Demon Dog

I woke up on the floor of an old warehouse-looking building with large rusted red and green metal boxes everywhere. The tank had been destroyed with only hunks of metal set a blaze to show for it. My mom was standing directly in front of me holding a large machinegun with bullets piled up next to her on the ground from shooting vehicles and soldiers that had been rushing into the building. She glanced back and said, "Thank god you awake".

I'm so glad you aren't dead, I'd never be able to forgive myself! There is a door to your left behind you run as fast as you can. "I'll be right behind you but no matter what happens don't stop running, well see each other again soon enough mi hijo," she yelled as I began to run. I ran so fast that I lost track of my surroundings from the adrenaline rush. As soon as I reached the exit a soldier grabbed my wrist and began pulling me towards a truck that pulled up, it seemed like the more I struggled to get loose the tighter their grip got.

My mom appeared as soon as I had given up and tackled the soldier to the ground while strangling him with great force. "Mom!" I yelled with excitement at the thought of us escaping together. Then suddenly something knocked her off the already unconscious soldier but there was nothing visible that could have done it. As I struggled to figure out what was happening suddenly a bucket appeared on the ground near my mom, she grabbed it and threw what looked like water into the air revealing a strange-looking soldier wearing a grey armored suit, with a helmet that resembled a dog of sorts, having long fangs and red patches where the eyes should be. My mom then quickly threw the bucket at the soldier while at the same time pulling the unconscious soldier's rifle off his body but she wasn't quick enough.

The armored soldier grabbed the bucket mid-air and threw it back at my mom causing it to knock the rifle out of her hand and slide a few feet behind her. All I could do was watch as the soldier rushed toward her and grabbed my mom by the throat, lifting her off the ground with one arm and slamming her back into the ground. I could hear my mom scream in pain and couldn't stand to watch anymore but as I inched toward her to try and help suddenly a black car appeared and I couldn't help but tear up "Mom I told you to wait till I got my license," I said as I stared at the black sports car parked between me and my helpless mom. "Por favor te vayas mi hijo," my mom muttered, i could barely make out her words but i knew what she wanted. I got inside the car and as i closed the door i looked back to see my mom standing in front of the soldier rifle in hand once again. I drove off slowly in hopes that she would be able to survive, i looked back again to see the armored soldier disapear as my mom let out a burst of bullets and reapear behind her. "Nooooo Mooom!" I yelled as the soldier fired a shot from a white pistol with the words Devils Best Friend written in red at the back of my moms head. As i drove off unable to do anything but watch my mom's now lifeless body drop to the ground The bastard dog mask looked up at me and raised "see you soon" with his fingers, the same way my mom would each day as she left for work before turning and disapearing as it walked away.