


Immediately Xander and his friends entered, Arctic looked up and his eyes locked with Xander's.

None of the men said anything but waited for Xander to speak since he was the Dragon Lord.

"You are the Unkillable Killer right?"

"Yes." Arctic did not bother denying anything. At this point he had nothing to lose, Jade and his daughter were both alive. He cherished them so much but they would be better off without him.

He was still sorry for what he had done and was ready to atone for his sins.

"Where is Jade?" Arctic asked.

"She's safe." That was the only answer Xander was willing to give to him. He was more concerned about something else. "One question though, how is it possible that she was captured and you were too?"

Arctic did not answer. He felt Jade might have told him about did not feel like speaking with him directly and sent Xander yet.