Sealing the deal


Who is this woman? I can't help but wonder looking right at the very same woman who had knocked me out cold only yesterday.


I shook my head in disbelief while Nico gave me a nudge. Angling my head to the side in order to hear what he was about to whisper in my ear, I didn't break eye contact with Rose.

She cleaned up pretty well. Although there was but a few traces of make-up in her face, it was enough to amplify her beautiful face. The air of mystery that was surrounding her had my interest piqued.

Furthermore, she seemed to have made an effort just to get inside Rhythm. Compared to her sweaty look yesterday, the black overall she was wearing had emphasized her aesthetics.

Briefly noticing the glass of drinks on the counter where she and whom I'd like to assume was her friend, appeared to have attracted quite a number of strangers who were wishing to get their attention somehow.

Apparently, she and her companion appeared to have rejected all of them. I could clearly see from where I was standing that the drinks remained untouched.

"Let me handle this," I heard Nico say. I looked at him, shaking my head right after.

"I got this," I said reassuring my friend.

After yesterday's fiasco, I can't blame him for making an effort to save me from getting roasted by the very same woman who had caused my ego going down the drain yesterday. Nico sighed, giving me a pat on the shoulder.

"Alright, I'll trust you. Good luck," he said before taking his leave. I was left to stare at Rose, the mirth on her face was still evident.

"I want a rematch," I blurted out. I had been thinking about it for the whole night.

'The great Kevin Reyes got knocked out cold by a beautiful maiden'. Astherielle's remark resonated with me as I had lain in bed and my embarrassment had made sleeping a difficult feat for me last night. I had to deplete my energy and even counted sheep before sleep had finally taken me.

I was partly grateful that Elle was not here right now. Else, she would have, most likely, given Rose a fierce hug and became friendly with her despite my warning of being wary of the mysterious woman. She would make sure to do it to tease me.

"Pfft, I won the fight fair and square. You just need to accept that fact." Rose said in response, pulling me out from my thoughts.

"I'm not saying that you didn't. What I'm proposing is a rematch."

Rose held my gaze. My curiosity was more and more getting piqued every minute that I was around her.

Since yesterday, I noticed that the way she moved and talked somehow portrayed some sort of elegance. I was beginning to see how she might have come from a rich family. Which led me to wonder, if that was the case, what was she doing here? And, why, why did she want to make a deal with me? What was she trying to achieve by approaching me, us?

Lastly, why us, why Rhythm? How did she even know about our existence?

"Are you sure you want a rematch?" It didn't escape my hearing that she seemed to be mocking me. Her tone had clearly sung it.

This woman was really testing my limits. I don't care if she was pretty, I am beginning to dislike her but at the same time the need to get to know her was also rising.

"I won't go soft on you this time," she laughed.

"I already heard you say that and voila, you got knocked out cold in an instant,"

Dang, this woman. I mentally cursed while trying to hold her gaze steady. It took a lot of effort having to have self control and wanting to stop the heat from rising in my cheeks.

I can't let her see how much that affected me. It would be another embarrassment for me if she was to see it. I can't afford to have any more of that.

"Allow me to redeem myself then. Let me show you a real fight. If you win, we can then talk about your so-called conditions."

Rose looked at me. She appeared to be thinking about what I had just proposed. I waited, noticing the black intricate sheath attached on her right thigh.

"You brought a blade," I commented.

"Precautions. You will never know when it might come in handy." I raised a brow at that.

"Are you in some sort of danger?" If she says yes, some things would make sense. It will answer at least the question of why she was here. However, the fact still stands, why us?

Rhythm is not yet known in the Mafia community. If she wanted some protection, she could have chosen the more popular ones instead, take for example, the Golden Island.

She seemed rich. I can't quite fathom why she had to pick my little crew. Unless, ofcourse, if she had another motive.

"You want a rematch? Fine. But I want to up the deal,"

There she was again. She was once again avoiding to answer my question. I could only assume that she might be involved in something that spelled dangerous.

Maybe, I could use this as leverage. Cocking my head to one side, I caught her expectant stare.

"Sure, but in order for this deal to take effect, you will have to answer this question. If you still refuse to do so, forget about the rematch and forget about the request you claim to have won. I think that it is only right for me to know what I am agreeing on exactly as it is not only mine and your life that will be on the line but my entire crew as well. If that doesn't matter to you, it does to me. I can't risk everyone else's lives for some stranger who might end up stabbing me in the back. Have I made myself clear?"

Rose smiled while I waited, again, for her response. I must have said quite a speech. But then, I needed to voice that out. I needed her to understand that if she was in some kind of danger, I can't risk the lives of my entire crew for her. At least, until I know that what she is fighting for is a good cause. Otherwise, I'd rather not have anything to do with her.

"Alright. Go ahead. Ask me that burning question of yours, Kevin and I'll figure out if I shall give you a full answer or a shorter one."

I wanted to make a retort. But then, I thought better about it. This woman keeps on infuriating me while on the other hand, I can't find anything to make her reciprocate what I was feeling.

Yet, it was somehow bothering my conscience if she turned out to be in some serious danger, especially if it involved some other Mafia crew.

"Well, if I was to 'help' you, Rose, I need to know who you really are," I paused, making sure to keep her eyes locked on mine.

"Who are you, Rose? Who are you really?"