A slave for free

Rubina was in class nine when her family get her married to a businessman. As they were poor, Rubina couldn't continue study and marriage was the only way to get rid of her. She didn't wanted to marry but she couldn't refuse when she looked at her father's face. She always dreamt to have a prince. No, not a real prince. Just like a fairy tale, she wanted a man who would love her a lot and take care of her.

But her story wasn't like a sweet dream. It was like a nightmare from which she wanted to get out from. But it was reality, so there was no chance of escape from there.

She used to stay alone at home for whole day. When her husband come, she hurriedly welcome him with a sweet smile and served the dishes which she cooked with a lots of love. But her husband didn't pay much attention to it and complain about her cooking. So, she felt upset but she tried her best to develop her cooking skill. Since her husband couldn't give her much time, she went to her neighbor to kill some time often. One day, when she was in her neighbor, her husband called her as he came back home earlier. She rushed to her house and saw her husband was waiting for her with angry face. She couldn't understand why he was that angry. He asked her where she was and why she went outside without informing him. She said sorry and it would never happen again. But her husband started doubting on her thinking that his wife has relation with another guy. He didn't tell her anything that day. But he was quite rude on her. Next day when Rubina's husband went for his work, she went to her neighbor again after finishing her work. But that day her husband didn't went to work. He was there all the time and keep eyes on her. He saw her going to the neighbor. The house in which Rubina used to go, lived a guy who was an employee of a big company. He was also married. And Rubina went to gossip with the man's wife while the man stayed out of the house.

But Rubina's husband thought Rubina has secret relationship with that guy.

So, the next day without telling her anything he told her to get ready as they are shifting their home. Rubina was quite surprised so she asked why suddenly they need to shift. Her husband angrily told her to follow his order. She couldn't say anything more. After some days, the pandemic started and her husband have to stay home all day. And Rubina started to seeing her husband's true self. As his business was down, he was being deranged. And all his tension was being out with anger. As he can't show his anger to anyone else, he always show them with his wife.

Even one day, he pluck his hand on her when he couldn't eat because the curry was salty. And Rubina thought it was really her fault. She can see the tension on his face so it was okay for her. She tried to console him but he didn't let her as he stayed angry always.

Day after day, his business was going more and more down. He was also becoming more and more crabbed. Rubina had to work all day but if she did any mistake sometimes, she had to be scolded or get beaten. And she accept that as her fate. Every single prayer time, she prayed for her husband but who prayed for her? Nobody.

One day her husband told her to do something but she forgot. And that's why she had to get beaten by her husband until his anger level went down. That day she understands her husband doesn't care for her at all. She called her mom and said everything while crying. But her mother said she have to bear it since god make women as men's slave.