A plan begins to form (Part 3)

I grab the soap and hand it to Ciri, she washes her body as I just relax and soak in the warm clean water. After she is all lathered up she begins to rub the soap on me to clean me. I sigh as the feeling is so much more relaxing than when I do it. We are both lathered up and are pretty clean, I take this opportunity to fill a bucket full of cold water from the water supply in the room and pour it on Ciri's head. "*LONG GASP* You did not just do that...." She holds her limbs out in shock as she looks at me. She takes the chance to do the same thing and quickly chases me around the large bathroom as I try to get away from her. We are both laughing in the enjoyment.

She pulls a sneaky move and teleports instead, she catches me by surprise and pours cold water all over me. "Whooaa, that's cold alright!!" I say that with happiness as we both laugh from the fun, I don't plan to stop there. I know a little bit of water magic, I cant make any. I can move it with my powers though. As we are laughing and coming down from the fun I use my magic to raise a ball of cold water from the supply again.

I hover it above her head and she sees my face, I have a cocky smirk on my face. "What's with that look?" She asks me with a smile. I point above her and she looks. "Oh..." I drop more on her and she has an even better reaction than earlier. "Cera....I am so getting you for that...." She begins to chase me around the room and I narrowly dodge her quick movement pattern. She cocks a smile at me and teleports and hugs me. "Now its your turn." Before I could do anything she teleports both of us right above the freezing water supply in the room and I splash into it along with her.

We both come out of the water pale and laughing. I think that's enough for now, I walk over to her and capture her in a hug and lift her off the ground as I gently squeeze her. "That sure was fun. Let's head back to our room and get dressed. I think Jaskier is awake from all the noise." We walk back to our room with towels covering our privates and we close the door behind us. I walk over to my clothes and put them on after I remove my towel. I get dressed very quickly and notice Ciri is almost done to.

After she is done getting dressed I watch her walk to her bag and pull out a little but of makeup. I think she looks absolutely stunning without it on more so with it. I walk up and hug her from behind as she continues to apply a little bit of eye liner. "I like you more without makeup Ciri....You look like an angel blessed by snow." She stops at my words and hesitates to continue.

I see her reach for a rag in the bag and begin to remove the makeup. "I love you so much Cera....I wouldn't remove all this if someone else said that....I know you aren't lying to me when you say those types of things...." It makes my heart flutter hearing her say that about me. I trust her just as much as she trusts me, as I am standing behind her she finishes removing the makeup. My head is above her and she gives a slight frown. "You've gotten so tall.....I feel like a child in front of you...." I kiss the top of her head and laugh as she says that. I look at her scar in the mirror and trace it with my fingers. She enjoys my touch since she gives a light moan.

I trace the left side of the face where the scar is and go down her neck. Soon I trace my finger tips down to her hand and interlock our left hands together as I hug her from behind with my right. I feel our wedding rings touch and bring our hands across her chest so we can see them in the mirror. "They are masterpieces aren't they...." I say in the nice and calm silence between us. I see the look on Ciri's face and can't help smiling. She is getting a little teary eyed in this moment of bonding and closeness.

She turns around as I let go of her hand and I release my hug. She gets on her tippy toes and brings down my head as we kiss. It was a normal kiss, but these are the best one's to me. They are filled with love and emotion the others sometimes are missing those in the heat of things. "Cera....After we talk to Jaskier this morning we need to make plans for the wedding. I don't want to wait any longer...." That doesn't sound like a bad idea, it all really depends on what Jaskier has to say.

I rub my fingers through her wavy hair. She hasn't put it in a bun in the last few days and I like it like this. "Yeah, we can look into it after we hear what Jaskier has to say." She gives me a cocky and devious smile after I said that to her. She captures my lips again and this lime we move our lips in unison.

She pulls away and licks her lips after giving me such a smooch. "I wasn't asking for your permission Cera. I was telling you that there is another thing we have to look into today." Wow, I like this version of Ciri. Don't get me wrong I love Ciri every and any way she is, but the way she talked to me then was really hot. I guess we are going to look into it today. I lean down and give her three quick kisses in confirmation. She gives a happy smile as she gets what she want's, she acted like a spoiled princess there for a second. That was really amazing and cute, even adds to it since she is a princess.

We interlock hands and walk down to the living room and see Jaskier just getting ready to prepare food for all of us. "You want some help Jaskier?" I ask him as he begins to cook some cornbread and fish in the stone oven. He must have just put it in as I see him pull his hand away. He turns to us and grins a the way a bard does. "Why are you smiling like that?" I ask him since it seems like something you don't see on everyone all the time.

He sits down and we follow suit. "Ciri should be more quiet, I could hear her from outside." I blush at that even though I am not the one being talked about here. I turn and steal a glance at Ciri, her face is beet red and has glaring eye's at Jaskier for acknowledging such a thing. "You okay Cir? You look like you are going to bite my head off..." Jaskier may have confidence in aces, but messing with Ciri about such private and intimate things is not a good idea.

She crosses her arms across her chest and has a very serious look on her face as the redness goes away. "If I hear one more person talk about the thing's Cera and I do in private I'll start using my sword as a shish kabob on the people who speak about it....That includes you and Priscilla. Am I Clear Jaskier." This Ciri is full of ire and emotion today and I like it. I could hear the venom in her words when she said Priscilla's name. Even when she isn't here she is causing problems.

The look on Jaskier's face tells me that the message got across, but Ciri want to hear him say it. "Yes ma'am! I understand completely...." Jaskier gives an answer I used to give Yen when I was unruly to her sometimes. I chuckle as the memories flood my mind, I can smell that the food is almost done and I help Jaskier make the table as the food reaches our plates. We begin to dig into the food when I ask Jaskier my first question.

I look to him as I finish swallowing the food in my mouth. "So what's the plan right now Jaskier." After I ask that he gets a confident look on his face. Good, that means he has some sort of plan that might actually work. He gets a familiar book and lays it on the table. He points to a specific name that reads 'Whoreson Junior' I don't know why, but that name just makes me sick. Hopefully Jaskier doesn't intend to work with this guy. I look over to Ciri and she has the same face as I do, she looks to me and nods her head in the direction of Jaskier. She wants me to ask about someone who can perform a wedding for us.

I turn to Jaskier and see the confusion at our antics. I hope he supports what I am about to ask. "We were wondering if you knew anyone who performs official weddings?" He gives a sigh the moment those words leave my lips. He picks up the book again and starts to flip through the pages. She unconsciously grabs my hand under the table hoping for an answer.

Jaskier lays the book down and points at name, 'Mr. Lockhart' is the name that I read. I look up to Jaskier for answers. "He is a man who can perform fully legal and binding marriages. It will cost you, but he is the only one around that will make is official and keep multiple copies of the records." That sounds like everything we need, the only question I have is why is he in this book in the first place. I look to Ciri and she is glowing with happiness and positive energy, I wonder how much it will cost. I do want to get her a wedding dress to. Jaskier closes the book and we finish eating our food as we prepare for the day.