Chapter 5;

Morning comes before I truly realize, Jasper waking me from my slumber. I can feel him nudging me, calling my name but yet, I don't want to move. Not until that little face comes into view. The soft little smile that I have grown to love. I can see him now, arms stretched out above him. Not until then does my eyes spring open, the sight of Jasper in front of me.

"Well, good morning sleepy head." He says, walking over to the fire place. The sound of crackling and metal on metal as I sit up from my sleeping position.

"What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes as I yawn lightly. My body still felt weak, and a little sore from sleeping on a couch. But I couldn't complain at the moment.

"Time to get moving. But, we'll eat first." He tells me, walking over with a plate in hand. "Here. Eat." The plate is in my lap when I look down. Eggs and bacon present.

"Where'd you'd get this?"

"Found it in the fridge. Power isn't out yet. So, I though why not. No one else is going to eat it."

And that's when it set in. We were alone. We have not seen a single soul. Looking up to Jasper and back at my plate, I sigh. What does that mean for Lucas?

"I meant,.. " Jasper begins, but I stop him.

"No, I know what you meant." My voice sounds harsh, although I didn't mean it to. I just couldn't think of anything else besides the fact that he is alive.

"Let's just get ready to go. We've been here long enough." I begin to eat my breakfast that was prepared for me. The quicker we are, the quicker we can get on the road.

Moments pass, I having already finished my food and changed my clothes. The sight of the blood stains racking my nerves everytime I glance at them. With everything ready I search for the keys to the car out front. The only source, I open the front door and carefully make my way out onto the front porch. Seeing the dead body still in its spot, I squat down and hesitantly search her pockets.

"Yes." I cheer silently as I pull a set of keys from her back pocket. Not having to do as much work as I hoped. "Got 'em!" Exclaiming as I walk back inside, seeing Jasper getting the last of his things ready to go. Spotting the shovel next to the stairs, I grab it quickly.

"Hell yeah. Let's go." He says, throwing his bag over his shoulder, and grabbing the duffel bag full of food. I look around the place one last time before closing the door behind us. Nothing was left behind, our things were all accounted for. It was like we were never here.

Maybe we shouldn't have been.

Descending the stairs, I carry the shovel in my hands to the jeep. The doors open with ease as we throw our bags into the open back seat. The grey color jeep sat under an oak tree, casting a light shade over Jasper and I as I jump into the driver seat. Sliding the key in, I crank the engine. The jeep roars to life, the gas reading half full.

"Ready?" I ask, looking over towards the passenger seat. Seeing Jasper place the seat belt around him, I do the same.

"Yep. Let's get going." He tells me, offering me a smile as I change the gear into reverse. Pressing the gas only slightly, I back up and put it in drive. Pulling onto the small dirt road, I keep my eyes up front as I drive. From my peripheral, I can see Jasper begin to play with the radio yet again.

"Getting anything?"

"Nah." I hear him say as I stop at the edge of the dirt road, the stop sign wielding me to do so. "Wait." With my foot on the gas, I listen as words pour from the speakers.

"This is a nation wide broadcast. Please, do not panic. Stay in your homes."

"Fuck.." I mumble, shaking my head. Pressing the gas, I take a right onto the main road.

"That can't be good." Jasper says from beside me as I keep my foot on the peddle, and my eyes on the road.

We let the moments pass us, driving in silence as the time passes by slowly. Or it feels that way. With my foot on the gas and my eyes ahead, I think of the only thing my mind would allow. I can only imagine what Lucas was doing now. Maybe he was feeding the horses and cows with my father, eating a good breakfast for the day.

My mind can only wonder with positive vibes for so long.

"The city is a good ways ahead, we should get ready for anything." Jasper says, my eyes glancing to him in the passenger seat.

"Keep your eyes open. God forbid we get another damn flat tire." Oh, how I missed my car. Hopefully, I'd be able to get back to it in the future.

"I was thinking the same."

Having everything taken place, I wouldn't be so on edge as I grip the wheel. The bodies, the dead. It was way too much to handle.

How were they coming back to life?

This is not a movie. This is my life. My son's life. This is not okay.

My blue hues flicker to the digital clock above the radio, it reading 11:45 a.m. Plenty of time to get to Lucas.

