Friends and foes

Still paralysed, the boy was touched by a new hand, a thicker one with long polished nails. She was a large woman with a round face and beautiful features.

"Good morning little one. I am in your care until your best recovery, I came from the king's court to assist you personally. He has plenty of questions, he wasn't satisfied with his assistant, how sad."

She lightly caressed his bandaged face.

"We don't know much about you. Not that we do know our citizens, but you are too much of a question for us, you are alive and related to the ashura incident. That's twice as much as most people."

'What is she talking about' Asked Keith.

'The meat costume probably.'

Keith moaned because she touched a sensitive spot on his skin. She tried to lift the tissue a little to see his face, but because it was wet before being applied, it stuck to his healing burns. Once he moaned louder she let go of the matter.

'Can you write? Same hand as the ambassador for your answer... Mh, no. So inconvenient. We'll see your state when the doctor comes and changes your bandages, we have a few hours to kill.'

Every time she moved close to him, he could feel her hair brush his body. He was now at his weakest position and couldn't defend himself nor see the danger coming. Just this familiar tension of the plank, changing when people walked around. For sure, the woman was heavier than the doctor.

The woman was very curious and forced Keith's jaw open. She wanted details before anyone else. His head was horizontally tied which allowed her to see Keith's healthy teeth marinating in a black and brown mess. A gurgling sound came out and made small bubbles pop. The woman experienced a full extent of the inside's smell and backed up, holding her nose as if if was about to fall off.


She left the room, half curious, half puking.

'I can't move my eyelids.'

'You don't have them, the right one has fused with what's left or your eye and the other one burned as well. Want to hear about the rest of your face? It's not as good...'. Said Show.

Keith had received as much pain Show did in his entire life. That's what he thought, considering when they encountered his arms were already marked by his parent's mistreating.

'No, let's go to sleep. I feel tired.'

Show was reconstructing the boy little by little. His many shadow strands passed through his insides and did their best to not disturb his sleep.


"My king, I would like to come with you see the survivor. Rumours spread as fast as a wildfire and reached my ears. May you accord such thing to me?"

The king turned toward his counsellor. The man spoke.

"You alone then, and after a bath! We can't risk him getting an infection, he is halfway through death's doors. He'll surely look for a new body to reincarnate in if he sees your friend's dirtiness."

He said pointing toward Ned.

"So be it. Prepare the escort."

Said the king.


'Hey! I was wondering, we could go in my village, I need to see few people there, and maybe we'll find my stuff, or any curse formula I cannot recall properly.' Said Show, floating around in the Explanation where Keith could only stare upside, stuck in the same position.

'Do you plan on killing them too? Do you think you can repair me?"

'Of course! I mean, yes I can fix you. As for the villagers... Well from your point of view that's your fault if you burnt nearly to ashes. I have a grudge. So, just go ahead once you're able, I'll lead the way.'

The floor where the kid laid had many spikes. No wonder it felt so bad to move.

'There's some noise outside, you better wake up.'

Picco, the king and multiple guards were here, as well villagers that came to witness his acts. The king spoke.

"I want utter privacy. Anyone coming in without my command shall be put to death. All guards keep the house. Doctor! Out too."

"M... Majesty..."

Most of his servant had never let him alone with a guest, not even if they discussed on war strategy or marriages. They couldn't believe how courageous was the great leader of the great city.

The king stepped out of his circle. He firmly held the door knob and took a deep breath before entering. Most people held their breath outside.

He saw the petite packed person in the middle of the room. They knew of the king's venue so they arranged the place with a thousand flowers and incense to hide his smell.

'What does this one looks like? Why did it quietened?' Asked the kid.

'Well, that's the head of the kingdom.' That sounded like his usual sarcasm. Nothing that would make Keith raise an eyebrow.

'It's not the moment for jokes Mister Show, this one is heavier than the fat woman. The planks bend so much they could pinch my bandages once he steps next to me.'

'I am not joking, this guy's the big deal. Let's make a great impression and make a new ally.' Replied Show.

The king sat on the gold lined pillow next to the kid, he leaned forward and he brought his hands closer to the child's head. He then peeled the bandage, using his strength to rip it apart so he could see his whole visage. He was careful enough to not let his gold jewels touch nor harm the kid.

'So, that's the face of evil.' He thought.

Keith moaned, the heavy breath that came in touch with his fresh tissues was very uncomfortable. His lips had partially burnt on the right side, merging along his jaw, giving of a skeletal smile. Added to the burnt cartilage of his nose and his now round shaped holes he had as eye sockets it was frightening.

The king's gaze met the emptiness. The two opaque spot among a pit of flesh couldn't see a thing. He whispered in the purest silence a speech he had long prepared.

"Hello, I came to ask you my own questions. I have to warn you there's three men in this city wanting you dead, and plenty of villagers that hope you'll survive your terrible wounds. And here I am, I can help you. Just be true to me. You'll be true to yourself."

'Three... Who?'

His hand held Keith's. They were more than twice big, and thick.

"Yes or no questions, as taught by the doctor."

He said giving the instruction anew to be sure they are not reversed.

"Are you the the one called Keith?... Yes. Let's skip the useless things then. Are you here for my head?... No? How come! You wreaked havoc in my city, overloaded my gravediggers in just two days and made me lost a tenth of my farmhands!"

'My... name?'

'KID! Picco is outside waiting with the others! Oh this is is unbelievable, he came by himself this far! Such a good boy!'

"Then would you like to work for me? I'd grant that if you are more powerful than my current enchanter."

'What?' They thought in unison.

'Tight on yes! Don't let that occasion escape!'


The king got up and thought.

'Am I this curious? This sin will kill us all someday, it's the worst one.' He then asked.

"Give me one proof of your word."

The second he ended his sentence, he heard a light noise near the boy. Cling. And another one. Clang.

Under the kid's hand, the Chandragupta found two of his rings. One had been stuck on his hand for a decade because of his weight gain. He looked at his hand and they were missing indeed.

'Now, now, point a finger as much as possible, I'll use the bandage to move your hand around, on the planks.'

They had his whole attention. Show moved Keith's finger on the floor, ignoring his increasing breath and loud groans.

The king recognised the shape the boy shown. Letters.

'That's beyond what I expected, I came for copper but I found gold.' A part of him told him that the kid was dangerous and he shouldn't have approached him in the first place. But he was a conqueror. Fear was nothing he ever heard of. It was discovery and comprehension. Nothing more.

He smirked in satisfaction and exited the house, closing the door behind him.

People were still in awe of his venturing alone. They awaited for his order. But the king waved at his assistant and whispered in his ear.

"I want him cared day and night, arrange a guest room in the palace. That'll be a great example of my kindness."

He then turned toward Picco and said.

"Picco, is it? I give you fifty breath of time."

'This much? How am I supposed to identify him this fast?'

"Thank you great one."

He entered and walked at a quick pace, as fast as his heartbeat. He saw the thing laying on the floor, barely breathing and disfigured.

'May the gods relieve him from his pain...' He thought with clasped hands.

He looked for any feature he could remember, there was hair left on his neck, but nothing that could help him conclude. Then he looked at his height. Almost as tall as him, the same!

'No! That's wrong too, time gives most people their height. The chances of him not growing up like me are nearly impossible.'

He heard knocking on the door. Time was up. He glared at the body a last time, and a shiny spot caught his attention. There! Something under his wrist, hidden underneath the dressing. He went closer in a hurry and observed. Three little shiny spots. Randi's curio. Its grey stones were now part of the kid's forearm.

"Found you."