The secret wedding (Part 4)

[I have a new original story that I am writing and I will appreciate it if everyone would check it out. It's called The Ancients World, I think people will really like it.]

I really lost my cool there, that was one of my most volatile moves. I used that same ability on a larger scale to devour a kingdom. I look over to Ciri and she is firmly locking her arms around my arm. I don't mean to scare her, but when I am near people like them I totally lose my head. "We should hurry to the store, I need to pick something out as well." She leans her head on my shoulder in silence. After another 15 minutes of walking we make it to Wickerson's and notice that the store is open and ready for customers.

I push open the door and we walk in side by side and see that there are some customers here and there. I walk up to the front desk and see the same lady as yesterday, she gives us a polite smile. "How can I help you today?" I look to Ciri and she doesn't look like she wants to let me go. I need to find my own attire and she needs to get a fitting and have the adjustments taken care of.

I set a bag of coins on the table that will cover all costs and she looks at it kind of shocked. "I need you to take her to the dress she has on hold and do a fitting. Make adjustments, I'll look for a suit to." She nods her head as she takes the coin and sets it in a chest behind the counter. Ciri looks at me with irritation and then looks away.

She lets go of me and heads to the door in the back, before she enters she turns to me with a sad look. "You going to be alright?" She doesn't know how to stop worrying about anyone else when its her time to have some fun and enjoy herself.

I nod my head and take a breath. "Yeah, its not the first time and it wont be the last..." As I said that Ciri was holding herself back from turning around and coming back. She quickly turns around and goes into the room so she can stop herself. It wasn't the best thing to say, but it was the truth. That part of me will never go away.

I turn to the store and take a deep breath. I hope they have one in my size, if not I'll have to wear my gear which sucks. I go to the men's section and as I am looking the older brother of the Brennen's comes up to me as he rubs his beard. "If you are looking for something in your size I only have one thing. Follow me, we will see if its a good fit." Well that's a bummer. Not like I got many options though. I follow him to his workshop and I can see all the beautiful creations he has made.

As I am looking around he goes to his work bench and picks up a subtle, but flattering suit. "Try this on, there is a room over there." He hands it to me and I go to the room. I take off my gear and try it on. I look at the decent mirror and I got to say that I look pretty good. I can wear this for the wedding today and not regret it later on. That's all we can really try to ever do.

I take it off and put my clothes and gear back on. I come out and he is looking at his other works and a book with schedules in it. "I'll take it Wickerson, thanks for helping us the other day. You really saved us a lot of time." He closes the book and turns to me with a smile.

He goes over to a storage room and pulls out a box. "Put the suit in here. You can take it with you, your fiancé will be taking longer than you. I suggest you wait in the waiting area till she is also ready to go." I could use the time to order my thoughts. I find myself getting more and more defensive of Ciri and I don't want to be one of those guys.

We leave the room and he heads back to his office and I wait in a comfy chair as Ciri does her thing. I won't get to see her dress till the wedding which is exciting. I hope that she likes it. After 30 minutes I hear the two woman talking and getting closer to the door that separates the rest of the store. "Thanks for all your help. We have a wedding to get to now." I smile brightly as I hear Ciri say that. She has a box like mine, but its bigger. She turns to me with a happy face and comes and sits by me. "We should get back to the Rosemary and Thyme. We only have a few more hours till our wedding." She sounds really happy saying that last part.

I cant believe that I get to have a secret wedding with the woman of my dreams and have a family with her in nine months. This is something only men could hope to have, unconditional love. "Yeah, lets head back and talk details with Jaskier. There are probably things we have to do before the wedding." She gives me a lustful smile as I say it in the wrong way. "Not that kind of thing, like vows and signing documents." She rolls her eye's and stands up. I follow her and we make our way to the door.

We both have our hands full as we walk down the street. I look over to Ciri and she is in a much better mood than earlier. "Are you excited to get married? I have butterflies when I think about being with you for the rest of my life." She suddenly starts talking and asking me questions. I don't want to admit it, but I get butterflies too.

I move closer to her so we can at least be shoulder to shoulder while carrying our stuff. "This will be the day that we will treasure for the rest of our lives. Have you decided if you want to take one of my names or I take one of your names?" She chuckles and thinks really hard. I can either take Fiona or Elen and add it to the end of my name. She can take Amavet or Dorren and add it to the end of her name. I am fine with anything, our names are to long to say on a regular basis anyway.

She takes a breath and looks at me with an answer in them. "I'd love to take Amavet. It would be the perfect ending to my name. Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon Amavet. Sounds like I am your wife." That does sound like my wife. Despite not liking my long name, I really like the sound of hers. I smile at her and we can see that the Rosemary and Thyme is up ahead.

We stop at the front door and I wait before opening it. "We will ask Jaskier about the name change. I'm sure he already has all the documents he needs." I open the door before she can respond and I notice some decorations that Jaskier has set up to make it more official. He did a pretty amazing job if you ask me.

I go to our room and Ciri follows me. Once inside we set the boxes down and look at each other. I can tell she doesn't want to see me in my suit yet and she can see the same thing from me. I pick up my box and take it to the room across the hall. I come back out and Ciri is waiting for me. Now all that's left is to talk to Jaskier and then come back upstairs and get ready for the wedding.