Chapter 165: The Ending...

Narration POV...

All of us sometimes getting nightmares, all of us having beautiful dreams. But let me ask you something, what's is all matters to you? Fairytales, which you are living in a peaceful world that you always wanted, unlike reality? Or nightmares, which leads you to be afraid but also makes you stronger to face everything?

Changes are part of life, all we need is to find where we should go? To the fairytales where all the dreams exist that you wanted to stay there forever? Or to the Nightmares where are the scariest things and happenings can make you stronger and accept how cruel was the world where you can accept it and change that fate...

Reality is what everyone experiences, but fairytales are what everyone wanted and needed that they haven't realized that there was someone out there waiting and needed you...

Like the elders saying, acceptance is what all the people need, to face how our destiny was about to an end...