

It was fate indeed. Without the two of them, I wouldn't have this bar. I wouldn't have known the Mafia.

Going back to the present, I watched Nico concede, throwing a pouting face in Astherielle's direction.

"Forgive me?" For a minute, Astherielle didn't budge. It took a few minutes before her expression broke into an evil grin.

"I'm going to tell Aunt that you are being mean," she said, sticking her tongue out right after.

I shook my head. This childish banter could go on for the whole night with either of them willing to stop.

"I think getting the adults involved is too much, " Astherielle gave me a death glare. I shrugged.

"It's a fact," now it was Nico who stuck his tongue out towards Astherielle before turning to face me, clearing his throat in the process.

"Well, I actually came up here to report something," I narrowed my eyes. 'Came up here', I noticed the urgency in that. Besides, Nico wasn't usually 'up here' which meant that he was hardly staying at the bar, his focus was on something else.

I had two theories of the probable reason why he was here. One, he had wanted a drink and at the same time, tease his cousin. Nico loved to do that, as Astherielle was always an easy target for him.

Second, there was indeed an important matter which needs attention, my attention specifically.

"What is it?" Nico looked sheepish.

"Well," he cleared his throat once more. "There's a bet going down in there."

'Down'. We sounded like fugitives. But maybe we already are, who knows?

What Nico meant was that there was a basement, or at least some sort of a basement when I had first bought this building.

It had looked like trash but I had wanted to build what I have from scratch.

"Bet? For whom and with what?" Nico appeared to be more anxious than he was earlier.

"Well," he said, repeating his opening from earlier. "There's this new challenger. I don't know what her deal is. But she fights like crazy. She has already beaten most of our best fighters, and today… well…" Nico trailed off, eyeing me warily.

"What? Get to the point, Nico," I said, stretching my patience a little.

"She is asking for you," Astherielle cooed.

"Me? How did she know me?" Nico shook his head.

"Well, she didn't say your name exactly." I narrowed my eyes yet again.

"Enlighten me Nico," I was half-way from scolding Nico and his stalling in between telling me the truth. I need people to be straightforward.

"She had said it after the last brawl," Nico paused, eyeing me. "I want to make a deal. Who is your leader?"



The place reeked with the smell of sweat, I wrinkled my nose.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea, Margie?" I looked at Mary. She seemed nervous. She was always nervous for me. It was touching, but, at the same time, it was unnecessary.

I know what I was doing and I wasn't doing this for myself.

The news from earlier regarding my family and seeing Takahashi's face had brought so many emotions out of me. The mere thought of it right now was making my blood boil.

It has been a year. It has been a year since Mary and I had been on the run. Back then, I wouldn't have thought that I would be in this kind of situation.

Back then, I wouldn't have felt this much anger.

Fury, deep fury was running in my system and it has been my driving force ever since that day when Paul had chosen to let us go.

Usually, that instance would have me under his debt. Yet, his betrayal had my entire family killed. I don't think there was anything that he could do to make up for it. Thanks to him, I had stopped considering anyone a friend. Everyone I met was a foe in my eyes.

"I can handle myself, Mary," I said while she let out a sigh, looking at me with conviction set in her eyes.

"Then go and win this fight. Go and get them, Rose," Rose. I can't help but smile. It has been so long since someone called me Rose. It was my alias.

My father has given me that. He said that I was like a rose, beautiful but deadly.

At that time, I had found it ridiculous. I even laughed at him. But now, I realized that he was right.

He always had been.



My curiosity was piqued. Flanked by Astherielle and Nico, I made my way to the basement passing through the hidden passage by the bar counter.

"When did she appear?" I asked, turning on the lights to make sure neither of us trip over each other nor miss a footing on the flight of stairs that would lead to the basement.

"Just, now," I paused, making Astherielle collide with me. She let out an 'oof'.

"Sorry," I said to her before turning to face Nico. "Just now?"

Nico nodded, bobbing his head up and down.

"Huh," now I was beyond interested. Not wanting to make any delays, I hastened my descent. The smell of sweat welcomed me upon reaching the basement. It was crowded, like always. The people seemed hyped as well, cheering and having their focus at the arena positioned in the very center.

"Where is she?" I half-shouted in Nico's ears, my voice must be barely audible due to the noise. Nico pointed towards the arena.

I had to blink, trying to assess if what I was seeing was right. There in the middle of the ring was a woman and she appeared to be at an advantage, giving blow after blow against Eli, one of our toughest fighters. The man was bulky and in my opinion, it was a sight to see that he seemed to be helpless against this mysterious woman.

"Do you want me to stop the fight?" Nico said, sounding uncertain. I shook my head.

"She's badass, I like her," I turned towards Astherielle. "We need more women like her, Kev. I'm just saying." I let my eyes linger on her a little bit more while Astherielle simply shrugged my way.

Placing my attention back on the brawl, I found that it had already ended, the woman was breathing heavily, her eyes scanning the crowd as if she was looking for someone.

When her gaze fell on mine, I smirked. She seemed to have gotten the message, her eyes never leaving mine as she lifted her chin.

I began removing my watch, handing it towards Nico.

"What are you doing?" Astherielle asked. I refused to break eye contact with the woman in question.

"What else?" I said, briefly giving Astherielle a sideways glance. "I'm accepting her challenge."