Blind Them

The pressure was dying down and I knew that whatever chances I had for an attack while Dol was weakened decreased. Aura concentrated into a single point and the enchantments that threatened to shatter the tower ceased. The tower stopped shaking.

Gwen stared up at me her eyes two beautiful black saucers. "This is it. If we go any further there is no turning back. We might not come back for many years." Gwen said.

Doppel placed a hand on my shoulder. "You could try fighting your instincts. I know it's difficult, but we could be happy here. Have you forgotten about Star?" Doppel said.

Star my adorable spiderling friend was still far behind at our base. Three of the surviving goblings were with her. It felt like a lifetime ago when I saved her from this place. Destroying this place without her felt wrong but I needed to move forward. Something deep inside me called for blood.

��I miss her games and tricks." I leaned my head back and focused my mind on those few good times. Then I remembered the smug sound of that guy's voice. "This might be our only chance to kill Dol." I said.

Gwen shook her head. "That isn't the reason. You want to fight. I don't think its wrong to follow your instincts." Gwen looked at Doppel. "Don't let them consume you." Gwen said.

"They are apart of you not the other way around. Enjoy them but don't forget to temper them." Doppel said.

Our eyes met and I felt a thousand conversations pass between us. She a creature of instinct was telling me not to let them consume me. Wasn't that what I was doing? I wanted to fight Dol because something in my blood demanded it. Was I any different than Gwen hungry for brains?

But that didn't mean this was the wrong choice. Killing Dol could avert the counter force. That wasn���t my reason. Every fight had forced me to use different tactics. I've come to an inch of life a few times only to be saved by Gwen and Doppel.

"Will you help me fight? I won't ask either of you to put yourselves in danger, but will you fight with me?" I asked. They glowed with psychic power and I could feel their presence in my mind.

"Do you even have to ask?" They spoke in my mind. A small smile spread across my face.

I kicked open the door to the next floor. Gwen and Doppel came walked in behind me psyblades ready for anything. These next floors would be the end of this adventure.

Sweat beaded down my face while we ascended the stairs. We were cut off from outside noises. Only the sounds of my footprints and Gwen's gasps of exhaustion broke the silence. Something was about to happen, I felt it in my bones.

I gripped Diabla hard while we ascended the stairs. The next guardian was Dol's last line of defense. It would be the final test to determine if I was strong enough to take on Dol.

The final door was a plain brown. Nothing special adorned the door. Still power eradiated from the other side of the door at vast levels. We had to do this, I had to win. The thought filled me with anxiousness.

I kicked open the door and blocked a blow from Amon. The specter pulled out a heavily enchanted dagger and stabbed for my guts. Its hand suddenly stopped from Gwen's telekinesis. Amon turned his head and unleashed a powerful shriek. Gwen gripped her head and stumbled back. I raised my hand to the specter and unleashed a purge.

Concentrated light slammed into the specter blasting him back and throwing his dagger to the side. He growled and threw himself at the dagger. Doppel pointed her psyblade and extended it like a laser. Before the blow hit the specter turned into motes of blue light before appearing in front of Gwen. He waved his hand and a shadow opened. Out of the shadow a whiskered ghostly cat with a skeletal fish biting its ghostly barbed cat dick stepped out.

Gwen materialized two psyblades and stabbed them into the cat's chest before the Amon vanished again. Icy cold blades of a dying star appeared from the cat's paws before he began dueling Gwen. I summoned the Hounds of Vowmark enchanted them with haste and aimed them at the cat. Doppel's psyblade caught Amon's right before it would have stabbed into my back.

"Stop trying to help us and focus on killing this guy. He isn't even the boss." Doppel grunted. She flashed through a series of powerful sword moves aiming to turn the specter into confetti. Without Dol's enchantment Doppel was more than a match for Amon.

Amon wasn't changing out with that other monster something was going on. It could have been a weakness installed by Dol to allow Amon to be defeated. That option was there it could have been a side effect of the enchantments. My conclusion was the most logical one. The boss of this floor was doing it.

"Come out, I can sense you." I yelled. A glowing light above similar to the moon itself turned red before cracking open. Out of it a figure made of writhing red tentacles and crimson light floated to the ground. Her skin was red, and her power was out of this world. Her tits were massive which meant she was probably an area effect boss.

Mut lvl100 Moon Nightmare

Rank: Mad Plebe

"Are you curious?" A wave of tentacles fell from the shadows. I sliced through them, flapped my wings, and hovered over the floor boss. Three purges left my hand, but they didn't do a thing. The orc faced woman with the giant titties just smirked at me. Odds were good that she had something to do with the black element. Either she could negate my attacks, or her health pool was as fat as her titties. Her titties were bigger than honeydew melons.

