42) Interwined paths

As the weekend lingered, Sunday morning unfolded with a gentle serene beauty, radiating from the windows of Xiao Jane's bedroom.

She woke up around 7 am , her body felt heavy since yesterday, but after a good rest, she was good to go with the day.

Getting a good shower with her favourite lavender and chamomile body wash, a sense of rejuvenation washed over her, leaving her feeling refreshed, renewed and radiant.

'Yesterday feels like a dream...., I can't even remember when that birthday party of hers became something so exhausting for me. I should have left when I had time..., but I got to know something...., Mo Fengshi and Zhang Wei are together in this, whatever they are planning.'

She slipped into a soft pink one-piece dress, and it's delicate hue perfectly complemented her radiant complexion. She was looking as stunning as always.