Letting the monster loose (Part 1)

[New upload schedule from now on. Please check the auxiliary volume for information. Thanks for reading!!!]

Ciri and I both hear the loud noise coming from downstairs. I can also hear the faint clanking of armor, not really sure what Jaskier has got himself into. This could prove difficult if we are having to worry about Jaskier's and Priscilla's safety. Hopefully Jaskier doesn't need complicated problems solved, I am not in the mood to pile bodies right now. I wonder were he gets the gall to do these things to other people, Geralt isn't here to rescue him anymore. As we are running down the hall and are approaching the stairs I ask Ciri a question. "If you don't think you can go through with killing some of them let me know now. I'll take care of it if you don't want to shed blood." I want to make sure we are on the same page, I don't want to make any mistakes because I didn't know if she is okay with that or not.

She chuckles at me, guess that is a good sign. "Don't worry about me, I can handle myself." That's the best answer I could have hoped for.

I catch up to her as we descend the stairs. "I'm glad I don't have to worry then. Have your sword ready." I have full confidence in Ciri's combat abilities, she is the most talented fighter I know. She learned so much from Geralt, I may be better than her. However, that's only because I developed my own adaptation of the wolf style in my journey's. It's incredibly aggressive and high powered. When I mix it with my teleporting it's impossible to stand against it unless your as good as a grade A witcher or you have a power like my own. Ciri is better at 1 on 1, I excel at killing in large numbers. I can take anyone 1 on 1, but Ciri will probably beat me. She is just to fast and agile for me to keep up with. The only way to close that gap is with teleports, and she is no slouch with those.

We reach the bottom as I finish my thoughts. We come into the open area and see six people I do not recognize. Two of them have chest plates and arm guards, the others are in cheap clothes holding cheap weapons. The armored ones have better gear, they are the leaders here. They look like brothers to me. The biggest one, who is taller than even me points his sword at us. "Hold it right there, we don't have a problem with the two of you. Let us leave with this damn bard and you wont have any problems." So Jaskier has made some enemies here in Novigrad, these guys look like mercenary's. That's good for us because they won't be missed by whomever hired them.

We point our swords at the men and they stand guard. Jaskier moves behind us with Priscilla, guess we are doing this the hard way. I could try and talk my way out of this, give less reasons to have Jaskier killed. "Why don't you leave here and never come back. If you don't, you'll die." I have every intention to kill these men if they don't listen. The bigger man laughs at my response.

He looks back at us, he gives a vile smile. I am getting sick of seeing those kinds of smiles here in Novigrad. "Now your going have to compensate us for that threat. How about you hand over these little lady's as pay." My rage is returning, but I have a handle on it right now. The man looks over to Ciri and licks his lips.

