22) Xiao Jane can't take her actions back!


"Where are you?...I.... I'm coming to take you back!" After following the directions given by Xiao Jane, she rotated her wheels as fast as she could.

Song Lin arrived at the destination in less than forty minutes with her vigorous driving.

Xiao Jane was waiting, impatiently, avoiding the fact that Mo Fengshi was still there, inside the kitchen.

The silence was screaming the hell out of Xiao Jane. She was desperately waiting to leave the tensed air. She had no choice after what she had done. Especially after that girlfriend boyfriend talk.

'Well it's not like I did that alone! He was involved too right! Why he wants me to take responsibility alone? I might have controlled myself if he had rejected it....,

but ...what if he had rejected it? Would I've felt disappointed.....or may be a little hurt! C'mon brain, stop processing this burden, I....I need to leave!'

She didn't even bothered to glance back towards kitchen even after feeling a dense gaze upon her existence. Mo Fengshi brought a glass of water.

"Here! You had a long day, drink it!"

"Thank you..." she held the glass of water and gulped it down. His constant stares were giving her butterflies.

"So my girlfriend -"

*Honk...…Honk....* A car screeched at the front yard of the penthouse.

"Finally!" she whispered and ran towards the noise. She felt like a heavy load got lifted just by hearing the sound. God knows how many 'Thanks' they received for this help.

She was literally flying out of the house, as if the door will magically close if she even waste even a second.

In front of her eyes, there was her car! The fine dark blue texture covered in mud spots.

She stepped forward, followed by Mo Fengshi.

"Guess my girlfriend is embarassed after what she did....."

She looked back at him with soul piercing eyes.

"You should go now. One more minute you stay here, I'll make it impossible for you to leave today! Uncle Ming wouldn't mind if her daughter's car got wrecked accidentally and I, generously let her stay safe from this heavy rain, under my roof....."

Xiao Jane ran towards the car, her heart thumping at his words. The thing she doesn't know if she felt fear from his words, or excitement.

Song Lin rolled down the glass window. Her eyes examined the in-shirt-beauty standing in front of the car, with wet hair, reddened face and guilt filled eyes.

She waved at her to sit in the car. Xiao Jane went to the passanger side, opened the door. She spared a last glance at that house and the man she spent her first kiss on.

They say when you let your desires to grow and act, it overpowers your mind.....the mind which actually stays sane, until you allow your inner voice to take the steering of your mind.

Something similar had happened with Xiao Jane. Her ultimate desire of getting together with someone who can give her affection, care, attention and most importantly....love, lead her to one of the most contradicting situation of her life.

After being alone and aloof for past six years, her heart finally gave up in front of someone she merely knows.But her heart denied the fact that he's a stranger. Rather he felt like someone familiar, like a fragment of her inner consciousness.

She wondered, what was that captivating about him? His radiant purple eyes..... which happened to sparkle with each glance he spared on her. Or his seductive husky voice .....when he whispered 'Xiao Jane' under his heavy and warm breath. Or his body... which passed a wave of current filled with warmth and care from him.

Xiao Jane was confused. She was regretting her actions in her mind but her crazily pounding heart affirms the opposite. She's his girlfriend now. His words were getting repeated like a telecast broadcasting on a television.

She sat inside the car, closed the door and felt the vibration all over her body when the engine of the car started. Song Lin drove out of the penthouse and after a while,they were on the highway.

Song Lin tried to take a glance at Xiao Jane's still straight face. She wanted to ask everything again. In brief. From her own lips. From her direct self,... that Why and How this happened.

She arranged the letters in her head, made a couple of words and then her lips uttered, "What now?"

Xiao Jane was still facing the front, doomed in her thoughts, took a while and replied....

"I'm done! I... I'm done Lin Lin! Now I can't take my actions back! I'm done for real this time!" her lips were trembling when she explained her feelings.

Song Lin was a little shocked at her words. She thought that although Jane Jane was responsible for this event, but kissing someone nowdays is pretty common.

