Dragon & Tigress Combine (18+)



As much as the danger signs screamed in her head, Jade did not care anymore. 'No more playing it safe.'

It was time to have what or whom she wanted. "Then what are you waiting for?"

Xander grinned at her reply. His pretty little tigress was asking for what she could not handle but he planned on taking good care of her, no matter what.

Without wasting any more precious time, Xander crashed his lips on hers, possessing what was his and taking his passion with it, giving back all she gave.

Their tongues wrestled in her mouth, battling for dominance in a well-known dance. Every emotion felt was poured into their kiss at that moment. No longer were they two beings apart but one brought together in love.

Xander's hands attacked her face with their gentle touch and sweet caress as hers went back to work on his hair and head.