CHAPTER 22: Battle through the Fallen Angels to get the Milf's Heart

' If I am not wrong. Fallen Angels use completely different energy or mana from humans. I don't have that much knowledge about power system ' I thought and looked at Shuri who is losing in her thoughts.

Fairy also used a completely different Mana. We called that ' World Mana '.

In my memories, Fairy is the race that created by the Oder Of World. In other words, we are the Child of the World. We are a very weak race except from the Fairy King who wielded Holy Weapon that crafted from Scared Tree.

Disaster is another ability of Holy Weapon

' Chastiefol ' and Fairy King have another ability. That memory is still locked because my level is too low. I don't even have Wings yet. Even God does not offend that much because we are the Child of the World.

I helped her to clean our deed. I can sense Tsunade's Life Force so I don't worry that much. We both didn't chat after I kiss her lip again. But her face doesn't feel guilty that much compare to hers.

' Lala. Buy me 'Light Aura ' and ' Mana Candy ' ' I asked lala.

' That will cost 11000 points. Mana Candy is 10000 points and Light Aura is 1000 points ' lala told me.

Even though it is expensive but it gonna be worth it, I guess. Light Aura can bait Fallen Angels and other creatures that are tainted by darkness. It can only bait low tier and I also don't want to bait very strong Fallen Angels either.

Green Candy appeared in my hand and it can supply me mana for around 10 minutes. I can not use Chastiefol in my adult form because adult form consumes my mana but if I use Candy Mana , I can use Chastiefol with a time limit.

Light Aura is a one-time skill. I used Light Aura skill and Tsunade is almost reached here. Tsunade can back up me if I am going to lose. I wanted to fight with Fallen Angels so this is a perfect chance. I can kill two birds with one stone.

-------( Shuri POV )-------

' I don't want to meet him again ' I thought but my body betrayed when he kissed my lip softly.

It felt like all of my burdens have been lifted from my shoulder.

' It feels good ' I thought. I touched my lip and my mouth shaped into a smile.

' I can not win again these feelings ' I thought and he fixed my clothes. Both of us didn't say anything and the silence descent upon us.

" Is there any piece of paper to write? " Shuide asked me. I looked at his eyes even though I was trying to avoid those Blue eyes.

" Yes. " I replied to him and I took out the paper from the desk. I gave him and he took out his phone.

' Wow. That is a product of ' Argus ' Company and see-through phone. ' I am surprised a lot. Even though I lacked knowledge in the Technology field but Argus produced a new type of phone that can see another side. They produced only 100 limited phones at first and it is really expensive. I saw a lot of news about see-through phones on TV.

' He must be really rich ' I thought and he wrote down his phone number.

" If something happened to you, please call me," he told with a very concerned smile. I can only nod in front of that smile.

Suddenly the door is opened and it looked like my private time with him is over. I felt a little sadness.

" Mom look. Onee chan brought a lot of snacks for me. Even though I said to her that I didn't need them but Onee chan brought for me " my daughter told while holding a lot of snacks and Kyouka also held a lot of snacks. She even brought toys for Akeno. I thanked Kyouka and she only said ' It is fine '.

" Then I will go, Shuri and Akeno " he exited from my house and I also followed behind him. Akeno tagged along with us.

Suddenly the sky became dark and I saw two fallen Angels flew to us. I panicked before I tried to use my spell. Two light spells assaulted to us but it doesn't hit me.

I am covered by a barrier and flowers started to bloom under my feet. An extremely good smell assaulted my nose and I saw Shuide's back who is in front of me. His back is wide and gave me a safe feeling. Even though Fallen Angels are attacking the barrier but the barrier is fine. Flowers are filled on the ground inside the barrier.

" Are you fine? Shuri, " He asked me. I looked at my daughter who is sleeping on Tsunade's chest.

' I am glad ' I thought.

" Yes I am fine " I replied to him while looking at Akeno.

" Kyouka is strong. Don't worry, she can protect her " Shuide noticed my gaze and he tried to ease my worried mind.

Fallen Angels attacked the barrier continuously but they can not even put a scratch on the barrier. They stopped their attacks and they chatted among themselves. I didn't hear their conversation because they are floating in the air

" Kyouka.Protect them " Shuide told Kyouka who is beside me.

" Ok. Leave them to me " Kyouka calmly replied to him.

He suddenly floated into the air and I am surprised because he didn't have any wings but he can fly.

" Form Two: Guardian " I heard that from his mouth. The barrier turned into a large shape stuffed bear.

' It is cute ' I thought. That bear flew in front of Fallen Angels. They shot spells from their weapon and the bear tore into half but a few seconds later it turned into perfect shape. It punched the fallen Angel A and that Fallen Angel A is knocked out a few distances. The other Fallen Angel B has stopped his movements even though Shuide is in front of him.

' Blind Spell ' I thought. Fallen Angel B tried to free from Shuide's Blind Spell but he can not.

Bear restrained Fallen Angel A's hands and feet with his body from behind. Twin shaped spearhead appeared from Bear's stomach. It stabbed Fallen Angel A and Fallen Angel A turned into Status. After that, it turned into dust.

Fallen Angel B struggled more when he noticed his comrade's death. But he can not free from Shuide Free Spell and that twin spearhead stabbed into Fallen Angel B's back. Fallen Angel B also turned into the status and a few seconds later it turned into dust like his comrades.

That spear disappeared after the battle is over and he flew to us.

' He is strong ' I thought and I looked at him again.