2) Where Had He Gone?

Back to the moment where Lin tried to trick Jane with her cute antics.

Xiao Jane slightly pushed her up, "Yes my Lin Lin.Please continue, you did what? I'm sure I didn't hear you clearly...., so a cafe and a drink, was it?" she raised her eyebrows at that cute faced girl.

Song Lin, "Ah Jane! Girl! Just leave the matter. There is no point to build a mountain out of beans. See what I have brought for you. C'mon take a look!!!" she was eager to show her the gift and obviously to change the topic.

'Fine! You won against me in changing the topic Lin Lin! I can't carry on with this poker faced attitude anyways....sigh!' Xiao Jane sighed and smiled at her bittersweetly.

"Okay! Fine! Show me what is it?"she asked in curiosity

"It's my Ah Jane's favourite...see.....it's a PENDANT! I remember when we used to be young, you often play the role of a pretty Princess and you liked to wear pendant so much! It's also your favourite sapphire heart shaped crystal pendant!" Lin's eyes glimmered when she opened the box of jewellery in front of Xiao Jane.

Xiao Jane exclaimed in happiness,"Really? Show it to me! I want to wear it instantly.....oh my I'm acting like a child again but I swear, when we will return home....I won't leave any chance to show it up in front of Demoness!" Said she while closely admiring the craft and artwork of the pendant from Riffany and Woo

"We still love our sweet Han Zuana right!" Song Lin teased her.

"What? Oh lord, yes I love her for the fact that she's the only one who could not control her jealousy after I come into her sight! Pure bliss! She must love you as well as she always envied my friendship with you Lin Lin!" Xiao Jane teased her.

"Or she envied your relationship with Tang Xuan!" Lin added some additional fact just about the line.

Xiao Jane,"....."

The silence of Xiao Jane was speaking the truth itself.

"I knew it! Why aren't you confessing the real thing behind Han Zuana's envy towards you?" she yelled and pulled her hands to shake her up

It was a really strange feeling for Xiao Jane after mention of the name Tang Xuan!

It's been six years since they split up their ways to find.... career, more or less...it was a reason for her.

No one knows what was the actual reason behind the separation of most inseparable high school sweethearts of their time! This secret lies beneath the minds of only two persons, Xiao Jane and Tang Xuan!

Everyone knew in the past it was impossible to separate those love birdies from each other. Although they were in relationship, but they behaved kind of best friends than actual lovers. Even Song Lin was the part of their relationship as they say. A trio of besties.

For her, their friendship was the key point to hold this relationship and that's why she can't help loving the boy. Her love was new and young as a flower bud. Though it fell exactly when it's time came. Though she never considered him as her first love, god knows why but she, just had a lot on her mind at that time.

Tang Xuan indeed was handsome, dashing and charming than other boys in campus! Kind of School Prince! It was totally common for girls to fly around him like flies! Han Zuana was one of those countless flies.

But the high school prince charming's heart had already belonged to pretty and smart girl Xiao Jane! On top of that, he himself had proposed her in a way she had never imagined. Well what would she even gain to imagine it now.

Both of them were like power couples of their time. Sports, Studies, Cultural Activities.... They both were well trained and capable! No one could challenge their capabilities. His hard work was even more praised as he was an orphan and had been from orphanage, supported by a guardian family only. But due to his capabilities, he made it up to the best highschool of the town....and yeah the best girl too.

Surely, both of them were immensely engulfed in love with each other. But who knew they will part their ways suddenly after graduation! It's as unbelievable for Song Lin as for others! Even after being Xiao Jane's childhood bestie, she was unaware of the parting scene of their life! It was like a secret for all!

Song Lin's eyes grew in despair as she asked her again "Why you always ignore the matter that includes Tang Xuan! I know how much you loved him still you guys never confessed your relationship there and just after graduation, you broke up!"

Xiao Jane was not willing to speak even a little about this break up. It's been six years after all and she had moved on already. It was hard but nothing in the world can be managed through efforts. Nor moving on for Xiao If not for the fact that she valued his friendship with theirs, she wouldn't be so attached at the first place.

Her face was still expressionless but she finally got the courage to speak, "Listen Lin Lin... You know I have moved on! So bringing up that useless matter is futile. He's gone! And he's never coming back! I don't want to face that guy ever again! That's all! Just leave the matter."

Xiao Jane's expressions were turning weirder with each explanation about being not with Tang Xuan. As if she hadn't had been broken or angry or anything. Doesn't she had the right to slap him or kick him to the very limit. If she can't, then Song Lin herself would have found pleasure to do so.

It's been three hours now since she arrived to pick up Song Lin. It's evening already as another train destined to go B city was on time. Crowd was still wandering to find their ways. Suddenly it became quite! As if the chaos had died in a minute. Almighty must have bestowed lightening that struck upon Xiao Jane, she felt the need to dig up a hole and hide her whole self in it.

Indeed she resisted her unnecessary whining. "Ah Lin! It's evening already! Let's go home and have a supper. We will talk later!"

Song Lin's expression remained unchanged!

She asked furiously, "But where had he gone Jane Jane? No one knows where did he dissappear so suddenly. No one had a single idea about this except you! Not even me! You guys called me Friend.....he called me friend but that idiot is missing, and it's been a while now!! And you are still denying to tell it to me at least!"

Not even Xiao Jane knew about it.

It's as if he disappeared in thin air since graduation. His last whereabouts were of 5 years ago when a friend of Jane claimed to see him around the town, but no one got to see him again after that.

'Where had he gone? Ahh! Does it really matter where he had gone already! The thing which matters actually is why had he gone? But it's of no use to find out.' She thought and sighed again.

It's life! Everyone here is a stranger for one another. There's no use to bring back the memories of the strangers of life!

'Not even if the stranger is the one I loved the most! At least I was true to it!' Xiao Jane pulled Song Lin's hand and gestured in the direction of exit, concluding...the matter, as it got closed for the moment.

She promised herself that no new chapters will be added in her life that will witness the presence of her ex-boyfriend.

Or even if it will, she won't allow herself to get carried away in the way to devastation.