Chapter 10

Panting from tiredness and overwhelming emotions, Hidelga sat down to catch her breath. She closes her eyes and raises her head as she takes a deep breath.

"Hey, are you okay?" She was surprised to see Peach.

"Yes... I am okay" she answered as she sighed and put herself together. Then she stood up and followed the girl who just passed by and accidentally met her on the way.

"Can I stay at your house just for now?" She asked her.

With one eyebrow raised she answered Hidelga. "Why? Did the two of you fight? Is it because of the girl he brought last time?" She hunched.

"No, it's something else," she was unable to tell her.

"Wait, Why are you blushing?" Peach stopped walking to stare at Hidelga's face.

That night she stayed at Peach's house and then she told her what happened.