18) A Rain and A Wind Storm!

Previously, at the restroom where Song Lin and Xiao Jane met after Lin's call.

"Oh I remembered, who is he? What's his name and what's he doing at your table?"

"Uhh....he?....Oh God!...I didn't ask for his name yet! What was I even doing!!" Song Lin surrendered her honest yet idiotic mistake.

"Lin Lin!!!"


"....why your computer brain fails to work at a time like this!!! We'll talk about this later, it's getting late. Let's take the risk and agree to what he says for now,... this time I won't let things go out of my hands!" she seemed confident.

"Good Lord! Great! Go girl, got your weapons right?"

"Yeah! I'm out now, and don't you forget to GET HIS NAME! GOT IT? see ya later!" with the last remainder, she rushed out of the restroom.

"Oh Heavens, save me!" she waited for some time and then left for her table.



Xiao Jane returned to her usual place and her lips curled into a little prideful smile.

"I'm sorry...., that was an important call, I hope I didn't take long!"

Mo Fengshi looked at her, gave her a gentle smile, as if he had already seen this coming.

"Mr Mo....I agree to date you for the time being!" a corporate friendly nod accompanied her words.

"I'm glad you took that decision." he seemed relieved.

"Well then, ....where have you planned to take us?" she asked, this time her smile was rather playful.

"Take us....you mean you and me Miss Xiao?"

"Who else would I refer as 'Us' if not for Us two, Mr Mo!"

He was rather stunned than being confused.

"And when would you like to go then, Miss Date?"

"Of course Today!..... Let's head out directly on our first date Mr. Mo! Do you have some place in your mind?"

She tapped her fingers, and her eyes mischievously lurking around the glass windows to look out at the weather getting darker and chilly.

'Well I swear.....I didn't see this coming' he thought as his gaze followed hers outside the windows.

'I told him it should be today, but now that weather's at its wrath, it will get postponed as I wanted. Till then, I'll get time to think things clearly!'

Mo Fengshi was still trying to figure out the sudden affirmative yet astonishing response of Xiao Jane.

Xiao Jane must be smart, but her husband-to-be was smarter than her presumption. He's a businessman who can turn any possible opportunity to his favor. He's not an easy nut to crack. Especially after this whole effort he had put onto this plan.

"Well it's raining..... and I don't think My Lady Date would agree to go out anywhere open, rather than a roofed place...."

He responded as calmly as the world got added a few more billion years to it's age.

'Great! Now he will say we should wait until next time! My trick worked!'

Just when Xiao Jane tried to say further onto this, his words again strikes the mid air,

"You asked me Miss Xiao if I have some place in my mind,.....well,... I do!" his tall figure stood up and his muscular hands reached forward at Xiao Jane in order to ask for permission.

Xiao Jane was shocked beyond words. She could have changed the topic but at the moment, when she's witnessing his broad gentle hands being offered to her, how can she refuse him. She had tried enough already to exhaust herself to the fullest.

Her eyes glued to his extended forearm, she looked into his eyes, her mind getting exploded with questions and doubts.

Recklessly she landed her pale cold palm into his hand, and felt a sudden current of warmth passing inside her through it.

He took her hand gently and made her stand from her chair.

The thunder lightning stroked the sky, making it visible to Xiao Jane the infinite magical aura capturing her in daze, coming out of Mo Fengshi's radiant face and body.

'God you have to look for my back. To be honest, ...I don't think I can trust myself anymore. But I'm counting on you, so please God, help me!' her vapour of thoughts accumulated as a puddle in her head, revealing itself through light yet significant sweat drops.

Silence engulfed the time running between them. Both of them made their ways towards Mo Fengshi's luxury Black Trevita, shining inside the parking lot, a marvelous sight for a passanger.

'As far as I know.... this model had been on stock last week and only two cars were on sale!....I.... I really underestimated him didn't I !

He pulled the passanger door for Xiao Jane, accompanying her just after and started the car.

"Where are we g-going?" her inner courage surfaced out a little.

