
Worst Day

On that Friday evening, mae Saint was having his leisure high tea time alone at Panich mansion as he sipping his earl grey tea.

His mind suddenly reminiscing the day where he wishes that he could turn back the time that badly and prevents it from ever happen.

It was in the afternoon on Sunday, the Panich siblings went out for lunch at their mae's lovely Italian restaurant not far from their hospital.

The firstborn Perth, 18 years old who's a mild, understanding, very straightforward, think ahead, kind and loving type of person who adores his siblings and parents.

Meanwhile, Paul, Karol's twin both are 12 years old at that time the joy and pain-in-the-ass in their family.

They both are like two peas in the pot, often find troubles together, get detention together, going anywhere together, a prankster in the family and the most adventurous among the others.

It was never a dull moment with those two twins when they gather together for weekly dinner night on Saturday with the whole gang.

They have fun talking, chatting on a normal conversation, childish bickering can be heard back and forth by the twins.

Both Perth and Saint's life was in chaos as it went from the best lunch to the worst day of their life, right in front of their eyes.

As they walk out of the restaurant, all four of them walking towards the car which parks at the end of the row from the restaurant right in front of the freeway.

Karol and Paul were running around the parking lot trying to race each other toward the car as Perth and Mae Saint walk slowly while shaking their heads as they look at the twins.

"How come we are so different with them both?" ask Perth as he looks at his mae.

"Blame it on your pho's gene that mixed mine and the end product is a hyperactive twin that got long-life batteries," said Mae Saint casually while giggling a little making both of them laughing at the oblivious twins.

The twins run back towards Perth and Mae Saint and asked: "what's so funny?"

"I bet it's because of your running style that looks like a weirdo" reply Karol that earn her a playful glare.

"Come here your evil twins of mine," said Paul as he saw Karol run away making a head start from him.

"Nope, not unless you catch me!" reply Karol as she runs away from her twin brother.

Unknowing to them that there is a sedan car charging right towards them like a mad raging bull that got out of control at the speed at the car went.

Mae Saint notices what's going on but too late to do anything as he was about to run towards the twins but everything happens for a split second.

The next thing he knows is that the charging sedan car stopped by hitting the other car which parks at the second row away from their car.

From Saint's view, he saw the sedan car change land at the freeway and drove right into the restaurant parking lot as he hit the bump and the divider which make the car slower but not slow enough to pull his twins away from danger.

Saint saw Karol and Paul running towards their car while the incoming car was charged at them both.

Paul was on high alert when he heard the tire screeching indicate a charged car coming towards them.

Paul looks up and knows that the impact will be big and it'll kill both of them if he didn't do anything.

He quickly increases his running speed and pushes Karol away from the danger and towards the grass patch that was there right in front of them and he got hit by the sedan car.

Everything was loud and fast, from a peaceful lunch on the afternoon turn into a bloody day.

The car hit Paul and straight away it breaks check itself, Mae Saint and P'Perth was in a panic as they run at full speed towards the twins.

What lies right in front of them got them to knock back down cling onto each other meanwhile the other diner who witness the accident to take the initiatives to call for help.

He looks over on his twins while screaming 'HELP' 'CALL THE AMBULANCE' repeat, over and over again until he can hear the ambulance and the firefighter.

Perth pass out the moment he saw Paul stuck under the sedan car and a sobbing mess Saint have to hug his boy.

Within a few minutes help come to their aid. The firefighter begins their work by trying to lift the car that pinned Paul down and pull him out from underneath it.

Karol was unconscious by the grass patch as she hit her head on the divider, the paramedic quickly bandages her head and brought them to the nearest hospital.

The sedan car driver was knocked out cold as he hit his head on his steering wheel and he was driving under the influence (DUI).

Blood was everywhere coming out underneath the car. Paul's arm and leg were broken due to the impact that he took, his head was pouring blood like a river together with his arms and legs.

His legs folded into two meanwhile his arm was twisted in a different angle, he was breathing but very shallow.

As soon as the firefighter pull him out from the car the paramedic quickly does their jobs by trying to prevent another massive blood loss or else the patient will die on the spot.

He has been resuscitating a couple of time while transporting him to their hospital and they quickly hooked him a blood bag upon arrival at the emergency ICU.

The doctor tried their best to operate him while giving him bag and bags of blood but all pour out from him a couple of minutes as they administrate in him.

His body was broken that he can't take in anything and it was a bloody scene to be looking at, somehow the doctor manages to stabilize Paul but they know he only has few minute or the maximum is an hour to survive.

Zee comes barging at the ICU operating theatre while Saint come seconds after him, both parents were in shock and crying mess upon looking at their son who's trying to hold on for his dear life.

"I'm sorry but he only has a minute or an hour max because his body is giving up," said the specialist.

"Oh God my baby boy," said Saint while crying, the beeping sound of the machine indicate that Paul listens to their cry.

"He can hear you and see that irregular heartbeat that's how he communicates with you"

"Mae Pho loves you, my son," said Zee as he cries a bucket.

"We love you very much" add Saint while holding Paul's bloody hands.

"You can rest now and wait for us in heaven," said Zee while he holds both Saint and Paul's hand.

"Be an angel, my angel. We'll meet you soon" said Saint while looking at his dying son who continue to pour out blood out from his body.

A few seconds later Paul's heartbeat went flat line leaving Panich family forever.

The doctor and nurse were quick to action by confirming and record his time of death while Saint runs towards the other operation room and cry his eyes out and loudly wailing for the loss of his son.