Chapter 508

Lucia's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Arthur was putting on his armor when we entered. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

Aydalia and Marina were with me as he glanced over at us. "Putting on my armor." Was his dull response.

It was a very nervous reply. "…May I ask why?" I pressed.

Turning from me, he continued to prepare as if uninterrupted. "What do you three need?" He avoided answering my question, which was just more alarming.

One could assume why he was putting his armor on. He only did so when he was expecting a fight or knew he was going into one. We did want to bring up a few points of interest that had been put off. Succubae, Alwin, the Priestesses, and a few other things, but this was more pressing.

Aydalia stepped forward. "Arthur, I know you must-"

"I'm not heading to the Helmsforth Temple just yet. Don't worry. I have other plans." He told us. I was a little relieved but just as quickly confused. "What did you need?"

Holding out my hands, I stopped the others from speaking. "Wait. Then what are you doing? Where are you going?"

Putting the last strap in place, Arthur grabbed Defiance and hooked it to his back. "To blow off some steam and ready an area for Arceana if it comes to that."

"You're going to go kill Graham." I stated simply.

"I am." A frown came to my lips at that. "Don't worry. I've already killed him several times. He can't have many lives left." That just confused me further. "While I'm gone, Lucia, you're in charge."

"Me!?" I questioned, surprised.

"Who else? Don't burn the place to the ground while I'm gone. This shouldn't take long."

Everything quickly went black, similar to what happened in Helmsforth Temple the night Graham appeared. The light quickly returned to us three, but not Arthur. Arthur was engulfed and disappeared into a black orb, which quickly shrunk into nothing and vanished as well.

"Should we tell the others?" Aydalia asked me as we stared at where he once stood.

"Who is this Graham that was mentioned?" Marina inquired. Aydalia quickly explained. "Should Cassidy and Austin not be informed? This seems like it would affect them. Although, knowing father, he might just bring back his head." She turned to us as we both looked at her. "What?"

"Ignoring that." I quickly said. "What should we do?"

Aydalia smirked. "Well, Arthur made it clear you're in charge." I rolled my eyes at that. "What would you like to do?"

"Aydalia, please. I am seriously concerned about Arthur! This is the same Demon that killed Aien and Augustus Reed! Don't you think we should-" I was cut off.

Marina placed one of her hands on my shoulders. "I don't think you'll need to worry about Arthur. In all honesty, this is something he needs. As he said, it's a form of stress relief. Father has been obviously frustrated about many things." She stated honestly. "If anything, I feel sorry for that Demon." Then she shrugged. "Then again, it sounds like it had it coming if it was going around killing people."

Nodding at that, I just sighed after a moment. "I think I'm going to check in on Alwin." Was all I said as I left the room.

Arthur's Point of View

Inside The Void

My body immediately changed as soon as I was in the void. "Been some time, Ben. Or would you prefer I call you Graham? Not that it matters." I said to the child, who was staring at me blankly from a seated position. "Maybe not as long as some reunions, but you're looking much younger than the last time I saw you."

He blinked slowly before his eyes came to life as if realizing I was really there. "The Anomaly…" Graham, in his much younger form, said in a more childish voice. "How long have I been trapped in here? Weeks? Months? Years?"

The once old man now looked to be anywhere from ten to twelve years old. "A few months. Is this you at your strongest? It appears you killed yourself a few times." He frowned at that as he stood. "Last time I saw you, you were a middle-aged man. Put your Benjamin Button into overdrive, huh? Thought you'd stop in your twenties, to be honest."

"People underestimate the usefulness of a child's body. More magic in a smaller frame makes it more dangerous than you would expect." Graham replied. "More than a match for the strange form you've arrived with." He said as he gestured to my lither transformed state.

"But will it be enough?" I asked back.

"It just needs enough to force you into letting me out of the accursed prison."

"That will never happen. You overestimate yourself." I warned.

He smirked after a sarcastic scoff. "Please. Could the hero of Lestrania truly harm a child? Even if I am a Demon, my form will always give pa-"

Graham didn't have much else to say as his body was pulled toward me while I shot forward. My entire arm pierced his body as blood shot from his boyish mouth. His eyes widened in horror and disbelief. A shaky gaze met my eyes as I stared at him firmly.

"Do you realize how fucked you are?" I asked him before my hand reached around to grab the back of his head. While he was paralyzed from being run through, I slowly started to pull. "Don't think I forgot you bragging about what you did to Mara. I haven't forgotten Augustus either." His body snapped in half as he folded over with my arm coming back out of the hole in his stomach. "Every life will be just like this until nothing remains of you." I told him, unsure if he could hear me.

Using my other hand, I pulled the back of his head through his stomach slightly before dropping him. He floated briefly as his eyes just barely stuck out from his own stomach. It was a grotesque sight but one I felt rather comfortable with. While I waited, Defiance floated into my hand. One kill was one thing, but I had a feeling he would be more prepared the next time he came back.

Sure enough, his body began to convulse, and he reappeared, looking slightly younger. "You know, Graham," I began as he eyed me fearfully. "I'm going to enjoy this. I really needed this."