10th birthday!(part 1)

I am happy to say that I lived to see my 10th birthday. The last four years have been pretty normal except for the brutal training. I am way better with swordsmanship now, but Ciri is still better than me. She must have got it from Geralt. I have taken more after Yen in regards to personality, she would stop by often and help me study from Lara's diary. After I translated it, she helped me learn some of the elven magic Lara used when see was alive. I am still pretty bad at normal magic, however elven magic is easier for me.

I learned how to create a plasma ball from the diary. That's the only thing I learned in regards to casting magic. I also learned a couple of cool things I can do with my weapon's. I can channel my power into them and make them phase through things and people. If I wanted to I could phase my weapon into someone and then solidify it again to kill them.

Vesemir has taught me so much about combat, how to track and kill too. The first time I killed another living creature was hard, but it wasn't something I could avoid. We are supposed to have everyone come for my tenth birthday tomorrow. Yennefer says she has a gift for me, she always gives the best gifts. Last year she gave me a custom made sheath for my steel sword.

I should make my way down stairs. Ciri is already awake and gone so that means I am running late. Could have at least woke me up. I swear she makes my life hard on purpose, but I care for her deeply. She was my first friend and I know her like I know myself. Her birthday was a couple of months ago, we don't get each other gifts because we don't have money, but its the thought that counts.

I walk into the main hall and see everyone is eating breakfast already. Eskal and Lambert are already out on the path again since its spring. Vesemir and Geralt have remained here for the last four years to train Ciri and me. Ciri still can't use the Elder Blood like I can but she is getting stronger, I can feel it. Hopefully it doesn't take too long, she has been obsessed with trying to get her power to work. Takes a lot of tenacity to keep it up after four years. I sit down and look to Vesemir.

"Not training yet? Something holding you guys up?" I ask my master. He hardly ever holds up training.

"I decided we should take today and tomorrow off considering that its your birthday." He answers me. We never took my birthdays off before. What's going on here?

"Why? We never take time off for anything." I ask him suspiciously. There is no way he doesn't have a hidden plan.

"You and Ciri have been doing so well with training that I figured you both deserve some time off." I am quite surprised that this is happening. My body unclenches for the first time in four years and I suddenly feel like pudding. Talk about unexpected. I look over to Ciri and see she is in the same boat.

"You should both go play outside. Geralt and I have to talk about something." I hear Vesemir say. I look to Ciri and see she already has my hand as we take off to the keeps doors. I can't remember the last time we got to play like this.

~~~(POV Vesemir)~~~

I see the two hellions run off and its just me and Geralt. I look to him with sadness in my eyes. I can't break the news to Ciri so I'll have Geralt do it tomorrow during the party. I hear him ask me a question.

"C'mon, spill what's bugging you. You usually talk my ear off." I listen to him say. No point in dragging it on.

"Yennefer has sent me a message." Geralt isn't to happy about that. Their relationship is rocky as of late. The only reason Yennefer comes around anymore is because of Cera. Ciri can't perform magic, so there is going to be a loud day tomorrow in what's going to happen. I look and see Geralt waiting for me to finish.

"Yennefer is coming to take Cera with her tomorrow. She says its the best option as of late." I say to my grumpy student. He has grown to really like Cera. I don't even want to think of what Ciri will be like tomorrow after the party.

"Why?" He asks me with a frustrated voice. He also has concerns for Ciri. She has grown to love the boy more than just a friend. Even if she doesn't want to admit it. Cera is thick headed, but he is catching on. It's pretty obvious to everyone else. It is fun to watch them dance around their feelings, however I shouldn't keep Geralt waiting should I.

"Cera's Elder Blood is growing to powerful. He is going to need personal instruction from Yennefer on how to hide and manage it now. When the boy has a nightmare the whole keep shakes." I say to Geralt confirming his thoughts on what he is thinking.

"So that's why you gave them the day off. You do know they will villainize us right." He says with a voice that hints to what I already know.

"Yennefer said that she will take the blame for it. That way Ciri will still listen to the two of us. However, I don't think she will forgive Yennefer so easy." I confirm his thoughts. I know he doesn't want Ciri to be in pain, but this can't be avoided.

