Chapter 524

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Marina and I walked the depths of my estate. Places I had never been before to find Cassidy and her kin. As I homed in on the little group, Marina floated next to me.

"I want to apologize." My watery daughter/guardian told me suddenly.

"Mmh?" I hummed out, although I already knew the reason.

"It wasn't right of me to bring…" At my look she paused for a moment. "To bring up the past. Especially, 'that.'"

Continuing through the hall, I replied. "Yeah, well, I probably could've handled it better too. That seems to be the standard for me, though. Little things set me off, I overreact, and then I kind of feel bad for it."

Marina spoke softly. "It wasn't an overreaction. You already asked us not to discuss what memories we have from you."

"And there are no words to describe how much I hate that you have them. Aydan only told me what would happen after we already started." I sighed, frustrated at the situation. "Didn't even think any of you would be able to talk."

"Are you disappointed?" She inquired.

"Not really. There is some manner of comfort there, but again…" I trailed off.

"You don't like thinking about the past."

"Another thing that is the standard for me." A scoff left my lips. "I haven't even gone out of my way to remember my night with Elincia. The memories are definitely there, but I'm leaving them a blur. Especially if Mara is alive. Doubt she'd be willing to give me the time of day." Running my hands down my face, I watched the three energies as we approached. "Although, I suppose possibly getting her sister pregnant would likely be just one more thing on the list for her."

"Most likely."

We stopped outside Cassidy's door. "Did she ever talk about me?" Marina looked to me surprised. "I mean, outside from her inquiries about me…" She looked unsure of how to respond, and I shook my head. "Never mind." Without giving her a chance to reply, I knocked on the door. "FBI! Open up!" A snort came from Marina, and I turned to see her with an amused expression. "See this is why it's somewhat comforting." I told her softly as the door opened.

"Arthur!" Austin greeted enthusiastically.

Placing my hand on the top of his head, I went inside. "Hey, buddy. Heard you and your sister ran into Floyd."

Cass was laying down in bed with Rennal's hand on her forehead. "Yeah. Two guesses who told the Priestesses we were here, and the first guess don't count." The redhead said bitterly.

I nodded at that as Marina followed me inside before closing the door. "Floyd is an issue." All three of them opened their mouths, but I quickly held up a hand. "I'm not planning on killing him. However, something is off about him. Stay away from him if you can, and if you see him in the house, find someone who 'can' kill him." I crossed my arms. "Caught him in my room not too long ago looking for Ayda."

Rennal looked worried at that. "Didn't you say he was asking about Ayda at The Rainy Helm?" She asked Cass.

"He was. He's always had a soft spot for her." Cass answered.

I shrugged. "Don't care." My attention turned to Marina. "Make sure the others keep an eye out for him. He can use magic, so be aware he's not entirely Human."

"Ah take it this aint a social visit?"

Turning back to Cass, I spoke. "Yes and no. Wanted to come and tell you to start resting. It's only been a few days since you sort of recovered. Marina is worried about you, as are a few others. I'm one of them." My eyes shot toward Austin for a moment before I frowned. "Mmh. We'll talk once your better and we have a moment." I turned back to Marina. "Is there nothing you can do for her?"

Marina shook her head. "While I could soothe her aches and pains, it would do little good. Her," She also paused as her gaze focused on Austin for a moment. "'Ailments' are rather specific and will only heal with time."

"Ah still don't understand everythin that happened? Why're is Floyd not allowed ta come here? He was always fun ta be around." The child in the room asked the adults. "After what happened ta Kine, he might just want ta talk ta Ayda."