47) Clash and Controversy

"How come these two influential businessmen chose to follow Mr Song, instead of opting for a hotel..., I wonder,"

His words weren't just words. They were a threat upon the two men who showed up unannounced, daring to interact with his superiors in such a casual manner.

"We had our reasons."

"No need to respond to him Fengshi, we are not here to satisfy everyone's curiosity, right umm..., who are you again?"

Song Tae laughed at the light banter his words contained. Huang Lihua patted his back and passed him the bowl of seaweed soup.

"Here, it's my favourite from Korean food, have some taste!"

The emergence of seethed anger could be seen in Sheng Nuan's eyes. He couldn't afford to lose his respect in their eyes, hence he started by introducing himself first.