Story of a poor lady

It's the story of my own aunt. So, I can't tell her name. I feel really really bad for her but I can't do anything for her. Who would do anything selflessly in this cruel world? If anyone would go, she should have to sacrifice her own life.

My aunt is near forty five years old. She has three daughters and a son. Her husband was really nice some years ago. But recently he changed and the reason is:

He has a secret relationship with another woman. So, he used to come home late. At first my aunt couldn't understand why he came home late those days. One day she asked him if something was going wrong with him or his business. But her husband was good at telling lies. So, he lied to her that he was going through a lot. My poor aunt believed on him.

But one day her elder daughter who was returning from school, saw her father with another lady. They were really close. As she never saw that woman before, she couldn't understand anything at first. But she was quite intelligent. From then, she started to follow her father's every step and figure out about the relationship between her father and that lady.

As she couldn't take it anymore because the situation was getting worse, she told everything to her mother. My aunt didn't believe her own daughter at first. But, when her daughter gave her proof, she couldn't believe her own eyes.

So, that day when her husband came home, she asked him to tell the truth. And as expected, he refused to accept the truth and tried to understand her with too many lies. And my poor aunt believed in him.

After some days, the girl saw her dad with that woman again but this time she saw they were going inside a house. And that time, she couldn't bear it anymore. She directly went to fetch her mom and grabbed her hand. Then she took her mom where her dad was. My aunt caught her husband red handed that day. But her husband didn't confessed to her.

When my aunt said not to meet the lady again, he told her it's none of her business. He would do anything he wants as he was saying that he wasn't doing anything wrong.

From that day, he started to abuse with everyone at home. Though my aunt knew everything, she couldn't do anything. She and her elder daughter became the most hated person in her husband's eyes.

One day, when her husband came home very late, she started yelling at him as she knew where he was been for that long. But instead of listening, he also started to quarreling and at last, he pluck his hand on her. Though it was night, he grabbed her hand and pull her outside from home and told her not to come back again. As she was nobody around there, and the area was quite dangerous, she quickly seek apologize. That's how she survived that day but after that night, she called her relatives to come and settle the matter.

Everyone came and start arguing with each other. Some days she should divorce him some says to look at the children and take decisions etc, etc. In that meeting, my aunt's husband said, he wants to divorce her. And she can take her children with her. He has no objections but if she do that, he won't take responsibilities of her or her children. She have to take care of the four children and he wouldn't gonna pay even a penny for them.

So, everyone forced her to stay with him as nobody else could take care of her or her four children. It's not possible because all of them were middle class family. And she can't live with her own as she couldn't do work on her own and make money for living. So, she agreed as there were no other option for her.

Everyone left but the couple wasn't act like a couple anymore. She was being abused and she knows she can't get rid of it as she stuck in those four walls.

After a few days, she went to a fakir(monk) as she wants some suggestions if she can get her husband back. The fakir told her many things to do and give her many advices. She started to following what he told her.

But when her husband heard that she went to a guy to fix all the problems, he got angry.

He came home early that day. My aunt thought he came to have lunch so she went to kitchen to serve food. But her husband went to her and started beating her continuously. She couldn't understand what's wrong with him. When he leave her and went inside the kitchen, she was on the floor of the living room. That time only she and her little five year olds daughter was at home. So, the little kid saw the brutality of her own father. However, he went to kitchen to bring a utensil and when she saw him coming back, she saw the sharp knife on his hand. He was screaming madly that he won't leave her alive that day. Though she was weak after getting some hit, she managed to stood up and rushed to the restroom and locked herself inside. When he couldn't break the door, he went outside again and she came out from the restroom. Since then, the little kid doesn't went to her father, whenever she saw him, she hide herself thinking that he would kill her with that knife.

When the relatives knew about it, they all came again and held a family meeting again. But this time also everything lost and the guy wins. So, she had to stay with him for her children's sake. If she would divorce him, who'd pay for the tution fees, how would they survive? Though she had to beg from her husband every time any of her child needs money, she can't do anything else but to get scolded and get bad temper because it was the only way to take care of her childrens. Though she was only forty five, she looked like a hundred years old lady.