Chapter 45- piecing the puzzle

One month later


I am alive. I'm so thankful to God that I am alive . Remembering who I was before the head injury has been a tad bit difficult . I remembered Cleo and Giovanni . My mom and dad too. A lot has happened ; Duncan killed himself after shooting Nina . I found out when I had a heart to heart with Gio that he hid himself under one of the trap doors in the house and when he saw Duncan leave he saw Nina and called my father. While this was happening Cleo had alerted me when Duncan broke in that; she knew Duncan had done something wrong and when Duncan took the gun off the counter I tried to protect Cleo. The last thing I remembered was falling and hitting my head.

Cleo had gained a lot of weight and she still looked beautiful .We are having a baby boy and a girl. I still love Giovanni I'm all he has left . I've been going with him to therapy and everything is going okay .

For the past month I've woken up alone . For some sort of odd reason Cleo has been sleeping in the other guest room. It feels as if something has changed. I don't know why Cleo wasn't sleeping in the same bed as me but I had to find out why ? I've missed her for the past four months , and I still remember how she felt in more ways than one .

I woke up an hour earlier than my normal time . I walked quietly to where I knew Cleo was. I remembered she was an early riser so it came as no surprise that the light was on. I could also hear voices I walked closer and stood outside and listened.

"Cleo how many times do I have to apologize?"

"Not enough, because you were right is that what you want to hear?"

I could hear the hurt in Cleo's voice.

"No I wasn't . Angelo is miserable. I know him. Think about how much it will hurt him. Maybe I was the one who was afraid okay... "

"Out of respect for you ;I gave him his space because you asked me to. He's probably thinking I've fallen out of love with him. Mr Massa has been busy and he has a lot on his plate. "

"Cleo you're pregnant. With twins and given your age you need to be cautious . You can't jut up and leave What about Giovanni."

"He needs to reconnect with Angelo . "

"I'm sorry Cleo. I shouldn't have blamed you for Angelo getting hurt, or say what I said about him not marrying you or asking you to marry him. Watching you with Gio made me see a side of you I thought never existed."

"You said I don't deserve my babies. You told me Angelo might relapse and he won't care about me."

"You're being impulsive. I know I was harsh when I said maybe he should get a girl who is his class ."

"How many times did I tell you that I wasn't with him because of his money?"

"Your background ."

"I'm not a statistic . You suggested I co parent with Angelo. I may not be Sophia but I am me . I can actually provide for my twins. "

"How did he knock you up? You won't tell me."

"That because you were pretending. I told you what you wanted to hear . "

"Did you seduce him ? You're not his type I know him and he feels some sort responsibility to you. I liked you because you were a good distraction . Angelo has a history ..."

I was still listening to the argument and I heard a zipper close.

" I knew that going into a relationship with him. I took a chance on him . He thought you were gone and he caused your death ."

"He didn't . We had to protect him."

"Rosa my mind is already made up. Its been a month make that three and don't tell me to give it time ."

"At least talk to Angelo. "

"I haven't touched, kissed or even had a proper conversation with Angelo . Last time things were this tense I got hate fucked by your son and he beat up a friend later on that week and I landed up in the hospital . Not this time . I have our babies to consider. "

I felt a jab of guilt pass through me and I Started remembering what happen and how we got to this point. I was just confused for the past month and I was going with the flow . Gio loves Cleo and the last time he thought I messed up when he invited her for dinner .I went all crazy he called me mean. I've done Cleo so wrong . I want her in my life. My intentions with her have always been good .

"Please talk to Angelo before you leave. He should be up in the next fifteen minuets."

"He's already up. He has been for a while now."

Oh my word Cleo did what she did when she was talking to Brendan on the phone ;when I snuck up on her at her office the day after Ruth fired her.

"What are you talking about ?"

"His daughter started kicking then his son when he stood outside the door. "

I pushed the door and walked in. First of all my mother was shocked and secondly I noticed Cleo's luggage next to her and her tote bag was slung on her shoulder.

"Morning mom. "

"Morning Angelo."

I walked over to where my mother was gave her a peck on the cheek, I stood next to Cleo and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"Mom I need to talk to my girlfriend alone "

She looked at me grimly and nodded.

"Do you need anything?"

"Yes mom please get Gio ready for school and drop him off ."

"Okay we'll talk later."

"Okay love you mama ."

As soon as my mom left Cleo peeled my hands off her shoulder and turned to face me.

" since you're up and about; could you you please help me with my luggage."

I walked closer to her and slid her bag off her shoulder. She was wearing a grey and white wrap dress top and Blue jeggings.

"Your not going anywhere."

"The hell I'm not . "

"You're not going anywhere I'm not repeating myself."

I walked to the door and locked it and turned around to Cleo's annoyed face .

"Are you serious? That's just so elementary. Unlock the door."

"No I'm not ... "

I locked eyes with Cleo and she was angry.

"Fine , I'll scream... Wake up the whole house and wreck this room."
