I Need Time



And just when their lips came very close to each other, he closed his eyes and pulled away, leaving her empty and longing for more.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, turning around and away from her. "I should not have done that. I promised to wait and I will." Not waiting for her response, he stood up.

"You are beautiful, Jade and irresistible as well but a promise is a promise and what kind of a person would I be if I cannot honour that?"

"Even if it kills you?" She suddenly asked, cutting him short.

"I…" He did not know how to start or where to even begin. "I… it hurts, I would not deny it. The mate bond is kicking and knocking at the door of my heart but…"

"It is okay. I understand." She stood up, walking towards him and stopped when they were so close to each other. 

They were close to the point that, if she wanted to hug him, she could do as easily as anything. The tension was there.