Chapter 77

Aydan's Point of View


The Ancient Demon known as Flare watched me carefully as I teleported around the area in small bursts to take care of the Ghouls. While it pained me to admit, I was closer to their level with my own magic than I was to the Demon of Flames. Each Ghoul was a perverted version of some race with a unique ability, and others were teleporting right alongside me.

"However…" I began as I summoned original magic to my side from the surrounding area. "I am not to be judge by my own magic alone!"

Spells of varying difficulties were all exponentially increased in potency due to my using original magic. Many manner of orbs surrounded me, which gave the Ghouls pause as Flare continued to study me. Ice, wind, earth, fire, light, darkness, and pure magic surrounded me. Each with different attributes and all just as deadly.

Light magic was something that took an incredible amount of magic to even attempt, and no one had ever succeeded in casting successfully. I'm not just anyone, and this was magic that was long forgotten, much like dark magic. Poison for the soul and should never be attempted unless willing to pay the price.

Looking to the distance and seeing waves of magic and Arthur's energy colliding was a sight to behold. That made whatever the price might be worth it. Unfortunately, Arthur was losing, and I knew that was a possibility. It is why I have decided to use this forbidden magic I learned through that study Davost gave me access to.

Flare merely pointed at me as my attention came back to the immediate area. "Kill him."

"Come try." Was my low response as every spell lashed out across the area.

Arthur's Point of View


Things were not going well. I had raised my energy output as high as it could go without causing serious injuries to myself, but I still wasn't able to keep up. Thana was toying with me, and she was making it obvious. Fast-paced attacks that would leave me open, and then she would back away. If she wanted to get a measure of my abilities, she was doing her best to find every technique I had in reserve.

Bringing my sword up, Thana once again slammed the tip of her weapon into mine and stood there smirking. "Had it not been for that energy of yours, that sword would have been destroyed." She brought her weapon back with a smirk as she twirled it before coming to rest behind her. "How long will it hold out?"

Not replying, I jumped before launching myself forward with my gravity control. My speed was sorely lacking against her as she always swayed out of my reach or merely deflected my blow with nonchalant ease. Gritting my teeth as she stood beside me with a smirk, I gave chase.

Moving up and down the mountain range, we traded blows that were all calculated on her part. However, she quickly decided to change tactics when she twisted her body and slapped my sword from my hand with her wings. Another twist, and I saw her foot coming towards my face as I could only watch it happen. Launching from my spot on the lower parts of the mountain, I was sent sailing through the shield surrounding Klasteris.

Unfortunately, it was the bottom part, and my body soon found itself implanted in the cold stone. Opening my eyes to attempt to get back into the fight was pointless. Thana hovered in front of me with that same smile before bashing my chest in with the brunt end of her lance. With enough strength where I ended up on the other side of the stone and through someone's home. Blood poured from my lips once I landed in the street and crawled to all fours.

Screams could be heard throughout the area, and I saw in my peripherals the citizens all watching on in horror. "Get away from-" I was unable to finish as Thana appeared above me.

She hovered there for a moment as she looked down on me. "Is this truly all?" The Demon Queen inquired. "While you are stronger than the Royal Family, I must admit, I was expecting a bit more from you." Then she landed in front of me and crouched with her hands on her cheeks, being supported with her elbows resting on her knees. "Clearly, you must understand that an Ancient Demon is nothing compared to me. If you are holding back, perhaps you should rethink doing so."

Clenching my jaw shut, I stood, and she just watched as I did so. "I guess you'll find out." Was my pained response.

Bringing up my arms, I focused more energy into them to the point where it felt like they were on fire. It hurt, but I had no choice. At the same time, I activated several of my gravity pillars throughout the area to throw her off and take care of her speed.

Turned out it was pointless. "So, I shall!" Thana replied cheerfully and slammed her lance into the ground before moving forward directly in front of me. "Your magic is growing as we fight. That much I can tell, but I am curious as to how high it can go. If you keep me waiting, everyone here will die." The Queen stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

This taunting was growing old. Taking a combative stance with her legs and chest forward with her arms back, I was wary from seeing such an unfamiliar pose. However, the smile on her face never left, so I doubted she was giving me a free shot.

Stepping heavily into the stone below, it cracked as I dashed towards her. Her blows canceled mine out deliberately as her punches matched mine. Thana had mocked me for this entire fight, and I started to pump more of my energy throughout my entire body. My pain threshold was vast thanks to this body, but it certainly didn't like it when I overloaded my system with more energy than this form could take.

Eventually, Thana grew bored and lunged forward before grabbing my wrists. With my arms caught in her grip like a vice, I brought my right leg up to kick her. She merely leaned back and used my own body to steady herself. After she dodged my attack, the Queen quickly brought both of her legs up and drop-kicked me in the chest.

The amount of damage from such a move was almost immeasurable. Ruptured organs, broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, elbow, and wrist since she stretched my arms as far as it could without ripping them off. Dropping my arms allowed me to fall to my knees as more blood violently exited my mouth and dripped down my chin. My eyes were wide as I looked up at her.

"Disappointing." She told me before walking away from me as I tried to recover.

My injuries were healing at a pace that allowed me to stand once again since my energy output was so high, but I also watched as Thana grabbed her lance. Mist started to form around her body as she turned back to me once more. Tilting towards me, she finally summoned her magic for the first time in this fight, and I felt my anger growing at my own weakness.

Dying was something I had no issue with, but not after being subjugated by this Demon. Queen or not, she has completely ruined everything I worked for, and Mara was likely dead because of her. We were in the middle of the city, and hundreds, if not thousands, have already died by her hand. I needed to lure her away from Klasteris.