"Clara?" I wait for him to continue, "Uhm, I gotta pee." I sigh, Jasper sounding like my five year old right about now.

"Jesus, you sound like Lucas, Jasper." Shaking my head, I glance to him.

"I'm sorry, shit."

"What am I going to do with you?" I can see him in my peripheral vision, his head shaking as he shrugs his shoulders. Pulling over to the side of the road, I put it in park. "Hurry up."

"Got it, Captain." He signs off as he opens the door, stepping out of the jeep and onto the pavement below.

I only shake my head as I take my foot off my brake, scanning the area around us. There is a house in sight to our left, no presence emitting from the place. Everything looks okay. As my eyes scan the area on my side of the street, I can hear Jasper a good few feet away from the jeep.

"Clara! Come check this out!" He yells, my head turning toward his voice. I can see him standing at the tree line, curiosity washing over me as I kill the engine. Stepping out, I take hold of the shovel I had found at the home we were previously at.

"What is it?" I ask as I round the vehicle, my eyes roaming over the trees and back at the road as I walk.

"Come here." Hearing the annoyance in his voice, I can only chuckle as I make it to his side.

"What?" As I finish, I can see out in the direction he is looking. There was a home, new brick foundation. A fence lining the small perimeter of the yard, and- oh my goodness.

"What is that?" I ask, my eyes narrowing at the home as I take the view in.

"Looks like some people in distress. Or, the same things we seen earlier." Jasper says, the sighting now clear. The porch stretches out a good twenty feet, with a metal barrier around it. The front door having a clear glass in the middle of the wooden door, shows someone beating on it. Maybe, two small children.

"Come on. We gotta help them." I don't hesitate. Either dead or alive, it was a chance. With shovel in hand, I step off the pavement road and onto the grass.

"Clara, they may not even be-

"Doesn't matter." I cut him off, stepping onto the old metal fence gate. Taking each step, I manage to hop over the five foot gate, Jasper in tow as we make it into the yard. The figures now gone from the door view.

"Where do you think they went?" I ask as we close the good fifty feet to the porch, looking over my shoulder at Jasper before placing my foot on the steps. The only thing in sight was the trailblazer in the driveway, and two bikes propped against the brick foundation.

His shoulders shrug as I take the steps with caution, closing the distance to the door.

"Hello?" I knock.

I give it a moment before knocking again.

"We're here to help." I say a bit louder, letting our presence be known to the ones inside. If there is anyone here, they would hear us. "Holy fuck." I exclaim, seeing a little figure pop up at the glass door.

"Help us!" I hear, anticipation and fear in the small voice that seeps through the door.

"On my god, Jasper." I hardly finish my sentence as I grip the handle of the door. "Unlock the door sweetie." I try to speak calmly, although having Jasper over my shoulder whispering nonsense.

"Clara. Stop. We can't help them."

"Like hell I can't." I turn around, facing him abruptly. Our faces stand about a foot apart, anger taking over as he doubts our abilities. Hearing a click, I turn around and face the door, seeing it open slowly.

"Hello?" A fragile voice is heard as a tiny figure emerges, a taller but almost spitting image of an older child behind her. They look to be at least seven and eleven. "Are you here to help us?" It is a small girl, brunette hair. She has dirt on her cheeks and her hair is matted at the edges. Maybe seven years old, the oldest behind her maybe haven't even reached her teen years yet.

"Yes, sweetie. We are." I say calmly as I kneel down, placing the shovel next to the door. "Is there anyone else here besides you and your sister?" Asking the most prioritized question, I see the oldest girl nod, her black hair falling in front of her eyes.

"Our parents are outside. Something is wrong." The youngest tells me, leaning towards me as her sister places her hands on her shoulders.

"It's okay. Would you like to come with us? We can get you somewhere safe." I tell them, although I have no ideas where safe was. I couldn't leave them here.

"Yes please." They both say, nodding to us as I stand.

"Alright. Do you guys wanna gonna go on a small adventure for the time being?" I smile softly to them, trying to keep the atmosphere calm for the two.

"Oh yes!" I see the smallest one smile, her joy lighting up the area as they walk out onto the porch; she grips a small doll figure in her arms.

"Clara, we gotta go." I hear from over my shoulder as I close the door behind the two young girls. Glancing over to him, I see him in a stance in front of us with his back turned. I grab the shovel and get in front of the girls, the steps of the porch in our view.

