Truth: Confused Macy


CHAPTER 100 – Confused Macy

"Okay. But until when were you going to tell me, Jay? Or does that mean that you did not love me enough?" Her heart clenched at her own words.

Even though she did not want to think about it but it was the truth.

"That is not true, Macy. I love you with all my heart." Jay turned so that he was now facing her fully on the bed then he held both her hands in his.

"Then why did you hide it from me? Why didn't you tell me the truth?" Her voice broke and her eyes burned. The tears were beginning to gather and he could feel all of her pain.

'It was not easy. Would you have loved me so easily if you knew who I truly was?" There was no reply. It was not because she wasn't sure if she would. Macy believed that given the time and place, being changed and she met him somewhere else, she would have loved him still.

"You are not saying anything Macy."