"Let your beautiful eyes witness it yourself, Jane!" he remarked as his seductive yet captivating smile played it's way through her eyes.

Listening her name out in his voice made a rush of strong blood current passing through her whole body. Her mind was already a mess, yet his words were of no help to cool it down, counterwise aided it.

She was sure if her heart could be monitored under the machine, her straight face will be of no use. Her hidden sentiments will be out.

'Jane?...Jane!....How can his lips utter this word in such a way..... it's making me feel weird yet tickling!'

Mo Fengshi was constantly side looking her, he pulled his shirt sleeves a bit about his elbows, and rushed his car in the wild drizzle of sky.

Xiao Jane couldn't stop her thumping heart, maybe a mixed feeling, nervousness, anxiety, excitement....or fear.

As soon as Song Lin occupied her seat after her secret talk with Xiao Jane, she can sense the danger signals alarming her to move as soon as possible.

"Are you planning to leave Miss?" the recently familiar voice interrupted her train of thoughts.

'Why? Who are you? A mind reader? Why are your so called predictions so true!..Wahhhh I hate this!' she looked at him with vacant eyes.

"Nope. I'm planning to spend my whole day sitting here with you, as your stunning looks are making my heart vibrate with every passing second!" her tone a little serious, yet she knew she was mocking him.

'How was it Mr.-....oh! I've to ask for his name right or Jane Jane would kick me outside.'

"Well you're really bold with your words Miss S- ,....umm, Miss!"

She witnessed the unbelievable flushed cheeks adamantly covering his whole magnificent face.

'Am I seeing things or did he actually blushed because of my words! What a weirdo! Can't escape a little sarcasm!'

"Of course I am, without a doubt Mr.-.....Oh right what's your name.....I forgot to ask, I was in rush!" she played smoothly.

His lips smirked as he gazed in her eyes through his sapphire blue oceanic eyes.

Song Lin can swear in the name of her beloved machines that see hadn't cared for a while, but his remarkable features were leaving a deeper inference in her mind.

As she was about to ask for his name twice, she saw Xiao Jane and Mo Fengshi leaving towards the exit together.

'She is leaving alone with him, for real? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW??'

She screamed in her head deafening every single brain cell. She stood up nonchalantly and literally ran towards the exit door, following her was the same blue eyed man.

"Shall We?" Mo Fengshi started the car as they both got settled inside it. The seat was big and comfortable. It was very gentle, the way he treats her, even when they met just a couple of hours ago.

She can feel the lounging cologne again, this time with more intensity. They were seated closer to each other. That cologne was driving her crazy. One more time, her small pink nose welcomed the fragrance and, that brown eyes of hers got closed.

The sky was still covered with the dark blanket, sprinkling the tiny transparent pearls with more speed and agility. The rain became hostile. The car windows getting hit by it were making a beautiful rhythm, creating a chaos in Xiao Jane's broken heart string.

'This feeling is familiar as well as new at the same time. I can feel the rain making its way to my heart! Is this something I can call pleasure? And if it is, it's really healing me from inside.'

His appearance in Xiao Jane's life was troublesome, yet soothing and calming as the monsoon rain.


Song Lin almost reached the parking lot, but unluckily, she stood there, because all she could see was a shadow of a black Trevita passing just seconds ago.

She can feel her heart wrestling inside her cavity, her mind devoid of senses. Her body can feel, she might fall on the ground if couldn't resist her weight, along with her weight of thoughts.

"I think it's time you should head back Miss Song!" a generous voice made its way, as a hand helped her to stand firm of the place.

He guided the clueless Song Lin to her car.

"I am looking forward to hear more from you, if you can manage to find someone called Zhang Wei, till then I will definitely miss you!" his low breathy voice perfectly pulled her mind into reality.

He left for his car and disappeared in the thick moist of fog and rain.

"What was that? What does he wan-...Zhang Wei if I heard him clear!"

She thought not to waste her time on him, but the incomplete introduction and his last words, were forcing her to get deeper into this mess. This stunning mess named Zhang Wei, who came into her life like a windy storm, coming along with the rain.