CHAPTER 61: Saeko

I carried her body into Princess-carry and I kissed her soft lip swiftly. Her wet lip is soft and gave me a fluffy feeling. Saeko immediately replied to my kiss immediately and our wet lips touched each other. Saeko kissed me back clumsily and sloppy but she tried to match my pace. She tried to adjust the kiss, the best she can. It looked really cute and sexy at the same time.

" Ahhhh " Momo screamed and her young maiden mind shook from the core. Her face red like tomatoes and she hid her face with her hands but tried to peak. Hestia looked at us with interesting eyes. Like she is muttering ' I will kiss like that with Bell when I went back '

Mayumi looked at us with a red face but she tried to calm down her tormenting mind and tried to avoid our kiss. Tsunade just looked at me calmly but I detected some bit of jealousy in her eyes.

Our kiss did not long that much and Saeko also have pretty amazing stamina but we didn't go into a lewd kiss. I finished the kiss because Saeko's face is really red from the Heat of love or stayed too long in bath. I looked at her with a smile and brushed her cheek softly. Her warm skin, her body has some muscle but super girlish.

" Did you enjoy the kiss? my little samurai " I asked Saeko with a teased smile. Her face is red but she looked at my face straight unlike certain someone.

" Yes. I enjoyed it a lot. It was my first kiss " Saeko straightly answered me but her face is red. She never tried to run away and she looked at my eyes like trying to pierce my soul.

" From now on, please take care of me," Saeko told me with a beautiful smile and breathtaking. She made me in love with that gorgeous smile.

" Yes. I will take care of you. And your smile is really beautiful" I told her with a smile.

" By the way, I have a question to ask you. " Saeko asked me and looked at me seriously.

" Ask anything. " I told her as I put her body on the floor. She looked at me with a smile. Saeko's height is around 178 cm so she is a little bit shorter than my ' Divine Body ' skill's state.

I looked at her body carefully and her face can put instant cum to weebs to my previous world. It is an overkill body. Her body is slim but you can see some muscle in her belly. Her breasts are bigger than I thought. Of course, she can not compare to Tsunade or Shuri but her breasts are not small either. Unlike Tsunade and Shuri, Saeko gave a feeling of peace and that kind of feeling. Whenever I saw Tsunade, gave me a boner.

" What is your relationship with Tsunade? " Saeko asked me.

" She is my woman. Why did you ask that? " I answered without hesitating.

The other people surprised me a lot. Momo opened her mouth and asked

" Is not that cheating? " Momo asked me with an amazing face.

" No, Dear. It is called HAREM. I will explain you later " Tsunade told her from behind. Mayumi's eyes traveled from me to Tsunade frequently and Hestia's mouth opened widely like an elephant can enter easily. Mayumi is surprised but she is pretty calm. If I am not wrong, her world has polygamy but Japan didn't use that. Besides her father two wives. Remarried after their first wife dead and married to her mom. She will definitely look delicious because Mayumi looked amazing. I am definitely sure that her gene got from her mom because her father looked manly.

" Because my sense is telling me besides I found kiss's marks on Tsunade's neck and you both looked suspicious. " Saeko told and all of the eyes in this bathroom went to the Tsunade's neck. Tsunade's showed them proudly.

" Did that mind that I having serval woman? " I asked Saeko and checked her expression.

" No. I don't mind that. I am not that kind of woman but please give me attention. I will become your sword to protect you. As long as I can stay beside you, I don't mind anything " Saeko answered to me and put a smile on her face.

' This woman. ' I thought and I satisfied from her words.

I hugged her naked body and I kissed her lips aggressively this time. I put my tongue and our tongues intertwined each other. She immediately adjusted the kiss and her tongue moved in the direction I wanted.

My tongue snakes around her mouth and my saliva transferred into her mouth. My saliva reached into her throat directly. Her legs wrapped around my body and her hands wrapped my neck tightly.

We both are not in the mode to check the surrounding. We exited from the bathroom while kissing aggressively. We went to the nearby room. I locked the door and put the sound barrier immediately.

I threw her body into the sofa and looked at her horny body. My little brother erected and I looked at her.

" I want to fuck you, Saeko, " I asked her as I climbed into the bed.

" Yes. Please fuck me " Saeko replied and looked at me with a lewd smile.


New Chapter is here guys.

I apologized to you guys because the internet is going to cut off from Feb 14 to Feb 28. I am not sure but it looks like pretty confirmed.

So see you again.