64) The City Chaos


"What double plan you were trying to play with us?"

"The current head of Black Vipers, Ji Shilging, is ruthless. I am planning to take him down."

"But, when did you start scheming all this?" asked Xiao Jane.

"I knew you would eventually come to Ha Xera...., because I already had heard of these two men's arrival from Gray Market."

An uneasy air lingered in the atmosphere. Friends or foes? What outcome have this plan beared them.

'Thank God Sheng Nuan isn't here...., or I would be banned from taking steps outside of the house,' thought Song Lin, who was biting her nails, because she knew that the name Ha Xera can never bring calm, rather it brings calamity.

"What about Gray Market.....," a worried sigh followed Xiao Jane's words when she realised,

'It wasn't as simple as I thought....'