Caught: Touched My Tigress

"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."

Everyone's head whipped to the back to see the intruder. Even Jade had to strain her neck to see past the men at who the owner of the voice was.

Standing before her, was a tall man with black hair which fell forward to his front, covering a part of his eyes.

He wore a black mask that covered his face from the nose upwards, leaving his cute pointed nose and his thin pink lips visible to the eyes of everyone.

He was dressed in a perfectly designed black suit with a touch of red designs on it, a white undershirt and a bow tie.

The way he stood looking at them, with one hand in his right pocket and the other by his side, exuded a lot of dominance as his cold aura seemed to trap everyone leaving them stunned.

"Huh!" Jade's poor brain couldn't form a coherent word at that moment as she stared at the handsome stranger in front of her.

For a minute there, it was as though everyone froze and forgot to breathe. It was not until he snapped his fingers with his left hand that they all came out of their daze.

Immediately, five heads whipped in her direction with raised brows trying to figure out if she knew the man.

Jade noticed this and quickly masked her look of shock with a charming smile.

"Ah, yes. Sorry I was looking for you as well. I was just telling these gentlemen here that I was waiting for someone."

Even though Jade didn't know this stranger, she felt a sense of ease and calm with him around.

Right now at least, he was the lesser evil amongst all six of them and he looked gentlemanly.

Jade hoped and prayed that was the case. Then again, even if it wasn't she could still deal with him one way or the other, seeing as he had the right built.

She wouldn't take her chances to think of him as frail.

"What are you still doing there? Come on, let's go," the stranger beckoned on her.

"Yes. Right on it. Thanks for keeping me company. I will be on my way now." Jade tried to flash her best-acting smile to the men, in hopes that they would let her go and this would not turn into something ugly.

Just as she took a step forward, towards the side, a hand latched onto her wrist pulling her back.

The stranger who was watching the scene with distinguishing eyes frowned upon noticing the situation.

'Looks like things won't be easy today. I really didn't want to spill blood or break some ribs but this hooligan just touched my tigress. What right does he have?' Xander thought to himself.

His already cold and frightening aura seeped out the more with his eyes fastened on where the man held unto her wrist.

Suddenly a voice in his head kept chanting 'Kill, Kill, Kill.'

He snapped and was ready to dive in and beat the living daylight out of them when they heard a voice not too far from where they stood.

"Red dress, brown hair, that is her."

At the sudden shout, all the men turned their heads to look at the many intruders.

Even Xander whipped his head to the side to see the new disturbance.

"Hey hold her down, catch her!" Another man shouted at them.

Right before their eyes, about six men rushed out from the corner to join the other two and immediately they all came running down to where they were.

The men turned their heads for the umpteenth time to look at Jade but what happened next, no one could have been prepared for it.

The weak and innocently looking girl raised her leg and kicked one of the men in his groin, making him fall to the ground with his mouth open giving the 'Oh' sound, as his eyes never left her figure.

Before the others could react, she twisted her hand in an anti-clockwise direction and hit him hard on his face with her bag while he was distracted by the sudden pain.

"Ahh!" Never would he have expected it, that a girl her type would be this strong.

Returning from their stupor, the others charged at her but got interrupted by the familiar cold voice.

"Now where do you think you are going?" Xander asked, grabbing one of the men by his shirt collar and throwing him to the side.

With this distraction, the remaining two turned towards Xander, ready to beat him for being the first to interrupt their fun and completely forgot about Jade.

Not taking another chance, she stepped on the rib cage of the idiot that spoke vile words concerning her and twisted her ankle, making her heels injure him further, before sprinting away, leaving Xander to handle the rest.

"Hey!" Xander yelled after her when he saw her running away.

His call had made the other two snap their heads in her direction, further distracting them.

"Damn it, get her!" one of the men remaining shouted at the other man. His eyes dark and red in anger as his hand balled into a fist ready to fight Xander. "I am going to make you regret butting in, pretty boy."

"You wish."

The man swung his hand, aiming a punch at his face, Xander ducked and returned the gesture, giving him a heavy blow in his gut.

"Ahh~" His mouth opened wide at the unfathomable blow he got. Xander grabbed his neck and trouser hem, lifting him up.

He turned to the side, just to see the other eight men already close to where he was and threw the man at them.

On the other hand, Jade who was escaping whipped her head to the side to see the last hooligan catching up to her. "Shit!"

"Oh, now you know you shouldn't have hurt us, we are going to make you pay," he said, revealing his brown teeth in a grin.