"Mommy!" I hear from below me, sticking my arm out I stop the girl from running towards her.

"No! Take her. Get to the jeep. Wait for me there." I say, watching the woman take the first step onto the porch.


"I'm the only one with a weapon Jasper, go!" I yell, hoisting the oldest girl over the railing, the other following. The woman begins to reach the top of the stairs, a man rounding the corner. "Run! Don't stop!" I tell them, keeping the attention of the parents of the children on me as they run to the gate. Once they begin climbing over, I can hear the small voice of the youngest.

"Don't hurt them! Please!" Goddammit.

Taking a step forward, I swing the shovel across the woman face. I watch her fall down the steps and knock over the man. As I take a breath, I see them both rise to their feet. Their reflexes were somewhat quick in action as I stand at the top of the steps. Glancing over my shoulder, I see the clear view of the porch and grass below. I wasn't getting out of here this way.

Without hesitation, I begin to run towards the railing on the other side of the porch. Stepping onto a small chair just below, it balances me enough to step onto the railing. I fly into the air, gripping my shovel as I land on the ground. My feet sting from the impact and I begin to run towards the gate.

With the parents now trapped onto the porch, I make it to the gate and climb over it. A few more feet and I make it to the running jeep, closing the door behind me as Jasper speeds off. I take a breath, throwing the shovel to the floor board.

"You okay?" Jasper ask, my eyes closing as I breath in the cold sweet air. It feels as if my lungs were on fire, gasping for air as I lean back into the seat.

"Yeah-" I breath out, "E-everyone else okay?" Looking into the backseat I see two frightened girls. "Hey, it's going to be okay. I didn't hurt them." I make that aware from the get go, not wanting to escalate the situation more than it needs to.

"What's happening?" The oldest one ask, taking the youngest into her arms. Jesus christ.

"I'm not sure sweetie. But we're going to get you somewhere safe. What are your names?" I ask.

"I'm Chloe. This is Emma." The oldest one addresses me.

"I'm Clara. This is Jasper. Do you guys maybe have a relative nearby?" It's worth a shot. They need familiarity, not two strangers.

"Our sister Nessie lives a few miles from here. It's an exit down. Not too far."

"Okay." I smile softly to them before turning my attention back to Jasper whom was driving.


"I already know what you're going to say."

"Then I hope you agree with me."

I can hear him sigh before his expression gives away his frustration with me.


Taking the moments to catch my breath, I lean back back against the seat. This is not how our day was suppose to be going.

"What happened?" I hear the oldest behind me, curiosity in her voice; fear following.

"I'm not sure sweetie. But I'm sure we'll figure it out soon." Not knowing what to tell her, I shake my head as I watch the road go by. With Jasper driving, I can actually relax for a moment. My eyes close as the wind blows my hair back, whipping against the head rest lightly. The breeze feeling nice against my skin as we ride along to the silence.

"We're headed to the exit." Jasper says beside me, my eyes opening to us coming up the exit ramp. We were not far now. A little off track, but we'll make up the time.

"It's only one exit down." Emma's soft voice comes again, reassuring us. The short distance to the next exit range long in my mind as the two miles stretches. An overpass comes into view, with another beside it. Spotting a car traveling on the opposite side of the road a good hundred feet or so.

"Jasper stop." I say, my body shifting slightly as he presses the break. Opening the door, I step out to see the car stop just before the over passes. Cars lined up the over passes above us, two cars are crashed against the railing, the structure crumbling beneath the wreckage. I see an eighteen Wheeler had crashed into the structure that is holding up the overpass.

"Nessie!" The youngest shouts, jumping from the jeep and running to my side.


"That's her car!" She says, pointing at the black SUV just a hundred feet from us. I see the door open, and grab onto the girls shoulders; holding her back. My attention is taken above me, to a cracking sound. The weight was too much for the over pass to hold, the concrete going to give at any moment. Maybe ten cars, and a semi truck sit, their weight taking affect after the hours of abandonment. I can vaguely see a few figures walking by the cars, the cracking sounds can be heard again.

"We gotta go." I warn her, pulling her hand as I walk back to the jeep.

"No! Nessie!" She points again as we see a brunette haired young woman step out of the car, waving over towards us.

