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Many people in our country dream to go foreign for a better life. And if they can manage the amounts of money, they have to contact with the agencies and the brokers. If they are rich, then money won't be a big problem for them. But for the middle class and the poor people have to struggle a lot to fulfill his or her dream. In case of boys, their parents and everyone supports them a lot. And they also wants to send their son to make his life better no matter what it would cost.

But girls have to pursued their family hardly. Nowadays, some rich girls go to foreign for study purpose. But middle class people doesn't want to send their daughters far from their eyesight. They think they can't handle themselves. They just can't trust on their daughters.

Anyways, some women go to abroad for the sake of earning money. When they can't see any other options or can't get any other job, they tried to go abroad.

This is story of Chamili. She used to live in rural area. She didn't saw her mother's face as she died right after giving her birth. So, her father was everything for her. And he used to adore her a lot. He was a farmer and we all know how miserable our farmer's life are! She had a elder brother but he was abnormal. He was five years older than Chamili but he couldn't walk because he doesn't have feet under his leg since birth. And also, his mentally didn't grew up though he was a grown up man. His brain didn't developed after five years so he can't think or act like a grown up man.

When Chamili was twenty, her father got cancer. Doctor told her to take her father in city. So, she came Dhaka with her brother and her father. As the old man can't earn much, there's not enough money for his treatment. So, the girl started to search for a job. She got job in a garments company. But she wouldn't earn that much. Her father couldn't do heavy works so he agreed to work in a garden which he was expert in. But this can't help them as their income was very little.

One day, one of Chamili's colleague told her that she knew a guy who can give her a better job and he will pay a lot. Chamili's eyes sparkled hearing that as she needs a lot of money for her father's treatment. So, she showed curiosity and asked what job it would be. Her colleague replied it would be a cleaner job inside a foreign hotel. Chamili asked to meet the guy and he told her that she needs five lac Tk for that. She couldn't understand where she can get this much money. So, she refused the offer but the guy told that she can pay it later once she would started to getting paid.

Chamili thought this would be best for her. As she doesn't know about abroad much, she believed everything the guy said to her.

So, she get her passport and after finishing the documentary works, she convince her father that everything will be fine as before and she will come back after earning a lot of money so that they won't have to beg to others. And her father will be proud on her.

But alas! When she reached her destination, she felt something really bad. There were more than hundred girls like her caged in a room. She got afraid and didn't want to get inside the room as all of the girls condition was very poor. Some were tied up, some were sleeping like they were dead, some were breathing heavily and kept asking for something. Some were crying. She has been forced and got hit while bargaining. Like other girls, her hands were also being cuffed as she was trying to go out. After some times, a guy came to her and inject something in her arm. She felt too dizzy and fall on the floor.

After she woke up, she discovered herself in another room. A woman was beside her and right after she woke up, she called someone. A man came inside and ordered the lady to get her ready. But Chamili couldn't understand what was going around her.

The lady told her to come to her but Chamili was afraid and refused. So the lady came to her and grabbed her hair tightly. Being hurt, she groaned but the lady make her stood up and sat on a chair. She told her, if Chamili won't listen to her, the lady would have to suffer. So she better listen to her if she don't want to harm her or herself.

After finishing the makeup, the lady took her in a room full of guy. Every man was looking like hyenas in empty stomach. Chamili got afraid and tried to ran away from there but alas! She couldn't escape from there. Instead of this, she got another dose of the medicine and passed out again.

After opening her eyes, she discovered herself in a bed. There was a guy beside her and both of them have no clothes. She started crying after understand what just happened.

She couldn't earn money or escape from there. Now, she was used to her this life and she became a prostitute as there's no way to get out of there. Even if she can get out, who'd accept her now?