'Why is she so troubled? Does first kiss actually makes you feel at heavens, and at hell at the same time when you start regretting it? I can't even imagine!'

Xiao Jane glanced at Song Lin, who was driving in her under-top.

"I didn't notice at start but how come you're....." she questioned her but stopped when she saw Song Lin making a poker face at her.

Song Lin shifted her eyes,

"All thanks to you my girl!" she replied mockingly as she pulled the gear.

"You went back to home? Did anyone see you?" her eyes still on Song Lin's face waiting eagerly for her response.

"Look girl, I know you are curious but for God's sake don't make me remember my foolish actions! I feel like an idiot thinking about it, but also like a superhero at the same time!" a victorious smile played on her lips.

Xiao Jane was still looking at her face, trying to figure out her words but in vain. Her mind meditated hard, in silence, to break the code of her words even after knowing it would be a waste.

Her silence broke when Song Lin spoke up, "Have you heard of someone called Zhang Wei?" her words were firm and curious.

'Now why this name broke out all of sudden!' she said in her mind.

"Well...I have heard from Guan that he's some sort of business tycoon too." she replied casually.

'Wow girl! You recognized him as soon as I mentioned the name but you had no idea about your marriage interest! Heavenly watermelon!!! Guide her please!!' Song Lin turned towards her, with a poker faced smile, again.

"Is that so Miss Xiao?"

"What much are you expecting from me? I seemed to know his identity by pure luck. To be honest I've never seen his face. You know business people sucks!" she giggled as if she hadn't kissed a businessman a while ago.

"Sure! Sure! Your job is not related to business does it?"

"What-? It's not even worth mentioning in this business topic!" she opposed the statement passed by the great Song Lin.

"Not even your future husband you kissed so passionately? Is he not a business guy?" She said what Xiao Jane was fearing to hear.

Song Lin rolled her eyes and focused on driving.

"Well from which ocean you found this name Zhang Wei? Is it the same man sitting at your table? And what's his deal?" she tried to dig in.

"Let me take you home first annddd.....we also need to escape our parents won't we?"

Song Lin indicated her shirt-ful attire and her top-less one.

Both of them gulped down their throats as they knew nothing good will come out from being caught red handed.

Song Lin wasn't ready to wear her rain drenched coffee coloured round tank top, while Xiao Jane was also hesitating to change back into the sticky and moisty royal blue clothing.

Xiao Jane was confused about how Song Lin managed to wet her freaking dry-cleaned body but Song Lin had already heard at phone about her shirt-in condition.

She observed the uncanny resemblance of doubtful face of hers and whispered,

"I jumped out of the window!"

Xiao Jane processed her sentence in 0.001 seconds and was able to react with, "WHAT?" only.

"Mother Cheng came to inspect the room. You think I would have been forgiven after saying that I left your precious daughter somewhere alone, not to mention with they guy she's about to marry for convience."

"Holy Sheep! So you escaped out of the window? Song Lin of Song Enterprises you really are awesome girl!"

"Hehe! But my back's a little sprained, I need to take care of a lot of things" she said. Their car had reached the destination.

"Before entering, let's clear some things. How did that Fengshi guy let you go this easily after all that?" she looked at her suspiciously.

Xiao Jane averted her gaze. Hesitation sweats were coming out of her forehead.

"How would you react if I say.....I got myself a new boyfriend..."

Song Lin was dumbfounded. She snickered a laugh in amazement. So the business guy is trying to woo her bestie, and seems like he's succeeding. This progress on his very first attempt. Xiao Jane is really done for now.

"I wonder what Guan would say when I tell him how you got tricked into becoming a girlfriend of your future husband, haha!"

Xiao Jane couldn't say anything, she knew what she did and what she's responsible for.

"But how did you even manage to get his name and come back home, tell me everything in detail."

Song Lin seemed tensed but she was willing to tell everything about this Zhang Wei guy.