"Go!! It's not gonna hold!!" I shout, shoving Emma back into the jeep just as a bit of concrete falls onto the ground just thirty or so feet from the jeep.

"Jasper, back up. Go!" I say as I watch a chunk fall and break onto the highway beneath. Just as Jasper puts it into reverse and presses the gas the structure begins to crumble and fall, the vehicles coming down with it. The SUV in view as I see it reverse down the street.

"Stop!" I yell, grabbing the frame of the jeep as I stand from my position in the seat. Watching the rubble and crushed vehicles rest as the smoke clears from view. The figures begin to rise, some now crushed underneath the rubble and vehicles.

"Fuck.." I mumble, drawing my gun from its holster. The people begin moving towards the jeep, others moving towards the SUV. Taking aim, I shot at the closest one, hitting it in the shoulder. The man only nudges, continuing to step towards the vehicle we were in.

"Jasper, go!" I say, shooting again and hitting my mark in his head. He falls, taking down another man that is walking beside him. "Come on, go!" I sit, turning to see the scared girls in the back.

"What about Nessie?" The youngest speaks, tears overlapping her eyes as she had just witnessed the same event.

"We'll find her." The words rush from my mouth before I even think them, not sure how much truth was beyond it. Jasper whips the jeep around, taking a right.

"Jasper.." I look to him, seeing sweat at the edge of his hair line begin to trickle down his forehead.

"What Clara?" His voice was deep, stern and almost distant as he keeps his eyes on the road.

"We need to find somewhere to talk about this." I say the most logical, this situation taking the turn for the worst.

"Alright." He finally says after a moment of silence. After riding a good ways away, Jasper turns down a small dirt road. "There's an old barn here. We'll have pretty good protection for now." I only nod as we approach a small gate. "I got it." Making my move before he can put it in park.

I grab the shovel that is in the floor board and open the door, climbing out I walk to the gate and push it open. Offering a small smile to the girls as Jasper rides by, closing the gate behind us as we are now in the fenced perimeter. Jumping back into the jeep, I close the door and take in my new surroundings. Mostly wooded area, plus the dirt road we are now on. A small house coming into view to the left, but Jasper took a right. I wait to say anything, thankful I didn't as a rather large barn is now in view.

"I'll check it out. Stay here with the girls."

"Okay." I say, nodding slightly as I look to the now occupied backseat. These sweet, frightened girls. Oh, how I feel for them.

I can only imagine what Lucas is going through.

Before I realize, Jasper is walking back around the barn waving at us.

"All clear. Let's get inside and make our next move." He says as he opens the driver door, propping the seat back. "Maybe even get you two something to eat. You look starved." His voice changes slightly as his attention is now directed on the girls, offering out his hand to them as they both make their way out of the jeep.

I open the door and jump out, the shovel still in hand as I close it behind me. Following behind Jasper and the girls, I keep my eyes open at the rear as we walk into the barn.

"Woah." I hear one of the little ones say as I slide close the barn door behind us, locking it as well.

"How did you know of this place Jasper?" I ask, the curiosity getting the better of me as I watch both the girls walk over to a few stalls in the corner of the barn.

"It's one of my mom's houses she's been trying to sell for years now. The original owner is a veteran or something and suffering from PTSD, so his kids stuffed him in a home and sold his real one."

"Damn. Harsh." I keep my eyes on the two girls as we follow behind them, letting them explore as we talk.

"Oh very. But the kids never touched the barn, so I use it to my own advantage. Even though of buying it from my mother."

Of course.

My eyes are on the small girls as they wonder about the rather large barn, their curiosity getting the better of them as they explore their new surroundings.

"Are you sure we're safe?"

"There's a fence around the perimeter. We should be safe for now. Enough to make a plan and get some food in their system."

We walk into a small hallway as we follow close behind them, keeping our distance but keeping close.

"What's this way?" The oldest ask, I notice she is holding her younger sisters hand, keeping her close.

"Just more empty stalls, and the back exit to a field. We can cook some food then play as we make a plan. That sound good?" Jasper ask the girls as we stop at the exit door, just a red swinging door on two hinges.

"We like that." Chloe says, tugging her younger sister Emma with her back along the way we came.

We walk back to the main open area, bigger than a living room, with a few chairs and hay stacks sitting around. My eyes notice a small portable stove top in the corner.

