The Morning After

Sometime in the night the storm died down. As light slowly filtered through the curtain, I pulled myself up from the two bodies lying atop me. One was a raven-haired bar made with horns, a cute, forked tail, and almost glowing skin. Little black tattoos glowing with pink aura covered Jenny's body forming a heart above her womb. Small pink highlight tipped the ends of her hair giving her an almost gothic appearance.

My member stirred for another round, but I decided against it. If we kept going, I'd never stop.

Fortunately, I heard a knock at the door. I rushed to put my pants on flipped my dick up and struggled to seal the button. A sight escaped my lips before I struggled to tuck the giant thing between my legs down my pants leg. I sighed knowing that I was about to open the door with a 20lbs roll of roll of ground beef dangling down my left pants leg.

Diabla yawned before sticking her head through the wall. She quickly returned from her short reconnaissance. "Just a bar maid with a plate of food I'm going back to sleep wake me if something interesting happens." Diabla muttered before vanishing.

I pulled open the door to see a red headed bar maid wearing a black bra that barely covered her nipples and a thong. She pushed a massive cart full of food. "The inquisitor paid for a hearty breakfast. Most patrons new to us succubus get a little worn out their first night. You don't seem tired at all." On the wall I saw a poster.

Complete the Hagerty Challenge. I made a quest immediately.


Quest: Fuck all of Hagerty Bar's Succubi for 3 nights straight

Reward: +50 END, +50 CON, +50 DEX

I stepped around her cart and approached the poster. "Is this real?" The wench chuckled.

"I'm Elisha, my name is right there beside Frederica, Jenny, and Lily. If you can handle all four of us for 72 hours, we'll give you a gold for each of us and your name will go down in the wall of fame. If not, you'll have to pay a 30 silver. If you fall asleep, stop humping, or quit then you have to pay." Elisha said.

I snatched a sausage off one of the plates and took a bite. The meat was soft and lacked the burst of xp I was used to. The spices and salty taste were good. It made me wonder, was there a way to gain xp from merging different ingredients. The xp from the sausage was soft capped to hell. What if I ate dragon steak seasoned with some type of equally powerful plant monster and glazed with legendary spices? Did I have to eat raw meat to gain xp?

There were things about the world I wanted to know. Alchemically created pills could raise xp but what about dishes made from rare ingredients. I lacked experience.

"Thank you for the food. I'll have to come back another time to try out the challenge." Elisha stared at Jenny. Then she looked around.

"I haven't had breakfast yet. Do you want a blowjob while you eat your morning steak?" Elisha asked. A smile stretched across my face when she raised a silver lid to reveal a 64oz moose steak.

"You're spoiling me." I said.

Elisha rolled her eyes. "I'm hungry and Jenny looks too satisfied. After all my Johns passed out you were still feeding her. That isn't fair." Elisha grumbled and pushed the cart inside my room.

"Do we have to leave. The sun is too bright can't we wait until tonight." Star asked.

I shook my head and pulled up her pants. She was too drowsy to dress herself. It was almost like she was nocturnal or a resident of the underground. I knew she was, but we were supposed to act like we weren't. I hoped to this Sol Invictus that Gwen and Doppel weren't in similar states.

Personally, I felt better than ever under what little sunlight peaked through the dark clouds above. It wasn't much. That set me to a realization that wasn't really comfortable. There probably weren't any black people on this world. Well to be exact they probably developed paler skin and couldn't be distinguished from white people. Depending on just how long the ice age has gone on.

Clouds weren't supposed to surround an entire planet and blot out the sun. Magic was required to grow anything from what I could understand. That could mean that magic was used to make artificial light, alter plants to grow in low sunlight, or substitute aura for sunlight somehow.

I tossed the drowsy Star over my shoulder. She was taking forever to move, and I didn't care to wait on her. Fully dressed and wearing Diabla, I made my track down the stairs. One of Lewis's men waited at their table.

A boy a little older than 14 or 15 stood up. He was well muscled and wrapped from head to toe in bear skin. Gleaming along his chest were silver daggers, around his neck was a string of garlic easy to see, and at his hip was a blocky side arm. The gun was large, grey, and big enough for the boy to slip a gloved hand into. It looked more like something that would fit my hands than the boys. There was a look in the boy's eyes when he saw me carrying Star over my shoulder like a sack of corn.

"Is she going to be alright?" The boy asked. I gave the boy another once over and he shivered on the spot.

I nodded slowly. "She was up a little late last night. A ride in the carriage should give her time to rest." Once again, I looked the boy up and down. Not a flicker of aura came off the boy.

Janice Clay lvl15 Adolescent Human

Rank: youngling

To be accurate, Janice didn't really have a rank. He was an adolescent human, and my scans adapted his current parameters and stats to that rank and level. To even call him a youngling wasn't accurate. Younglings had access to aura which was something Janice didn't have. He was very weak.

"What are you doing in Lewis's retinue? I see your side arm, the daggers, and the garlic. None of that will save you if they chunk a rock at you." I said. Janice gulped.

"Its true what they say. Magic users can detect the strength of others. I may not be strong like the others in Lord Inquisitor Lewis's retinue but with him I can make a difference." A sigh escaped my lips.

"Do you have a family boy?" Janice shook his head. A shadow appeared over his face. He opened his mouth, but I cut him off. "Their dead and a werewolf, vampire, or demon killed them." I said.

Janice shook his head. "No sir, I was a ward of the church of Solaris in Bright Town. When the lord inquisitor came by, I volunteered and have been with him ever since. I might not be able to do much, but I'll pay back the church for taking care of me."

I rolled my shoulders, I don't always strike out but when I do, I do so spectacularly.