Story of a mother

People has no idea how much pain a mom had to bear while giving birth. How much she has to suffer, how much she has to sacrifice, how much she has to faced difficulties a person can never imagine. And she has to suffer after giving birth for rest of her life.

This is a story about a mother who has been suffering since she started grew up. She spent her childhood happily. But the problem begins in her adolescence. She fall in love with her teacher. He wasn't too elder than her. When she was in class nine, her parents rent a tutor for her. Day after day, they began to know each other and fall for each other. When her parents get to know about her relationship, they got disappointed at their daughter. But they were helpless because they understand how much she loved her boyfriend. Though the boy wasn't enough old, they ask him to marry her. They just wanted to check if he loves her truly or not. The tutors answer was yes because he was afraid if he says no, he might end up by losing her.

As the boy was imprudent, obstinate, his family couldn't insist him not to marry the girl. So, they have been married and that's when the suffering of the girl has begun.

As her husband was jobless and couldn't earn that much by tutoring, she had to listen too much bad languages from her in-laws. She couldn't able to eat properly, sleep properly. There was no shift of her duty. She had to work all day and she had to stopped going school. As her in-laws didn't like her, they started to torture her by doing work for all day and by badmouthing her in case she make a mistake. And of course she made too many mistakes as she was the only child of her parents and they didn't let her work before marriage. But she had to bear those pain silently. Because she was afraid if she complain about them to her husband, he would never believe her and she would become bad in his eye.

But one day her husband saw them to torture her and couldn't stay silent. He came out with his wife and started to live in different place far from his home where nobody could find them. Time passed by and the husband started to become successful and get job. They were happy but the husband was thinking about his parents as he also loved them. So, after some times he contacted with his parents and they say sorry to him though they weren't sorry.

When she got pregnant, it was very difficult for her as she was too young. She gained weight and she needs proper meal and rest. But if she keep resting, who'd do the work? So, she couldn't take rest and with her heavy body she had to take care of her own home. When she feels sick, she didn't get anyone beside her as they lives far from her parents and in-laws. And her husband could not look after her properly as he had to earn money.

After giving birth of a girl, her job had been doubled. There were no shift of her duty. She had to take care of the baby for 24 hours. Even she can't go to washroom in emergency. She couldn't eat properly as she had nobody who can look after the baby. Though she take care of her this much, she was inexperienced. The little girl get sick one day and that's when she discover her husband's new face. He started yelling at her as he found her guilty behind the child's sickness though it wasn't true.

Day passes by and the girl started to grew up. She was stubborn like her father. Though she was immature, she started to hurt her mom with her words. And when the mother goes to complain about it to her dad, he found his wife guilty for that.

Day after day her husband became more obstinate. Whenever he found something wrong in his house, he found his wife guilty and shouted at her. She couldn't say a thing against him as he became more angrier by that. So, the mother was silently bear all of this. Whenever someone of her family became sick, she had to work in four shift to look after them. But when she became sick, nobody stayed by her side as all of them were busy in their own world. She had to suffer all alone. As her child grew up and kept her feet in adolescence just like her, she became more savage. Even the mother can't say a thing to her as the kid became angry on her. And when she does something wrong and her dad knew about it, he started to yell at his wife as he thinks it was all her fault and she didn't teach her properly.

She can't say a thing against him. And she can't share her pain to anyone as she herself choses this path. So, she was bearing everything in sake of her family and she thought they needs her though they didn't think like that. She became helpless and think of this as her destiny.

But nobody valued her how she should be. Everyday she felt like she was a trash of the home which was playing an important role in the family. It was very hurtful but it's so true.

Almost every mother of our country faced the same suffering. Though they are too much valuable, people never judged them like gold. They always has been judged like a paper.