Everything I like

"Who are you mister?" Keith asked, he thought the man was rude because the latter spoke too casually for a stranger. Thankfully Show explained how normal it was for people to sympathize with younger beings with an informal speech.

The man shook his head in disapproval. "You should introduce yourself first, you won't make any friends this way. I, am Maverick the smug." He said, massaging the bull's head between its horns.

The ambiguous nature of his title made the kid laugh. Seeing how the bull stood in their way, he spoke."Call me Greenie. Maverick, could you tell me more about this city? I am just a traveller."

"You shouldn't enter it. This is a rat hole, full of pirates and thieves. You'll only find death or worse."

The man sat horizontally on his animal. With a slight tap on its hip, he made it move next to the kid's donkey, he kept dialoguing, hoping to discard the kid's intentions. At the same moment, Keith saw it once more, something in the corner of his eye. He asked Show. 'Are we followed? It's not the first time I see something peeking at us.'

'What? I've seen no one, and to be honest I can see much better than you. There's nothing behind those trees.' The monster answered, as his next sentence was overwhelmed by Maverick's words.

"What are you looking for in there? Money? A family? A crew to venture on the seven seas?"

"What are you talking about? I'm barely crossing it, I need to reach Eastern Jin. As for death, it's following me, I don't think it can be both behind and in front of me." Keith said only to make the man laugh.

He brushed his thick beard and said. "I have much to do, but I can't let a kid by himself here. Come, follow me." He mounted the bull backwards and gave a hit with both heels. The animal changed direction and went back toward Chittagong.

Show spoke. 'I don't like this man. He reeks malice. If you follow him, I can't guarantee you my protection, sun is already out.' Keith answered with a nod. 'If what he says is true, then we can cross this place more easily.'

When they passed next to the first barracks. Keith could see silver lines slithering in back alleys. Many people in the city had a sword on their belt, yet none wore an uniform. It took Keith and Show few minutes to remark the lack of feminine presence and young population. Both were hidden beneath the surface, literally. The caves had been accommodated to shelter a hundred heads.

The hall of the mined cliff had many straight panels of glass, they reflected light and allowed many things to be seen easily even in depth.

Maverick spoke. "Let's have a quick meal. I'll introduce you to my household. They'll be glad to see a new head. Here, leave your donkey here. What's its name?"


More silver lines gathered in the hole. The man left his ride in front of the entrance. He gave a coin to a lad passing-by. He said. "Take care of Cowtch and the donkey as well. Don't stand near the bull's head, sometimes he acts very stubborn."

With a serene face, Maverick palpated the bags on the donkey's back, and when he found the one clinking with each touch, he unhooked it and gestured Keith to follow him.

"See kid, you shouldn't EVER leave this much money in plain sight. I told you, this city is dangerous. I could hear it on your ride from the beginning. You've probably drawn their attention by now." He crouched and lifted a square rag. Both engulfed in the tight tunnel.

"Eastern Jin you said? That's farther than most ever went. Why would a kid go here alone?" He said, as he unsheathed his straight sword.

'Is there too much sunlight?' Asked Keith as he backed up slowly. 'Yes, cloak yourself as much as possible, I can protect you from under your cape.' Keith continued to retreat until he stumbled upon a wet wall. He lowered his head, and kept his gaze on the sword, the green glow from his eyes became obvious under his hood. "I have an important matter to settle." He said as he braced for impact. His heartbeat accelerated as he shivered slightly.

Maverick shook the purse one last time before throwing it one meter to the left. He spoke. "I'll gladly hear the rest of it." With the round pommel of his sword, he stroke at the end of the tunnel they came from.

Clink! Thud.

A boy in its late teen fell head first on the ground.

"Great! Let's hope he's alone. We must hide his body now. Are you alright Grimie?" The man asked with a touch of sarcasm. The boy had a dark look, he looked like a cornered animal.

'Not tailed? For sure? I almost had a heart attack!' Keith said, heaving a sigh. Show answered, certain of himself. 'There was no one behind us when you asked. That guy has been following us since we've entered the city's outskirts.'

