
The Gang

It was evidently obvious that the group of people Histoire cane to see when she opened the door were a part of a gang. An illegal syndicate as she and Deus had thought was no where near to describing them based on their appearances alone. The group consisted of people clad in punk outside and punky hairstyles of different colors and shapes. One of them stood out in particular, and she was standing directly besides Itsuki. She was Japanese along with everybody else in the small group. 

As she gazed ahead, she failed to notice the shadow behind her begin to form into the shape of a human, but that was all it was; just a silhouette of a male human that was as dark as a shadow. He startled her when he walked past her and stopped before Itsuki. He then muttered something she was not too sure of because it was in a different language, but Itsuki understood and nodded in understanding.