Seven black scythe blade spells left her tentacles without a word. My eyes widened and I dodged. I thought I was the only one who could do that.

I dashed to the side of the field and sucked in a breath. This was getting dangerous. Either she could negate me outright or she was on another level. I needed to buy myself some time and think of something to hit her with. Gwen and Doppel didn't have time to put up a defense. This was going to be a hard fight.

"You asked if I was curious, about what?" For a moment the tentacles paused. For once I couldn't read her emotions through them. A good or bad sign I didn't know.

"I let you kill four of our number and carve your way up here. Don't you want to know why?" Cinder left my shoulder and was skewered instantly. She vanished in motes of red and white aura. Tentacles erupted all around me.

"We needed a knife sure, but any Plebe would do. Not every Plebe would brazenly walk into a trap knowing they were empowering their enemy. Fewer still squander their time and enjoy themselves. Darklings are different. They enjoy battle a little too much. Its what they were programmed to do. Even now I bet you feel it. Your pulse is racing like you're having sex. Pleasure chemicals are shooting to your brain. You can't fight your biology and that made you perfect for this task." Mut said.


Quest Wow With Bullshit

Reward: +20 CON +20 DEX

"I see and what's your point?" I asked. I increased Aura Rush just enough for my swirling black aura to surround me. "I love battle, killing your soldiers was a blast. Do you think yourself beyond me?" I asked.

Seven more scythe blades shoot at me. I swipe them out of the air with my left hand. A barrier of aura matched with abolish was all it took to disrupt her spell. Despite her skill distance was still a factor. The further a construct flew from the user the less control the user had over it. She should know that but her surprised expression spoke otherwise.

More tentacles came down on me and I stood in place. From the shadows they struck. Blood seeped into my mouth but I gritted my teeth through the blows. They hit like trucks but that wasn't enough to drive me to my feet. I needed to drive the point home before I reaped her xp and went on to kill Dol.

"What's going on?" Mut demanded.

"This is what you wanted. You wanted to hand a darkling a knife and let nature take its course. What did you expect would happen? We are the elites while goblings are cannon fodder." Her eyes widened. On the inside, I wasn't doing so hot. She'd wiped out about a third of my HP. Still, I had some sense of her timing now.

The tentacles rained down from every shadow including my own. Flashing lights in the distance from Gwen and Doppel's battles gave new shadows and man different avenues for her to attack. I increased Aura Rush to around 15 percent and felt my bones creaked in protest. I needed more strength, constitution, and dexterity to hold up to this kind of speed. Still the shear difference in speed was mind boggling.

I stood in front of her amidst all her tentacles currently reaching through the shadows. "Don't mind if I do." Armageddon's Chainsaw roared to life as I sliced through tentacle after tentacle and charged her. UDW roared to life as I fought through seemingly endless waves of tentacles and spells. Abolish with my left hand and field on took down the worst of her magic.

My fingers fractured and cracked under her onslaught. The closer I approached her the more damage my hand took. Her spells were getting harder to dispel.

On all sides her tentacles smashed into me. Blood leaked from my mouth and ears. Flesh ripped off my skin and I couldn't defend myself. Diabla dropped from my hand, I launched myself and fell to a knee. Three tentacles speared through my chest and I fell into them. I could feel them ripping through my chest.

"This is what your Elitism is worth. No matter how powerful you think you are, we surpassed you." Mut crowed. My hand raised up a bloody mess of crushed knuckles and skin. She didn't notice when it touched between her breasts.

The rumble of Armageddon's chainsaw was loud to hear. "Abolish, Spirit Link," I said and pushed forward with my technique. She screamed and struggled.

My health pool was almost zeroed out. I opened my mouth and began to eat.

It was delicious like a strawberry Sunday smothered in chocolate syrup. The bones in her chest gave little resistance. I opened my mouth and clamped it over her throat. When I incised all that blood flowed to me and her attacks came less. My hand finished sawing through her chest and I grabbed ahold of her heart and ripped it free. It tasted sweater than even her blood. With a toss, I downed it in a single gulp. My mouth opened wide and I bit a chunk out of her head. The bones though sturdy couldn't deal with my bite strength.

This was making me stronger than any normal xp could. My feast was quick. Bones, organs, and muscle were devoured. Even her horn wasn't spared from my hunger.


Level Up

Jacob lvl100 Black Sol Imp

HP and AP restored

+750 to HP and AP

+75 to all stats


Quest Completed: Wow With Bullshit

Rewarded: +20 CON +20 DEX

Constitution 431

Dexterity 331

Jacob lvl100 Black Sol Imp


HP 196,950

AP 319,800

Constitution 431

Endurance 421

Strength, 341

Dexterity 331

Agility 416

Intelligence 704

Perception 563

Luck 291