CHAPTER 28: Card Game 3

Happy 1M views guys. Thank for reading.

I am watching back Assault Lily: Bouquet ( If you have time try that Ongoing series. Opening and Ending songs are great )

and listening K-ON Tenshin furete yo. I am being lazyass not because I want due to pain in my fingers. I will try to upload 3 Chapters for reaching 1M views.

Drop the power stone, GUYS


' Knowledge ' I read the card and it is a great card.

I showed the card to him and he nodded to me.

' lala, Are you done? ' I asked lala while thinking.

' Yes. I already checked the information that was given by that God about Mind-Reading. You can probably unlock Mind-reading ability from base on his information but this is also risky. Most of his mind-reading ability is for God like him so there is not that much use for you. ' lala answered me.

' I see. I will think about that ' I told lala.

I have every knowledge about Fairy King's ability and memories. They are just locked because I am weak. Lala is part of me so she can access my locked Fairy King's memories freely like Tsunade's brother's case. I just need to get the strength to get my locked memories.

I made a confused face to make that god confused but I don't know, he brought it or not. I have 30℅ chances to kill him and I don't even need to worry about my life force because if I kill that god, I will become Campione and my life span will become unlimited.

I don't want more useless information from him because my head probably can not take more information. I don't want to risk. The thoughts can make a clouded judgment.

I am already gambling my life even though I hate gambling.

' Should I ask his weakness?' I discussed lala.

' No. Existence called Gods has only one weakness that is your Holy Weapon. The cheap trick will not work on him, you should put everything. You have me and I will never let you die. Fairies are more than difficult to die when they become alone in existence. He also knew this if he kills you, the world will try to deny him forever ' lala encouraged me.

'Haha. You don't need to worry about anything. ' I told lala. I felt the burden gas been lifted.

' Sigh, He forced me to gamble my race ' I told lala.

' That is impossible to take away your race because you are connected with me. I came from One Above All. His power is pretty useless against me. He can probably take away your Holy Weapon and you can buy a new one. You can become stronger not because of Holy Weapon but because of me ' lala answered me.

' I see. Tsk. If you know, tell me early. I was sweated a lot and I need to take care a lot of this after this shit is over ' I told lala. I trusted lala more than anything because she is part of me and she knew everything about me so I need to put a truth.

I will use around 1500 my Life Force to win and if I can not still win. I will surrender. A fairy can live over 1000 years and Fairy King can live over 2500 years so I want to safe play.

' Well, If he kills me, I will die. Very Simple ' I thought.

' By the way, How did you know that much ' I asked lala

' Hmm Hmm. I know what I know ' Lala answered me. If she has faced, her face is probably smug.

His actions are very difficult to predict. I hate when my plans went wrong like today's events.

' I should ask Sacred Gear. It looks like he knows about them very well. I don't want to ask him about Fairy things that much because he didn't know about a fairy that much ' I thought. He told me that I am the first Fairy King he met so yep I don't know how much his knowledge is accurate.

' lala, Do you have an artifact or skill that can contain memories ' I asked lala.

' Yep. I have but that skill is really expensive but I will give you a loan to buy it because of our situations. It cost around 1,000,000 points and I will recommend you to think carefully. You can use e loan one time per year. You can use a loan to buy pills ' lala told me.

' Damm. ' I told myself. I thought a few minutes. I included lala's words and I decided to buy that skill.

' I see. You probably have a plan to win ' lala told me.

[ Host brought the Skill ' Memories Books '.

Memories Books - You can change Certain memories into the book to protect them from stealing or prevent from overloading memories

. The host can only read those books and those books can not break anyone. Books will be stored in skill. ]

[Name - Komiya Takuya

Age - 18(T)

Strength -20

Agility - 21

Mana - 200

Charm - 60

Race - Fairy King

Weapon - Chastiefol

Points - 236900 points (- 1,000,000 )

Skills - Hypnosis Seme, Charm(Passive), Incubus's Smell, Sound Barrier, Unseen Hands(lv2), Resistance(Passive), Mind Defense Breaker, Body Alter, Memory Books

Harem Function

Shop Function

Servants Function

Battle Function]

" Give me Knowledge about ' Sacred Gear ' all you know, " I asked him.

" Are you sure? Even though you are Fairy King. You are body is too immature to keep a lot of powerful memory" That kid asked me with a smile.

" No, I already have a solution to take care of that problem," I told him. If I lose Holy Weapon, I will find Longinus user and I will take his.

" I see. I see. You choose a good one's. I thought you are going to ask your Fairy's thing. I invented some Sacred Gear so I knew about them a lot " that kid answered me with a bright smile

" I will give you everything I know. I wonder can you make a new Sacred Gear?. Try to create new ones " that kid suggested to me.

That kid sent information and I activated my skill. Even though I activated that skill, it hurt a lot. It felt like my brain is toasted and burnt out.

I screamed inside and that kid looked at me with an amazed smile. It took me more than 1 hour to settle my pain and over 10 Books are created.

" Clap Clap. You are amazing. I thought to blow your head with many information but you surprised me again and again. It looks like, your skill work pretty well " that kid told me.

I am holding my heads because of pain. I heard his words but I am in no condition to talk.

' It is done. They will definitely become useful in the future ' lala told me.

' Thank ' I thanked him.