An enemy approaches (Finale)

[Last Chapter this week. The story is moving forward and we can all enjoy the progress. Thanks for reading everyone!!!]

Ciri hasn't let me go yet, its been a few minutes already and I am growing restless. The sooner we get out of here the better. We don't know how long it's been since these guys have been gone and there could be more on the way. "I need you to let me go Ciri, we should get back to Jaskier's. The faster the better." A few seconds after I say that she hugs me tight for a good 5 seconds and kisses the top of my head. She finally releases me and I stand up, I look over and see that Lillian has packed up her clothes and some of her husbands. The only resemblance she shares with my mother is her name.

Ciri grabs my hand in an attempt to comfort me, I appreciate her trying. She is just staring at the side of my head and face as I don't look at her. The longer I don't the tighter her grip gets. She is about to say something, but I cut her off. "Let's get moving, we have already spent a lot of time here." After I cut her off she digs her nails on the top of my hand in a way to let me know she is unhappy with that. I'll have to apologize later for being cold in this moment, with the benefit of hindsight I can say that I am not proud of what I just did. It's really hard to control the bad side of me when I am around people like that.

~~~(POV Ciri)~~~

Damn it Cera, don't close me off like this in a time when you need me. The look I seen on his face, the joy in his eye's. I don't know that Cera and that scares me. He was always telling me that he would never take pleasure in killing when we were kids. I can see that has changed, whatever happened in that decade really messed with his mind. I want to stop him right now and demand explanations, but he is right. We don't have time, he walks over to Lillian who is waiting at the back door after locking up the store. We make our way to Jaskier's and we are greeted by the bard with a happy face baring good news.

He is sitting at the table as he notices the new lady walking in with us. He says something that really ticks me off however. "My Cera, I didn't know you were into polygamy. I guess you learn something everyday don't you!!" He says while laughing in a jovial manner. I have a familiar rage boiling in me when he says that. Cera gives him an exasperated look, he is also getting sick of Jaskier's bad taste in jokes.

Cera directs Lillian to a room and as she is getting unpacked we both sit down at the table to talk. "Jaskier I am getting tired of your jokes. If I hear another one that is related to Cera or me I will hurt you. So do you have any news for us?" Jaskier brushes off my warning as if its nothing, he'll learn that it really isn't nothing with that attitude. He goes over to his decks and pulls out instructions in an envelop. Hopefully we don't have that much to do to get my item fixed.

He hands the letter over to us and I am really pissed that this is what we have to do to get it fixed. Talk about an outrageous request. This Whoreson Junior wants us to perform a heist and steal the treasure of a man named Sigi Reuven. I don't know who this man is, but he must be wealthy if the leader of this part of town wants his coin. "Are you serious Jaskier? We can do a lot, but stealing such a large amount would be incredibly difficult. We cant use teleportation because the wild hunt will find us." I give Jaskier a frustrated look and raise my eyebrows waiting for a response. "Well Jaskier, do you have a plan?" He is just staying silent with a calm face.

He gives a ballsy answer with such a straight face. "I was planning on letting you deal with that. I was going to use this as an opportunity to write my next great ballad. It will surely catch eye's with Cera's involvement." I am shaking in silent rage at his half ass response. So typical of Jaskier to drop this on us, I guess we have a lot on our plate now. I hear Cera voice a deep sigh with the things we have to do now.

I look at the paper again and there are no other instructions for the heist. "Is there a time frame? How soon must we get this done?" Jaskier takes the paper and also notices the problem. My god, this man will be the death of us if we trust him to handle anything else.

Cera gets up from the table and gets us some food, I will admit I am very hungry. I haven't eaten since this morning. As soon as the food is in front of me I just dig in and leave the talking to the two of them. "We have to meet with Francis in two days to handle some other work we are doing. You have that amount of time to come up with a plan Jaskier. Dividing up the responsibilities will help us in making this a success." I am already half way done with my food as they talk more. I am not acting like a proper lady at the moment, but I don't care. I have been really hungry as of late. I found out why a little bit ago.

Jaskier nods and goes to his desk with his food and starts working. I hear light footsteps and Lillian finally joins us. "You hungry Lily?" I ask her with a mouth full of food. Cera chuckles as we both notice some of it falls out of mouth. I finish chewing and swallow my food. Lillian comes up to the table and grabs a plate.

She is very young, and she is already married. She must have had a good reason too. "Thanks for saving me....I don't want to think about what could've happened to me...." Cera looks down as he has barely touch his food. I just watch him intently as for a sign to do something. Suddenly he gets up and heads straight upstairs. Lillian looks very sad at the way Cera is acting right now. I am mad at his behavior right now. He is being reclusive and avoiding talking to me. Soon I hear the door close upstairs and I look at Lillian.

I look at her solemnly and continue to finish my food. "I'm sorry about him. He is having a hard time right now." After I said that she nods her head in understanding, I can see her staring at my beautiful ring and I can see she wants to ask about it. "Its the ring Cera got me. We are to be wed soon....I was hoping that we could talk to someone about a wedding here, but we don't have time anymore...." I suddenly see her eye's light up. I don't know why she would react that way.

She looks at the clock as if expecting someone, she told me her husband usually gets home around this time. He should see the bodies and note soon and be on his way here. "My husband can actually perform weddings!! If you'd like we can repay you guys in wedding you when you are ready?" I am at a loss for words right now. If we get my dress tomorrow we can get wed right after that. As if on que the door swings open and it's a man covered in sweat. This must be Alexander, and he is going to be the one to marry Cera and me

~~~(POV Cera)~~~

I just finished getting all my gear off and I am in my nightwear and getting ready to relax the rest of the day. The sun is setting anyway and there isn't much to do till tomorrow. We have to get clothes for the party soon, I guess that means we are heading back to Wickerson's for another order. Suddenly I hear someone rushing up the stairs and the door swings open to reveal a happy Ciri. "I just got the best news!!" I wonder what could get her so excited like this.

I look at her expecting to continue. "Alexander can marry us as soon as tomorrow! He is licensed to marry people!! It will be official and no one will be able to dispute it!!! Can we pick up my dress tomorrow!?!" Woah she is going a hundred miles a minute here. I will admit that it is surprising that Alexander can do this for us. Thinking about it I don't see a reason not too, we have everything we need to perform it.

I get over my shock and prepare my answer. I know that she will love it too. "I guess we are getting married then!!" I cant stop my own excite meant. She looks at me with wet eye's and captures my lips in a soft and calm kiss. It relaxes us and brings clarity to both of our heads. "We should get up early to pick up your dress. Sound good to you?" I ask her and she just hugs me tightly and never brings her head out from my neck.

She leans her head up as we are face to face right now. "That sounds perfect!" She then kisses me again and I notice the sun has finally set. All this is something that others would think crazy, but we are not like everyone else. We have always been this way, acting in defiance of what others want from us. Now we get to do it together for the rest of our lives.