40) End of the Party (Season 1 finale)

From variety of human emotions, the few we feel for a lover or partner are Passion, Love and Desire. These are the three interwined yet distinct forces that drive human connection.

Mo Fengshi didn't know what exactly he felt at that moment. He was blinded by the rage and desire for the woman lying in front of him. The force destructing his mind was clouding his judgements.


Her soft words seemed to caress the atmosphere, her pale body swaying gently, like a delicate flower in a garden.

He froze at his place upon hearing her voice. His eyes fell in despair after realising his irrational and unnecessary actions. He pulled back from her lips.

"You…. are awake? How are you feeling?"

She blinked her eyes. The lavish lighting of the mini chandelier flashed upon her eyes.

"Where am I?"

"You collapsed back in the party. I couldn't possibly let you go home in this condition, so I brought you at my company's hotel."