
Before free-falling down, Leona could see the red bird's expression. His face seemed to reveal an arrogant smile and his wings seemed to wave, bidding farewell.

"Ah... Please!" Leona shouted.

Her hands were trying to reach above the sky. looking for anything to hold on to. Unfortunately, her stupidity always appears at the wrong time.

She cursed, peering down a bit before falling in the middle of nowhere. "God, is Leona going to die this tragically?"

The black color is so dominant under the abyss. it made Leona's nape hair goosebumps. I don't know what monster is ready to swallow it whole later. Obviously she was scared.

In the midst of the confusion between life and death, her bead saw an eagle flying circling above him. coincidentally the size of the eagle was larger than any she had ever seen in Axteas. Instantly ridiculous and crazy ideas just came out.

"Why don't I just use the eagle as a tool to descend? At least I don't have to die with a shattered body bouncing everywhere," she thought madly.

There is still a chance to live. Leona was able to grab the eagle's leg down through the trees before clinging to the vines and descending safely.

After all Leona felt that the gravity in this place was different or maybe the abyss was very deep? Oh, Leona doesn't care. the important thing now was to wait for the eagle to fly to her side and then cling fast to its big feet.

On the count of ten Leona managed to hold on tightly to the eagle's leg. although the flying speed of the eagle became unstable and more frightening than riding the kora-kora ride at the night market.

"Next, I have to throw myself right at the big tree on the right. Hanging and then down," she said as she guessed from above.

Unfortunately the plan had to fail when the eagle shook its leg vigorously, making Leona's hand grip on its claws loose. The girl had to scream once more as it was brought down at a more extreme speed.

"Just this once, Lord!" she shouted. Her hands were still trying to reach for something to hold. Luckily there was a vine hanging from her body as her body fell through the trees.

She quickly grabbed the plant and held it tightly. But not the vines she was holding. it was a long green snake that was hanging.

"Whoa snake!" she shouted as the snake's head was right in front of him.

Too panicked by the situation, Leona couldn't think again and immediately let go of the snake. unfortunately when she realized her body had fallen first to hit the ground so hard.

"Oh, no, ah... Grandma!"


"I died," Leona said quietly before finally falling unconscious.


Her consciousness had just returned when it felt like it was starting to get dark. Fyi, the feeling of drunkenness from a long journey began to rise to the throat and finally Leona had to expel the contents of her stomach which was only water near the tree where she fell earlier.

Her body was still weak and her joints all hurt. Even to move it takes a few minutes. Wait! How about the waist?

Leona rushed to check her waist and cried at the same time. "My waist can't be straightened, I'm a granny now!" she said panicked. Leona thought if her waist was broken, even though she was able to stand up straight.

After knowing that she was fine even though her body was all crushed. Leona immediately rested her body by leaning under a tree. Honestly she was confused by this abyss. Yes, the edge of the gorge is a steep and damp place. But this, why did she appear in the middle of the jungle? Where exactly is it now?

"I'm getting more and more confused, where exactly is this?" she said as she looked around.

There are only rows of fir trees that grow thick and towering. Leona couldn't even guess the direction of the wind through the sunlight. She tried to observe the moss growing on the tree trunk. Because usually, moss grows back to the sun. which can be interpreted if there is moss on the left, it means it is west.

As expected, Leona was in the west. But she was still unsure which way to go. So, she sat back under the tree while thinking about what things she should do for the future.

Not far from where she was sitting, Leona could hear the neighing of a horse. Not only that, there was also a human voice screaming loudly as if to say something. Not just one, to be precise a group of people who formed an army.

Leona stammered, she quickly got up to find a hiding place. When they heard the sound they got closer to the place. But the condition of the body that does not allow it to make it difficult for himself. As a result, Leona fell on her stomach while trying to run behind a tree.

"Tch, damn it!" squeaked Leona annoyed. If it weren't for her injured leg she wouldn't have bothered crawling and hiding.

"Stop. Who are you?" asked someone behind him. Leona couldn't see who it was, only she could feel a long cold object right behind her neck.

"We have surrounded you. So you don't have to fight and just go without a fight," he explained again. Leona shook his head disapprovingly.

"I'm not a criminalwhy are you arresting me like I'm a fugitive?" she asked firmly. Again, it's true, she's just an Archipila student who accidentally gets lost in the back of her school's forest.

For a moment Leona felt victorious because no one dared to reply to her words. but in the next second he had to relent when a man with red-brown hair turned her body and brandished a sword right in front of his face.

"You think I'll believe it?" he said flatly. He stared at Leona scornfully until his aura pierced the bone. "You can explain later to His Majesty, the troops take him to the palace!" sudden command.

The brown-red-haired man sheathed his sword again. He walked straight without even looking at Leona who was trying to escape because she would be taken to the palace by force.

"Hey, let me go! I don't want to go to the palace! Hey!" Leona shouted blindly. In the end one of the soldiers hit his on the neck until the girl fell unconscious.

After not hearing Leona's screams anymore, Lucas--the brown-red-haired man. ordered his subordinates to put Leona into the same stretcher as him. He was worried that when the girl realized she would trouble her soldiers behind who must have been exhausted after fighting at the border yesterday.

"Put him in the same tent as me."

"But, sir..."

Lucas looked at his subordinates nonchalantly, "I don't accept rejection. After all, I'm doing this for you too."

The subordinate could only nod and then leave immediately.

"Actually, what plan did they come up with this time to destroy Nort Vale?" Lucas muttered.

His eyes were busy observing Leona who was still unconscious on the opposite seat. However, his mind wandered somewhere. What is clear, Lucas believes that their plan this time is really dangerous.