behind those toxics it was a small different kind of animal in the bars. I never know what kind of animal is that. It looks like an experimented animal or some kind of mutant animal. This animal has a long body like a snake but it has only one-eyed. Its body has fur like ordinary pets. But one strange thing is that it hasn't had pangs. I think this is the monster that will attack the ship. And this must be the reason why the monster smashed the boat. But I know it can harm the ship, it's too small to destroy the boat.

Terrence and I had the same idea so while Terrence was trying to unlock the cage, while I was guarding the storage door if someone will arrive at this moment so I can warn Terrence about it.

Finally, Terrence helps the poor thing to escape from the cage, and we got out of the storage room. We went through the other door which is not on the entrance we exited to the small vent slash window to help this thing escape. It's hard to escape that the people can't notice us, so just like a spy we trying to make a quick exit without making a noise. Until we reached the final destination, we finally exited and rescue the small thing. Terrence and I let the small animal swim in the ocean to be free, I know it wouldn't happen what I saw in my nightmare.

But that's what I thought... Suddenly all the girls scream in our earpiece cause both of us Terrence looked at each other. Until Diana spoke in the earpiece but her words are cut short which is we don't clarify what she was trying to say.

"Help--- the--- com---" Diana said until we can't hear them anymore. Both of us boys get worried about the girls so I and Terrence quickly flew away from where the ship is, and we searched everywhere to see where those girls are. Terrence and I went in opposite directions so all of us can help them quickly. I was in the middle of the search when I did not notice the strange creature beside me and it struck me by its tail, the reason why flew me away to the other side of the ocean. The earpiece got out from my ear which is I cannot contact Terrence. I still haven't seen the girls anywhere until there's a faint light on the top of the monster's head, it was the rounded shape gem I lost in the boat. I was shocked by the sudden truth behind that gem. So it means that grim reaper gave me something that can create a monster just like in my nightmare?!

I was still confused when the monster head where the boat is. I thought it wouldn't happen like in my dream, I thought I already change the disaster, I thought my nightmare won't be true. I was shocked at how the monster attacked the boat, my body can't make a move like I was glued into something invisible. Terrence was now attacking the monster which it should not be. But the question is where are the girls? Why I can't see them?

Minutes passed the monster finally destroyed the boat, and Terrence is still trying to defeat the monster when I notice someone not too far from where the fighting is. I stared at it until I knew who it was. It was the grim reaper but the one that caught my attention is he was holding Sapphire on her neck. She is trying to resist the grim reaper's hand. When I saw that I quickly ran towards her to rescue her, I shout at them.

"NO!!!! STOP!" I can't fly at this moment because I'm too wet the flying dust won't work on me if I get wet. So I quickly swim where Sapphire is, but the more I swim the more I can't get closed because of the fight between Terrence and the monster. The water is waving across the monster's body. I can't lose Sapphire until I saw Hannah flew where is Sapphire, and based on her body it has many bruises which means is she was already fighting the grim reaper to save our friend. Diana doesn't have powers yet because I'm too afraid if her faith is still not changed but I need to do something so she can help us. I used my Telepathy to call her.

"Diana, I will give you powers used this I begged you and help Terrence and Hannah fight those villains," I said without a doubt and I ended the telepathy. I imagined Diana got powers like Hannah her body starts to change until she feels the energy within her, after that she helped Terrence to defeat the monster.

Once I got near them the Grim reaper looked at me and grin before he vanished, Sapphire finally freed as soon as the grim reaper stops to burked her. She breathes heavily when I get near her I quickly hug her, cried like a baby. Hannah caresses my back while looking at me, then she glances at Terrence and Diana which are still fighting the monster, the rounded shape gem precipitant on the monster head and the monster vanished. The people on the ship were been eaten by the monster. We couldn't save the people, but we only rescued is the strange animal inside the ship. But there's something that makes me confused. How does that small monster get big in a short time? That is the small monster where Terrence and I saved inside the boat which is now Terrence and Diana trying to defeat it. The monster vanished while they're in the middle of the battle. I can't believe that we haven't saved anyone in the tragedy.