Thana wasn't going to give me the chance to do so. Her white mist floated about for a moment before she shot it directly at me. Bringing my arms up, I blocked the attack, but this was no ordinary mist. It cut and seeped into my wounds before leaving my arms in another location. Roaring from the pain of the magic got many of the bystanders to whimper.

It wasn't until Aydan teleported right next to her and launched his own spell into her side that she stopped. Aydan blasted her with some manner of green magic that I could only speculate was original magic. He rushed to my side as Thana was sent tumbling across the ground. She yelped in pain, but I looked to Aydan as he glanced me over.

"You look terrible." He commented.

"Well, it feels worse than it looks, I assure you." I replied.

He smirked slightly before he looked back at Thana. "I am having difficulties destroying all those Ghouls and Flare. They can't get in here though, so I thought I'd lend you a hand."

My wounds were healing like usual, and I eventually stood in a more normal manner. "Appreciate it-"

Thana stood, and a wave of magic covered the area as I saw her eyes spark to life before homing in on Aydan. Her magic went wild as it started to destroy the area, and Aydan moved behind me as we struggled to stand in the magic storm. White, red, and black magic flooded the area to the point where it was almost suffocating, and lightning shot from Thana's eyes as she took on a more deadly look.

"Who taught you that magic!?" Thana seethed out in unrepressed rage.

Aydan leaned in closer behind me and whispered. "We may not have a choice. You need to transform."

Gritting my teeth, I replied just as softly as people ran away. "I can't! Not without my sword!"

He grabbed my arm. "If you don't, all of us are going to di-" Aydan was cut off as a teleportation went off behind us.

Sticking my arm out, I pushed Aydan out of the way as Thana tried to kill him instantly. The slash across my chest burned more than her magic and her normal attacks. However, the gash across my chest wasn't healing like normal. Blood dripped down my front as I stepped back, but Thana merely turned away from me to focus on Aydan.

Almost rabidly, Thana moved towards Aydan with her lance in hand. Raising it as The Sage looked horrified, he moved to teleport again as I shot a spike up between the two to separate them. Destroying it without a moment's notice, the Queen moved to impale Aydan. I was only able to stop her by rushing her, side where I ran into a wall of mist.

She held me at bay and slowly turned to me. "I can see I will need to immobilize you first." Faster than she has moved this entire time, Thana speared my chest, and I looked at it wide eyed. "This will likely kill you, but there are more important matters I must attend to."

"Arthur!!!" Aydan shouted as I stared down.

For some reason, I could feel the full pain from this weapon, and it felt almost crippling. However, Thana had taken everything away from me except for Aydan, and I wasn't going to let that happen. I'd grown close with the Elf, and that is what gave me the strength to move forward.

Unfortunately, this wasn't one of those times where togetherness and your bonds with friends won the day. Thana saw my first step and quickly slammed into me fully before pushing her weapon through my chest entirely. She also forced me onto the ground, where she pinned me to the ground with the lance in question. Now, I laid there with a good four feet staff stick out my chest while the rest of it was buried underground.

Blood poured from my body in a way where I should've died instantly. It felt as though my heart had stopped beating entirely, and my body grew cold. Yet, that didn't stop me. Thana noticed I was still moved and struggling to break free, and she merely tilted her head in a curious fashion before her eyes focused back on Aydan.

"Leave!!!" I turned my head towards The Sage. "Teleport yourself out of here!!!"

Aydan's lip trembled as he watched me struggle in vain. "I can't…"

Thana immediately sent her mist out to cover the entire area throughout the shield and spoke. "You are right. You can't." Almost methodically, the Queen of Demons moved towards him. "I know not where you learned such magic, and I care not. What is clear is that you Elves have reached far above your station."

Mist shot throughout the kingdom of Klasteris as screams of horror rang out. Trying to see what was happening, I watched some Elves be almost dissolved in her mist or cut to pieces before flopping on the ground. Soldiers were unable to defend themselves and the citizens even less so.

"And so, I will cull them here and in Lestrania to make sure your knowledge is never passed on." Thana finished as the kingdom became a blood bath, and I tried to pry the lance from my chest urgently. "It seems this trap was of use if only to reveal the true source of your magic."

Violently, I tried to pull the lance from my chest as Aydan fell to his knees and watched in horror. Thana merely walked over to him as her mist held him in place. Gritting my teeth from what I had in mind, I knew it was going to be painful. Keeping one hand on the shaft, my other hand slammed into the ground as I pulled, and a stone spike shot up from underneath me and through my chest. The spear had been removed, and now there was a gaping hole in my chest. Removing the stone hurt like hell, and the wounds weren't healing from the spear.

Struggling to my feet, I got to my knee with her spear in hand before I looked up and saw Aydan looking at me. "Arthur…" He called out softly as Thana place her hand on his head.

Using my eyes, I tried to stop her with my control over gravity, but it was sloppy at best. "Aydan…"

I watched, as blood, shot out from Thana forcing Aydan's head down while the mist pushed his body up. His body folded in on itself in a gruesome fashion as blood seeped out and turned her mist red from were parts in his skin tore. My eyes widened in horror as I watched him die, unable to do anything.

"And so, this matter comes to a close." Thana stated in a simple tone as she took his body and threw it outside the shield to her Demons. "Now, as for you."

My eyes never left the spot where Aydan had been restrained, and I felt something snap. Almost like my memories came flooding forward as I blacked out.