That really pisses me off. "*RRUUUMMMBBLLEE* Don't. Look. At. Her....." I can feel my control slipping. The shaking is making the furniture fall over and pictures are falling off the walls as the windows shake. I have done great in controlling my power, but in moments like these. They make me want to let go and bloody my sword.

~~~(POV Ciri)~~~

Cera's power is shaking the place again. It's not as bad as last time though, all of Novigrad was shaking. Now it's just the general vicinity, I am beginning to lose my footing though. I can understand why Cera is reacting like this. The look that man gave, it made me want to puke. I am not worried about the enemies right now, I need to reign Cera in or he's going to bring the Rosemary down on us. I shuffle next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Cera....The whole place is going to fall apart if you don't stop...." After a few seconds the shaking is slowing down and it settles as Cera's rage settle's. I'm glad that didn't blow up in our faces.

I then hear something that boggles my mind for a good couple seconds. "Damn, these earthquakes are becoming a problem the last few days. Talk about bad timing, now where were we." I can't believe this Neanderthal thinks it was an earthquake, looking at his friends they think the same thing. Birds of a feather as they say.

Cera and I ready our swords, it's going to be nice to fight side by side with Cera. "Don't worry about earthquake's right now. You need to be focusing on us." I need to get there attention away from Jaskier and Priscilla. This is the only way we can protect them for sure. I look to Jaskier for a split second and he gets the message. He grabs Priscilla and heads upstairs for safety, now we can focus on this fight.

The man looks at the retreating form of the two and frowns. "We are going to have fun with the little blond one after we are done with you, little rabbit. I can't wait to sink my teeth into you." This man is insane if he goes around talking like that to everyone. Before I can even respond a heavy pressure envelops the room. The men on the other side shake trying to hold themselves up. I feel heat radiating from Cera right now. "*RRUUMMBBBLLEEE*" It's way worse this time, pretty sure all of Novigrad is shaking right now. All of a sudden Cera disappears in a turquoise light and I am still stuck in place from the heavy feeling.

I look over to the men and see Cera behind two in the back of the group. I am strangely turned on by this right now. I watch in what seems to be slow motion, Cera grips his swords with two hands and swings it once at the two in the back. The result was the blade cutting cleanly through them. "AAHHHHH!!!" One of them screams as the blade cuts through him, he lasted long enough to scream it seems.

You would think Cera stops after this, but he just lets his momentum carry him as he does a 360 and moves to the next two unarmored goons. The result was worse than the last, he cut them up in such a way their guts and vital organs spill out. The heavy pressure is being removed as Cera vents his anger, I can now freely move now. I stop myself from teleporting and joining the fight when I hear a voice.

The big man that spoke earlier is looking to talk. "WAIT, WAIT!! PLEASE JUST LE-" Before he can even finish speaking his head is chopped off right at the nose area. Cera curves his blade through the top of his skull and uses his momentum to bring his sword down on the mans brother. He cuts right into is shoulder and slices through the body half way diagonally. He stops in the middle of the body and pulls his sword out, the last man falls to the ground lifeless.

He was graceful and brutal all together, never stopping between kills. Just going with the flow of combat. I can not lie, I am very aroused at the display that I just witnessed. I have never had a man, other than Geralt, cut someone down for insulting and threatening me. "There is no mercy for scum like you.....You don't deserve to beg....." My god that is soooo, MMM~. Cera swings his blade in a semi circle and blood flies off of it. I knew that he was a great combatant, but I didn't know he looked so good doing it. I drift off into fantasy land for a good 10 seconds, I shake my head clearing those types of thoughts.

He looks to me and lowers his head in shame, I approach him and wrap him in a tight hug. "I'm sorry you had to see that.....I shouldn't make you watch such brutal things....." I hug him even tighter after he says that. I don't know where he learned to use those types of moves, but he only proves how good he is. I should let Jaskier and Priscilla know that it's safe to come down now.

I let go of Cera and walk over to the bottom of the stair's. "You can come back down now!! It's all taken care of!!!" I hear them rush to the stairs and run down them. Guess they were worried about us.

Jaskier and Priscilla look at the blood and guts surrounding Cera. He looks very intimidating like that, I like it though. I hear something that ticks me off however. "I knew that the story's spoke of such things....But to see it with my own eye's is.....Amazing." I don't know why, but it really pissed me off when Priscilla said that. I have confusing feelings going through me right now, one is making sure that Jaskier wasn't hurt. The other is punching this small beauty in the head till she can't see straight anymore.

I am brought out of my thoughts by Cera's voice though. "We should clean this up Jaskier, we can put them in the ally two buildings down." I walk over to the bodies ready to help when Cera stops me. "You stay here with Priscilla. Jaskier and I will take care of the bodies." I am really mad with that idea, but I don't show it. Soon they drag the bodies outside on the deck and take the first two down to the ally.

I look at Priscilla in the silence and she looks to me. "So....How long have you known Cera...." Is she trying to push my buttons. She has some serious bollocks to ask me that.

I squint my eye's at her and put on a frown. "We've known each other since we were kids." I hope she gets the message. I am not willing to have a bad topic to bring up with Cera about her.

She doesn't however. "So you two are like brother and sister. That's cool." She says that as she looks at the door as if waiting for Cera. The willpower it takes to not hit her right now is astronomical. I don't care if she knows Jaskier, if she keeps asking me about Cera we are going to have a problem.

I cross my arms and give her a slight scowl. "It's not like brother and sister. At. All. He is my fiancé and we are to be wed here in Novigrad." She turns back to me in slight surprise, then she gives me a cunning and devious smile.

She crosses her arms to me as well. "I don't see a ring on his finger.....That means he is still on the market to everyone else...." This bitch. I can't believe she just said that to my face. My shock is overshadowing my rage right now.

I grab her by the collar and pull her close to me. "Listen well bitch, Cera is mine. If you don't back off of him.....Not even your friendship with Jaskier will save you." She is unfazed by my brazen threat though.

Instead her smile just gets bigger along with my anger. "Cera doesn't belong to anybody, and I think I have a shot with him. So don't be threatening me....Princess Cirilla was it? I wonder what Cera would think of that information." I am stuttering to find words right now. I feel my fist ball and raise up, but before I could strike her in the face we both hear the door handle rattle. I let her go fast and move away from her, she just gives me a cocky and victorious smile. I scowl at her, before I put on my regular relaxed face.

Jaskier opens the door and they walk in. "I will get that door fixed soon, it proves to be quite the hindrance. Almost died because I couldn't open it when those men were chasing me." I hear Cera laugh in response. Hearing him laugh almost makes me forget about Priscilla.

I look over to Priscilla and she gives a wicked smile before walking up to the two. She suddenly wraps her arms around MY Cera and pushes really hard into his body. I see red after that, the only thing that is stopping me from driving my blade through her back is Cera on the other side of her. "Thanks for saving me Cera....If there is anything at all I can do to repay you.....Just ask me~." My whole body is shaking in rage and anger right now. I am trying my best to hide it, but I don't know if I can handle anymore. What I see next is the last straw. "*Kiss* Hope this shows how much it means that you saved me...." She just kissed Cera on the lips. SHE JUST KISSED MY CERA'S LIPS, MY LIPS!!!! I rush over to them and pull her away from him.

I look at Cera and see his confusion at Priscilla's antics, I hear Jaskier having a good laugh at this bitches brazen move, I know you are in tons of open relationships, but his is my fiancé Jaskier. A little help would be nice. I grab Cera's hand and rush us up the stair's to our room, I can't be around Priscilla right now. I'm going to kill her if I see her at all for awhile. We enter our room and I slam the door behind us. I intend to keep her away from him right now. I bring him to the bed and sit him down. I sit on his lap and wrap my lips around his, I need to make sure he can't taste that little bitch.