~~~(POV Yennefer)~~~

I am looking forward to seeing my Cera tomorrow, but I wish it was under better circumstances. I have to go and repair the barrier that hides him every few weeks. Those shields can hold a small army back. He can't help it though, so its not his fault. That's why I am taking him. So I can protect him and train him to suppress his power. I can't be by his side forever.

I am feeling guilty though, I know I shouldn't feel happy that I am taking Cera away from them. I can't help that I'm looking forward to him being with me from now on. He is the son I could never have. I would die for the boy. Vesemir is worried about Ciri, she will get over it though. Its for Cera and his safety, she will learn that eventually she will go through the same thing. I contact an old friend who is a powerful seer.

"So do you know how long we have till its supposed to happen?" I ask the man named Tieer Marble. Hopefully he has a fuller picture after a couple of day's.

"No, all that I have seen is that Cera is going to go through hell and back. You need to prepare him Yennefer. His life will be fighting, war, and loss." I hear as my heartaches. I would shelter him from everything if I could, but not even I am strong enough to do that.

"I was hoping for good news Tieer. I will not doubt your abilities with more questions, however if it does change I need you to contact me immediately." I say to him as I cut off the communication. I hate that this is happening to Cera. Why couldn't it have been something else.

~~~(POV Ciri)~~~

We get to our favorite ledge in Kaer Morhen and look at the beautiful landscape. I can't remember the last time we got to have a day just for fun and relaxation. I look at Cera and realize that even sitting down he is taller than me now. We were the same height till we were nine. After that he left me behind has he continues to grow. He isn't that much taller than me, but its still frustrating.

"Are you looking forward to tomorrow?" I ask him in a happy voice. I can't help feeling happy for him.

"Yeah, Yen is coming tomorrow to. She never disappoints when its yours or my birthday." I hear him say. It is absolutely beautiful right now with the sun setting over the mountains. I can't keep avoiding my love for him. I just don't know how he will react if I do anything about it. I look to him again. Geralt is never afraid of anything so I shouldn't be either.

"What do you think of me Cera." I say out of the blue. He has surprise on his face, but I think he get's my question.

~~~(POV Cera)~~~

'What I think, huh.' I think to myself. I love her very much, but she is my best friend. Maybe that's why I love her. I have been with her since day one in Kaer Morhen, she helped me on my best and worst day's. I won't be afraid of rejection anymore. Geralt or Yennefer wouldn't, so I shouldn't either. I take a deep breath and give my answer.

"I love you with all my heart Ciri. You are the only person I have felt this way for. You taught me that even though I lost my parents I still have others to love..... How do you feel about me?" I ask her after my little proclamation of love.

~~~(POV Ciri)~~~

'He loves me!!! He actually loves me!!!!' I shout in my head. I can't believe he feels like this. He never showed it the little sneak. I then hear his question as he looks at me. I should show my feelings with action since I've never been good with words like him.

I look at him as I lean in, he catches on fast and starts to lean in too. My face is probably really red right now. Soon I can feel his gentle breath on my face, it smells like mint toothpaste, its nice in fact. Our faces get closer and our eyes close. Then a connection happens.

Its like fireworks go off for me. A gentle first kiss as our lips touch. We pull away from each other after a long 17 seconds. We lost time, and we look away from each other with red faces. After a couple seconds we look at each other again. We spare a look at each other without word's as we go in for another kiss.

"It's time for bed you to!!! We have a packed day tomorrow!!!" I hear from the doors of the keep. We are out of sight right now. The announcement doesn't stop us however. We are already kissing again when we both heard the voice, but we have our eyes closed and having another gentle second kiss that is somehow better than the first one. As we part we fail to notice green electricity between our lips.

We look at each other one more time and lock fingers. We get up and head back to our room hand in hand. We quickly fall asleep and have sweet dreams. However, they had failed to notice a spy that was watching them.

~~~(POV Gaunter O'Dimm)~~~

"Well, the wheel has begun to turn it seems. Your destiny's will change the world. I never forget Cera. You still owe me for the diary of Lara Dorren." I say to nobody. The children of Lara Dorren have met once again. 'Here's to the future.' I think as I made it rain a storm all night long.