He ignored his messed up name and asked. "Is he dead?" Because an idea popped out of nowhere. 'Can we take the body? Maybe we can save it for a... midnight snack? For later! I don't know.'

'Maybe, I've never tried to 'store' someone alive.'

Maverick licked his hand and put it in front of the boy's nose.

"He's breathing, I'm assuming he's still alive." He plunged the tip of his sword in the boy's eye socket. The little twitch of discomfort shook the three men to their bones, yet only one died with it.

"He knew my position, I couldn't let him go." To this words, Keith understood how dangerous Maverick was. The latter argued. "My family lives here, I must protect them at all cost."

"Then why did you bringing me with you if it must remain a secret? Why have you burdened me?"

"You'll see when you meet them." Maverick pulled a brick in the wall and he made a v sign around his eye.

A door opened and a two-meter tall man bowed at them. Maverick put his hand over his mouth and whispered. "That's just a sign to enter my place, keep it in mind." He then turned toward the secret entrance and said. "Evander? I need you to do the clean- What? Fuck! He got away! I can't believe he survived! Tell the others we need to find a boy, about seventeen years old, black short hair, as tall as me and half-dead."

The changing temperature in Keith's clothes told him the truth. The blood puddle and the few stains on the rug suggested the boy had escaped. Five more people exited from the secret place and ventured in the cave. All of them wore a large headband and a short dagger.

Keith grabbed Maverick's shirt and pulled gently. He said. "I made him vanish, I can make lots of things disappear." He pulled out a bloody shirt from under his coat, as the man rose his eyebrows out of confusion.

"You are half as heavy as the guy! What the heck is going on?" He still had difficulties to believe Keith's proof. He took his time to calm down before saying. "You didn't even move, how can you try to make it sound right despite everything wrong with this situation?"

Keith grinned, he knew he was out of danger, he mustered all his confidence to speak. "Do you believe in magic? I told you, your family is not in danger."

To the sixth person who exited the room, Maverick told him to go fetch the others with no explanation whatsoever.

Both entered, in a confined space. The cave walls were covered in moss. They were constantly wet, most of the wood used to build the houses rotted away with time. When Keith touched its surface, he knew how fragile the structures were.

Twenty people gathered when Maverick was announced. In a square room about twelve meters large, they sat on firm pillows in a circle, to all be able to look at the man, as if they were used to it.

"Who's our new member, boss?" Asked one.

Maverick put down his hat, revealing a very short hair, going forward "His name is Greenie, he's only passing by. I hope you'll get along."

'New member? No. I can't stay here.' Keith thought as he was cheered with a round of applause. All of them were teenagers. All of them were boys. The lack of similitude and their same age made Keith understand no one was blood related. No one had a nuance of blond in its hair.

"Come into my office, we need to have a little chat." The man said, grabbing the kid by the left arm. He dragged him into a corridor filled with rodents that crawled their way out.

'A hole, with dead bodies and rats. My favorite place.' Thought Keith while Show hammered his own thoughts in the kid's head. 'They're all dead if he wants to keep us here. I'm not delaying my wrath any further!'

'Calm down mister Show! He hasn't done anything wrong until now. Give him a chance.'

The man sat behind a heavy wooden desk.

"Why are you going in Eastern Jin? And where do you come from? I can't believe you've travelled so far by yourself. Although you have some of this... Magic I have yet to witness with my eyes!"

Keith asked. "Why should I tell you?"

"Because I can help you! Just like I'm doing with my family. We're treasure sorters, it's an old business but it's good money, the thing is, only youngsters are welcome, because they are more agile."

'An old business with only new members? I am not staying in that orphan hole! It's a death trap, don't you dare forget how he treated his last guest!' Shouted Show. Keith massaged his ears as if they had been damaged.

"What if I take back my money and walk away? I don't think you can provide me anything I need."

"I'll spend your money in your stead. That's how I'll help. First, you need new shoes, you're using your bare feet to walk. And second, you can't spend guptas here without being suspicious, as a kid, and as a foreigner."