28) A Business Deal

The window was wide opened and a manly figure can be acknowledged on the luxury armchair, holding a glass of shot. Half filled with Scotch and ice cubes, he took a sip while flipping the file pages with the other hand.

"You can check the amount required for this design and after that...., cross check on the quality of materials that will be used in it's manufacturing!" a pale wrinkled faced old man in his fifties with silver lined hair spoke in the middle. He was standing in front of the man who enjoying his shots.

The man checked the proposal part first. It was written that collaboration with Chai Manufacturers for the designing of the basic materials would be carried out from this partnership. Benefits would be in favor of both parties.

After checking the initial prepositions, his eyes landed on the amount and type of materials used.

"Hmm, the material would be nickel and gold! I like that!" he said firmly. He gently put down his shots glass on the table. Then said again, "But the price is....." he stopped and stared at the old man.

The aged fellow gulped down his own saliva, his eyes twitching in fear. He instantly spoke, "I too think it's unnecessarily high we-" his words left incomplete in air as the same bold voice striked back.

"Nah! That wasn't I mean! It's too low than what I am willing to pay. Anyways, I'm willing to pay 20% more if needed but," the silence spoke for itself. The cold wind coming from the window made the old man tremble.

"Sir we-" his weak voice tried to explain but,

"But,.....if the quality of materials wouldn't live up to my expectations..." his eyes glued to that poor old man as he assured back,

"Don't worry Sir! That won't happen in thousand years! They are trustworthy people...! I am sure we will be at gain..!" he said, his eyes a little lower to see the man's broad collar, as sweat started dripping out from his forehead.

The man on the armchair laughed amusingly and chuckled softly. He opened his lips again, "I do want that Mr. Li! After all, it's the first time our company wants to extend our working potential from website designing to system manufacture. You must know that I am not trustful of others assets in my very own designing! Now it's time to get my own control over the systems!"

He checked the last line of the last page of the file and signed on it. He glared professionally at old man Li Hao when he slowly took the files back.

"Thanks for trusting my recommendation Mr. Zhang! I'll make sure this deal will work out to it's best! It's my assurance!" he told him with confident eyes.

Zhang Wei smiled at him. The man can sense a deadly aura around his voice, when he said, "My part is done. Now Mr Li, I am looking forward to welcome the abilities of Chai Manufacturers' and it's owner! What do you say?"

"Ahh.. that would be really great Mr. Zhang! You can get him tomorrow! He's kind of busy with something, but if it's for business, he can't step back in such circumstances! I.. I'll send you his location tomorrow morning that can be suitable for the meeting!" he stood up from his place.

"Then.... you won't dare to disappoint me..., right Mr. Li! You can leave!" his voice echoed in the hollow room and the old man ran out of the lion cave as fast as he could.

'Dare to deceive me? Not a chance!' his lips smirked as he holds back on his shots glass and stared at his phone.


"He signed it finally!" a hoarse old voice sighed while looking at those files. His eyes were shining with the bright papers of file containing the rarest signature of this industry in red ink.

"He also wants to meet you! I suggest tomorrow would be a good day, I've already informed him and now, I want you to meet him as soon as possible! His presence is enough to scare me. I don't even want to mention the things he can do when his deals go wrong!" Li Hao spoke with pleading voice and a terrified face.

Bao Chai laughed at his reaction and pressed his hands on his shoulder and tapped on it.

"Aren't you behaving extremely cowardly Mr. Li? " The old man Bao Chai made him sit and offered him some water.

"He's a young man.... and we are in this field days before he even existed! Here, have some water and don't be so stress-"

"I'm not behaving cowardly Mr. Chai! It's you who are being overconfident here!" he tried his best to reason with the mindless and greedy businessman.

"I've warned you enough and from now on, it's on you to bear the upcomings of this deal!" he gave his last words of wisdom and left the room.

The chubby old guy listened, and cracked into a nasty laughter. "Ha! Very funny of him to think that, I, Bao Chai, would be afraid of a little boy! I'm sure he's all talk and no action!"

He told himself as his voice hardened with anger. How dare other people are telling him to be aware of a boy. A baby boy in his twenties. He threw the file at his desk and brought himself to the mini bar at the corner of his lobby.


Zhang Wei headed back to his room. He threw the jacket on his bed and sat down on the couch.

'Troublesome people! I can't believe I had to sign the deal! If it weren't for the target we have set, I would never had spared a glance to this futile deal!'

*Knock Knock*

The door of his room got knocked. He turned his gaze, raising his right eyebrow.

"Come in!"

He saw the housemaid standing outside with a tray placing a refreshment drink on it.

"Sir! Here's your hot chocolate grinned with hazelnut and topped with chocolate cream!" she said and put the glass on the table.

"Hmm! You may go!" he uttered and grabbed the drink.

"Sir if you won't mind, ...you never asked for this drink ever before....I mean..." she hesitated to ask further but her curiosity was on ninth cloud.

He remained silent for a second, then chuckled and said, " I have seen some people liking it! I wondered if,.... I as well might find it to my liking..!" he said and met her gaze.

"You're absolutely right sir! Although not all people like this kind of proportional drinks.....but whoever likes it, I might say they have an exceptional taste!" she said and took her leave.

"You're right, ..... People with exceptional taste, .....and I like exceptions!" he mumbled and sipped the drink.

"It's...., it's nice!" he couldn't believe he's tasting something this sugary sweet and chocolatey, but his mind tricked him into liking it.

'I wonder what that she's upto...., it's just yesterday we met and I need to know what new things she's planning to do! Hah!' he lied down on his bed.


Sipping her hot chocolate grinned with hazelnut and topped with chocolate cream, Song Lin stared at Xiao Jane who was in turn staring at her phone for hours now.

"What the hell are you trying to burn with your intense gaze?" she asked, making the *slurp* voice.

Xiao Jane didn't listened to her and was typing and erasing something multiple times on her phone. She seemed confused.

"You dared to ignore me damsel! Let's see what you're up to?" she put her drink aside and snatched her phone from her grip.

"Heyyy!!! Wait a second!" Xiao Jane protested impatiently. But she missed her chance and Song Lin had already snatched the phone.

"Ohh!! Saving a number! But why it's saying 'Purple stones'? What type of crap is this?" she asked in amusement.

Xiao Jane snatched back the phone from her grip and replied hurriedly, "It's really nothing! It's m-my colleague overseas....n-nothing else!" and turned her head away from her mocking eyes.

"Ohh....! But girl,...why are you being so impatient and nervous? Although, it's nothing strange and you always act like this. Crazy and childish!" laughing at her annoyed face, Song Lin sat back at the chair, continuing to finish her beverage.

Xiao Jane didn't reply, but a silly smile played on her lips. She tapped again something on the phone and placed it back on the bed.

'Guess..., I have to find 'purple stones' now!' Song Lin thought as she glanced at Xiao Jane's back.

"Isn't it funny that we ran into Demoness today! What are we even manifesting in our lives Jane Jane!"

"Who cares LinLin, all I care about now is to take a quick rest, we need to pack again to visit granny's."

It all happened the night before Han Zuana's birthday. Back to the present, they got invited in her birthday party and it's around 7pm. They need to reach the venue, with Han Zuana's gift.