9) If You Can Meet?

Previously in Xiao elder's room---

"You don't understand Ming....I have already seen my child suffer enough, you think I can keep on seeing her getting miserable and do nothing?"

'I am looking forward to solve all the misery of my family and soon the day will come when I don't have to hide anything from my beloved ones.'

He closed his eyes, let out a sigh of pain and dialed a contact number.

At Silver Palace------

A large spacious living room designed with elegant decorations and interiors. Two men were sitting on the sofa chairs, facing each other.

"Father, I don't want any obstacle on my way now that I finally got the opportunity! Do you heard what I said?" Mo Fengshi was calm but his eyes were transmitting the laser light glance, that if possible it may penetrate Father Tahin's body any minute.

"Why are you getting restless to make this happen? I am really unaware what you want from this marriage Fengshi? I'm sure the company doesn't urgently needs alliance so why are you helping my friend at all....What if she deny-...."

Mo Fengshi cut his words in the middle and enunciated his words,"She can't!"

His eyes showing the extreme level of satisfaction and contentment within it.

Father Tahin couldn't say more.

In an instant his phone rang----

To escape from Mo Fengshi's wrath, he picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID,

"Hello, It's Mo Tahin, chairman of Mo Corporation, who I might be talking to?"

Meanwhile At Stars Residence-----

Xiao Ming hesitated at first then spoke,"It's Xiao Ming, my friend. I wonder how you didn't get to recognise me....I have something to talk with you regarding Fengshi"

Mo Tahin's senses froze the moment he heard Xiao Ming say 'Fengshi'. As he picked the call for the very cause, to avoid him, but how can he disregard his friend when his son's already sitting in front of him.

He controlled his awkwardly voice and nervousness while Mo Fengshi was starting to catch the hint that something was unusual about the phone call.

"Yeah hello....Pardon me! So what's the matter?" He still wasn't calm and his hands started trembling. Fortunately the phone was still in his grip. He tightens his grip and with professional tone,"Why aren't you saying? Is anything wrong?"

He doesn't wanted Mo Fengshi to suspect anything regarding this call, for, he was afraid that Xiao Ming is going to say that his daughter disagreed to this marriage.

Xiao Ming was confused about his friend's weird behaviour, as he wasn't the one facing Tahin's scary son.

Mo Fengshi got the gist of his conversation when Tahin acted awkwardly asking what's wrong. He stood up from his chair quickly, and grabbed the phone out of Mo Tahin's grip, looking at the caller ID, flashing the name he had already guessed...

'Xiao Ming! Interesting!'

"Yes Elder Ming! It's me, Fengshi here. Father had some urgent work so he gave the phone for me to attend....may I know the reason for calling us in the mid afternoon. Aything urgent? If it's regarding company I'll make sure th-..."

"No! No dear child! You are already helping our family a lot. I had called your Father to ask about you only. I have something important to inform as well as ask you....Ah Feng! My daughter. ....."

Mo Fengshi's face turned grim as he wondered if things are going out of his control...Mo Tahin was trembling in fear for the same reason.

He put aside his suspicions for a second and acted pitifully, "What are you talking about...Sir? Kindly tell me....your daughter...has she refused to marry me?"

His tone was pitiful to the point that Xiao Ming also got tricked and wanted to assure him to not worry, but in Fengshi's mind, he wanted to turn this world upside down if he's going to get defeated this easily.

He's not going to pull his legs back. If he had set his eyes onto something , it must be his. If he had decided to marry her then he must, it's as certain as existence of the sun, moon, sky, land and the life.

'Xiao Jane! You are mine and mine only! No one can snatch you away from me! If you will refuse, I'll create situations where you have to get convinced that your future belongs to me!' (peak red flag behaviour :0)

Xiao Ming laughed as he continued, "No my child, sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but, that's not the matter at all....in fact she...she agreed for this marriage!"

The moment he heard the news, his expressions became a little softer. He smirked slightly as his lips slided up in a triumphant smile. He asked calmly, "Then what's the problem Elder Ming?"

"Ah Feng! Actually I.....I was asking if....if you can come to meet...to meet Ah Jane! She wants to meet you anytime soon! So I am asking you this favor as well.... if you can make out some time from your busy schedule and could meet our Ah Jane! What's your...." Xiao Ming was getting anxious with every word.

Mo Fengshi couldn't believe his ears when he got to know that it was Xiao Jane who proposed this meet up fisrt. He loosened his tie around his collar, sat majestically on the sofa and replied in a obligatory tone,"Why not Elder Ming! How can I ever refuse you. I, for sure, will meet her soon. Hmm....How about the day after tomorrow. It's my weekly off that day and I can properly use....I mean I can meet Miss Xiao properly without external disturbances or office issues!"

"Okay child! This is really thoughtful of you! Then also set the venue and time, making a reservation, so it would be easy for Ah Jane to find you. I'll tell her all the details tomorrow"

"Sure Elder Ming! Tell her to meet me at The House of Ofelia restaurant, around 10 am in the morning!"

"But child that's very expensive restaurant....how could this simple meeting can happen at such-.."

"It's really fine Elder Ming! After all its my first meeting with Miss Xiao and I don't want her first meet with me any less worthy. I simply don't want to disappoint her or you Elder!" Mo Knew what he was doing while crafting his every word like a skilled magician.

"It's your gratefulness child! May my Ah Jane stays happy and comfortable besides you!" Xiao Ming said these words in gratefulness but in his mind he wasn't really willing to marry his daughter to someone she doesn't know that well.....let alone love him. He really wasn't convinced.

'Don't worry Xiao Ming! It's been a contract marriage and your daughter will going to get her freedom soon! So as the child Fengshi!' he recalled in his mind.

"Okay son! Be blessed!" With this Xiao Ming disconnected the call and sighed.

"What's in your mind Fengshi?" Mo Tahin asked gathering some courage in a suspicious way.

"It's none of your concern Mr. Mo! Go and enjoy with your mistress Tian Bei and leave my matter for myself! You should be happy as you came for some use."

"Fengshi! She's your mother! Is it right to call her by her name, calling her a mistress?" Mo Tahin was fuming with anger.

"No! I'm aware of her position, that she truly deserve. She's not my mother! I only had one mother and she had died years ago!" He stated with a glimpse of pain and anger in his eyes.

"Why are you so stubborn Fengshi? Can't you see how much she loves you? She care for you as her own son!" Mo Tahin tried to defend her second wife.

"Yeah,.... Own son.... It's only because she couldn't bear to hold her own child in that womb anymore! It's great she got it miscarriaged, and is infertile since then! Guess she doesn't have any option other than that!" the sharp words out of his mouth was extremely hurtful.

"Fengshiiii!!!!!! You ungrateful child! How can you..." Mo Tahin yelled but couldn't complete his words.

"I can! You may have forgotten your first wife and my one and only mother after her death but let me tell you Mr. Mo! I had only one mother and it doesn't matter for me if a random woman takes care of this house and you for her personal benefits!" he made himself clear and turned his way.

Mo Tahin wanted to yell more but he knew it's of no use. How can he forget his first wife. The love of his life. But what happened in the past was unforgivable.

Mo Fengshi was a stubborn child as far as Mo Tahin knows .... and if he wants something, no power in the universe can stop him.

Mo Fengshi left the room, the door closing loudly.

Mo Tahin was sitting there alone, speechless.... knowing that nothing's going to be peaceful anymore. The way his son has chosen is the path to his own demise.