Jay's Truth



Macy could not believe Jay went through all of these and yet he still saw them every time. It must have been terribly devasting for Jay.

"It was no wonder he became a playboy."

Macy had not known she said that out loud until Jenny replied. "I know. I caused it. I am to blame." 

"How?" She turned her head from Jenny and took a look at Jay who seemed to be enjoying himself but had his eyes over at them every now and then.

"It started long ago." That alone had piqued Macy's curiosity. 

"Tell me, please." Macy returned her gaze back to the now sad Jenny as she waited to hear the tale of the night.

"It all began as a couple of kids of business partners and friends, coming together with two, in particular, becoming closer than the rest."

"That was you and Sky?"