Chapter 111

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

I was in my office going over the papers for everything I had accomplished over the last week. True to my word, I got set up at several establishments all around The Slums. Cassidy was with me and had helped through the entire process. As a people person who actually gave a shit about people, she knew who needed what or the dreams that others had.

Cassidy shook her head as she sorted some of the piles. "Ah can't believe ya were able ta pull this off." She commented.

Without looking at her, I replied. "Several of the owners were willing to work with a man who not only stood up to the Nobles but told them to fuck off as well. Plus, Sherry going around and telling people what happened spread the word. Defending the little guy against those up top." Throwing a folder on my desk, I looked at her. "Y'all got some serious class issues in Lestrania, don't you?"

Before she could respond, the door to my office opened, and Greigh let himself in with Ziah following him. "How in the world did you manage to get the funds estimated for our projects in less than a month?" The Captain inquired as he tossed a folder on my desk.

Picking the folder up, I gestured to Cassidy. "Meet my secret weapon." The redhead rolled her eyes. "Shh. Don't tell anyone."

"Sir, this is going to raise a lot of red flags up top." I opened my mouth, and he sighed and continued. "Yes, I know. You don't give a fuck."

"Well, that's just not true. In this case, I do give a fuck. If I didn't, none of this would work." Ziah giggled a little at that, and I pointed at the two Zugal. "Without you two and Cassidy, I doubt this would've worked. Moving forward, I'm going to need you two on board."

Cassidy frowned and looked up at Greigh. "Isn't this goin ta hurt the economy in Lestrania? This much gold being moved around can't be a good thing."

Ziah answered. "We had similar concerns." She then gestured to me. "When we confronted the General about them, he said that it wasn't just one building company, but several and many other outlets as well."

Greigh then continued. "The money will go back into our rung, which will then be redistributed through the economy like normal." He crossed his arms and looked at me. "Which is why so many businesses are in play. How you came up with such a brilliant plan is beyond me."

"From what Ah've heard, Elincia and Arceana are also keepin an eye on things and are amazed at how well things are progressing." Cassidy may be a farm girl, but Augustus didn't raise no fool. "How did ya pull this off?" She asked in wonderment.

Putting the folder down that Greigh gave me, I nodded at him before returning it. "It's quite simple, my dear sweet Cassidy." Was my overly dramatic reply before holding up a finger. "First, learn where the flow of money is and what it's centered around. In this case, it was centered around the upper rungs and the Nobles, which made it even easier to identify."

"Sorry to interrupt, but what do the Nobles have to do with this?" Ziah questioned in a confused tone. "I thought you chased them off."

"Oh, I doubt I chased them off so easily. I'm waiting for one of them to fuck up, and when they do, I'll be waiting." Then I gestured as if to continue. "The Nobles, however, are in charge of several aspects down here. Alwin, Ayda, and Sherry were there when I explained, but the Mayor is definitely a puppet for the Nobles. I looked into it personally."

Greigh just sighed. "I assumed as much."

Cassidy looked at him. "You did?"

The Captain shrugged as his wings fluttered slightly. "It was the only reasonable explanation. The Mayor never did anything but was kept in high regard. Why was that?"

Nodding in understanding, Cassidy leaned back, annoyed. "The Nobles kept him there."

Pointing at her, I smirked. "Exactly." Then I helped up a second finger. "Second, what is the supply and demand for The Slums? What's interesting or an establishment that is afloat? Find where their flow of money is coming from, even if the owners themselves don't know it. Taxes are something special in The Slums. The exchange of gold and silver is so often, you don't think anything of it, and I'm sure to most owners it's just putting going through day by day."

"But the flow of gold is coming from the businesses?" Cassidy asked, confused. "How is that possible?"

Greigh answered this time. "The surrounding farmlands, nor their residents, are taxed. However, every exchange of goods and services is taxed inside the Capital. With a few simple tweaks here and there, it would be easy to gain a large sum of gold in a short period of time."

Cassidy then whipped her head toward me. "Which is exactly what you did!" I nodded again. "But how could ya do something like that? Ah know yer a Knight and all, but the pay can't be that good."

Holding up a third finger, I replied. "Have enough funds to go toe to toe with the Nobles and push them out." All three looked at me stunned, and I shrugged. "Of course, they're still getting their taxes, but not quite the sum they thought they'd be getting. After all-"

"You changed the percentages to be donated to the Town Guard for our rung, and they entered into an agreement with you, which lowers the taxes by a disturbing amount!" Greigh said as he slumped into one of the chairs and looked at me in what appeared to be admiration. "After all, there are tax cuts for members of the Town Guard, and since you're a General-"

"I also enjoy those privileges." Then I leaned forward with my thumb, and index finger barely separated. "I may have also done a few other things to twist that knife in there a 'little' bit deeper." With a smirk, I continued. "However, that won't come until a brave Noble, or Nobles, act in their own self-interest."

"And that's what you're waiting for, Sir?" Ziah asked aloud.

I nodded simply. "It is. I'm moving ahead with all our projects, and I plan on putting the Nobles in their place one more time, which will be the last time. See, they made the mistake of thinking I'm like the Priestesses. I'm not."

The three of my guests looked at each other for a moment before Cassidy spoke up again. "Where did ya get all this money ta do all this, and if ya had that much, why didn't ya just buy a house like ya wanted?"

With a large grin, a fourth finger popped up on my hand. "Lastly, don't ever let them see you coming and never let them know what you're coming with."