"Propane." Jasper says as he catches my gaze at his equipment in the corner. "You will not believe how many nights I've stayed out here."

I believe it.

"What are we going to eat?" Emma, the youngest ask as she sits on the ground, her doll still in hand as she looks up to us.

"Well, Emma. Would you like to pick out what you eat this morning?" Jasper asks, kneeling down beside the two.

"Yes please." They both say, smiles on both their faces as Jasper stands and reaches out for both their hands. Without hesitation the girls take each one of his hands as he leads them to a door to our left.

"There's plenty to choose from." He says with a smile as he opens the door, squeals coming from both the young girls as they step a bit closer inside the small room. My vision is vague as they move around inside the room, Jasper chuckling to himself as the girls do their own thing. Himself moving inside as they move to the away to give him room.

"Alright. Looks like we got everything. Why don't one of you ask Clara if she is hungry." He looks to them as they both take off with cans in their hands.

"Miss Clara, are you hungry?" The youngest asks as she juggles a can and her Barbie in her hands, while trying to tug on my shirt. I can't help but to giggle at the scene below me.

"I could use a bite." I assure her as we walk over to the area where we were once before.

Thirty minutes later;

I place my bowl to the side, hearing a soft giggle as I pat my tummy.

"Woah, I am stuffed." I exaggerate, smiling nonchalantly as my eyes roll lightly.

"Why don't we go out back and let you guys run around for a moment?" Jasper ask as I watch him stand, dusting his pants off as he does. Doing the same, I reach out for Emma's hand; she takes it reluctantly as I help her to her feet.

"Let's play!" Emma shouts as Chloe follows behind her down the hallway we went down previously before. Jasper runs with them as I keep steady in the back, watching them run through the back swinging door.

"Woah! There's a tree house!" I hear, pushing the door open as I walk out.

Woah was right.

Just twenty feet above with a ladder stretching up the long trunk of the oak tree, a tree house sits perfectly wedged in between the gap of two trees.

"Go on! Explore!" Jasper tells them as the girls take off toward the ladder, climbing their way up to the tree house.

"Where did this come from?" I ask, watching the two small girls climb up one after the other.

"The original owners built it for his grandchildren. It would rot away up here." I nod, my eyes tracing the layout of the small tree house above us.

"What are we going to do?" I say. The obvious coming to light as we hear small giggles from up above.

"I don't know Clara." I look over to him, the look of desperation sketching his face as he looks up towards the treehouse. "We'll do something. Let them have their moment."

"Yes, I get that." I say, shaking me head as I glance towards the ground, taking a deep breath as I think of my next words. "But, they need someone familiar. We need to find their sister." It was the most obvious. We need to make a plan.

"And I get that. But, let them have five minutes. They need to forget seeing their parents that way Clara. Let them be kids." His words etched into my mind as I turn back towards the tree house, seeing their figures in front of the window as they stand and point out at a branch.

"Whatcha see?" Jasper yells above to them.

"Squirrel!" Emma points, jumping up and down.

Looking to our left, we see a small squirrel running away on a branch.

"Squirrels? We haven't seen an animal yet. " I ask, turning towards Jasper for an answer.

"It seems so. At least that's a good sign."

"At least we hope so."

We take in the view as the girls begin to climb down the ladder.

"Can we discuss what we're going to do now?" It was more than obvious that we needed a plan. Emma and Chloe's sister will be looking for them, if not already.

"I know. We just need to find their sister. Maybe we can take the toad back to their home, just to see if maybe she thought of the same idea."

I only nod as I watch Emma run over, her doll in hand.

"Miss Clara, are we going to see Nessie now?"

"Oh yes. We just need to know where you girls think she may be headed?"

She could just be sitting there waiting.. I hope so.

"Maybe she went to our home." The oldest says as she approaches, standing next to her younger sister.

"Where else would she be?" I hear Jasper's voice coming from inside the barn, turning to see him walking out of the back exit. "It's perfect. We'll try there first."

Turning back to Emma and Chloe, I see smiles on both their faces.

"Yeah!" Emma cheers, squeezing her doll to her chest.

Hopefully their sister would be there so Jasper and I can get going. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel an ounce of guilt for doing this. But every second I'm away from Lucas, the worse I feel.