7) You Want To Meet Him?

Previously, in Xiao Jane's bedroom ---

'Should I consider to meet him first?....Wait, isn't it better than asking Father! Now I know what to do, let's meet that man directly.'

Next morning she woke up, a bit hassled yet with a face blessed by heavens when the mighty sun rays tickled her beautiful eyes since Song Lin opened the window of the bedroom.

'Lin Lin woke up this early? It's unbelievable! What's the time? Was I slept for long enough that I got the pleasure to woke up after Lin Lin! ' she stretched her arms and took a mini yawn.

She moved her hands forward to grab the alarm clock placed on the table beside bed, and the moment she looked at it she was surprised, more so it felt like a dream.

'6 am! Really? And Lin Lin's already woken up? What's the occasion haha!'

It's really hard for Xiao Jane to digest the fact that the mighty queen of slumber woke up way before her time, God knows if their parents even wake up this early or not.

Song Lin's definitely not the kind who can sacrifice her sleep for the sake of work, more so, it's her vacation time, obviously, so work as a reason somehow doesn't fit the situation.....really can't be possible.

'She must be having something on her mind! Unless something important, this dumbo had never been unfair to her sleep'

Xiao Jane stretched her arms again and jumped out of the bed. The moment she opened her mouth to ask Song Lin about her early wake up cause, Song Lin gestured her towards bathroom. Xiao Jane rolled her eyes and her steps followed the way to the bathroom.

She had a little gist that may be Song Lin was seriously concerned for this marriage situation and her decision.

Who knows she might also be willing to talk to Father Xiao Ming or to dig deeper into it.

After taking a quick shower she changed into full sleeved pista colored top with V-line collar up to the waist, paired with black long flared jeans.

She rounded her hair in a perfect yet messy bun and with quick appliance of light make up, she was all prepared to survive the day.

She went down stairs. Well Xiao Jane was a natural beauty... but being working overseas, she indulged a fine habit to put light make ups. Her curvey fresh lips doesn't really need lipstick so she never bothered to apply it. It was naturally strawberry red and plumpy.

9am morning, Dining Hall---

At the dining table she found her parents and brother sitting at the opposite row and Song Lin was already at front side facing them.

They had already started their breakfast and the scene downstairs was very nostalgic, which passed a warm feeling of happiness in her eyes. She rushed her foot steps towards the table and took a sit beside Song Lin.

"I heard something funny. Is anyone going to tell me what's going on." she asked while folding her sleeves while servants prepared her breakfast plate.

"Oh Morning Jane Jane!" Her brother wished.

"Did you girls slept well? Lin must have been tired from her journey but I was surprised to find her out in the garden this morning" Mother Cheng told and laughed a bit.

"Yeah! Morning to all.... I, too, was as surprised as you mother! Have you checked the sun rise today? I wonder if it arises from west, haha!"

All of them broke into a little laughter, except Song Lin.

Song Lin rolled her eyes at her and finally said,

"You asked why we were laughing earlier dear Jane Jane.....actually we were talking about your childhood....you know your tantrums and certain events."

"Why me of all people? Why you guys have to talk about my childhood tantrums...wahhhh!!! Is my childhood that funny?" (Who would believe this girl is 24 huh!)

Xiao Jane pouted her mouth and with doe like eyes she made, she tried to act pitiful.

But as all of them know her very well, they knew this young lady has never left her childishness ever, especially when she's with her family, so once again they all broke out into a silly and haughty laughter. Even Xiao Jane.

"Ah Jane is really sad Ma! Haha" she carried on to her silly talks while grinning like a kid.

"Ah Jane, Mother loves you either way. Even when no one would. You will always be a child for me." Mother Cheng played along with her, caressed her head and replied.

"Mother is the Best!" She said, with a glimpse of happiness and sincerity in her words.

The family drama filled the atmosphere with joy and glad. For a very long time, it never felt like this, the reunion.

When Xiao Jane turned to look aside she saw Song Lin gesturing her towards her father, in signs to spill out the matter of fact.

'Oh! How can I forget about it?' Jane thought.

Song Lin smiled and took her spoon and started waving it into middle air. She woke up early only for this moment, to lighten up the atmosphere and finally letting Xiao Jane hit the nail at the perfect place and time.

'Oh Lin Lin, how kind and witty you are, you smart fox!!' She was very proud of herself.

"Father! I....I. want to tell you something" Xiao Jane said as her tone contained a bit seriousness.

Father Xiao Ming casually replied,"Okay Ah Jane. Tell me what is it?"

She gathered the courage and as expected, she turned all heads towards her, "Father, I...I .....actually I want to meet Mo Fengshi before our marriage."


All lips where sealed at her sudden request to her Father yet, silence was drumming hard in the mid air. All eyes were on Xiao Jane. Her brother and mother were shocked at the mention of her marriage.

Obviously it was her father's plan alone and he still hadn't told them intentionally to avoid unwanted chaos in house.

As Mother Cheng lifted her head and was going to move her lips, Father Ming asked, "What were you saying child...? You want to ....meet him?"

Xiao Jane nodded her head in affirmation.

Even Song Lin was utterly shocked and confused by her action.

'Ain't Ah Jane was going to ask Father Ming regarding Mo Fengshi's will and conditions to marry her.....or not? Where came the point to meet him up out of the blue!'

Xiao Jane understood her reactions and blinked her eyes in assurance that everything is going to be fine!

Father Ming said after a long break, "Okay! If my Ah Jane wants to meet him, she can! Let me ask Mo Tahin if his son could free up his schedule and make some quality time out and meet you! I will .....inform you until afternoon my daughter! "

"Ah Jane is grateful towards you Father! I Love my Father!"

Mother Cheng, who still didn't understand anything, was still in chaos to ask what was happening there but, no one was willing to spill anything out.

No one was sure of what's actually happening and where this would lead them. Nor her Father, nor she herself.