The party (Part 2)(R-18)

I'm as deep as I can possibly go and she is loving it, I just let it stay deep with out pulling it out or moving it. She beings to wiggle because there is to much stimulation in all parts of her snug tunnel. "HMM~... C'mon Cera.... It's throbbing and it feels so hooot~..... MMNN~.... Just move it a little... I cant stand this~.... MMMM~...." Instead of pulling out some I just stay buried and swing her side to side from her knees. I stir up her insides and make sure that she feels everything. "*SQUIRT!* Geez~.... You'll make me los- HHMMMM!!~" I just listen to her sweet voice and the sounds that we are making.

I don't know how much longer I can last since this position feels much more stimulating than most we use. Ciri has already had her fill and is completely in bliss so I guess its my turn to release. I swing her up and down my rod to increase her pleasure and mine. "MMMM~ HMMMM~ NNNNN~" She isn't saying anything anymore, I feel my load coming and I don't think I can hold out any longer. I bury myself as deep as I can again and I unload massive shots. "MMMM!!!~ CEERRAA!! HHMMM!!~" I can feel the pumping sensation as my load leaves my rod. I pull out completely and some spills out. I made sure I didn't get any on her pants since they are so close to her holes.

She is just breathing super hard and looking at me with satisfaction and love. "Thanks for finishing what you started this morning~. I hope I wasn't loud enough to draw attention back here." We are out of view and clearly in a private area, so no need to worry about on lookers. A thought just crossed my mind and I cant help feeling a little bit of embarrassment. Ciri can see my face and sees the reddening of my cheeks, she gives a happy smile and starts to cover me in kisses as I hold her.

I shouldn't let her know about my thoughts, but it is nice to be showered in love. "I'm going to put you down now, make sure you let me know when everything is dry enough to leave." This time its her face that's red from embarrassment. She must have ignored the fact that she made a mess with her juices, I watch her sit down in the sun as the crotch area of her pants are damp. I join her in the comfortable warmth of the sun. While we don't have a view to look at we do have each other. I wrap one arm around her and bring her in.

She lays her head on my chest as I lay back slightly on the wall to make it more comfortable for her. We have plenty of time today so I'm not in a rush to get us our clothes, and whatever Francis has planned isn't happening at the party. It's just a meeting, I wonder what he plans to do with those targets he wants to get rid of. While death is the main objective he has to make sure that he and his associates aren't pinned for the murders. My instincts are telling me to be wary, but I should give them the benefit of the doubt. If things look to risky we wont help, I'm not risking the safety of my wife and unborn children.

Ciri snuggles closer and I'm brought out of my thoughts. "So when do you think we can get my magic item fixed? I know Jaskier is capable, but I don't trust any of his contacts. That object is our only way of finding Avallac'h. I don't know anything that the Wild Hunt is doing without him." I agree with her fear of Jaskier's associates, I will not hesitate to defend my friends if push comes to shove. Hopefully we don't have to do anything to crazy, but I'm willing to do anything for Ciri. I look down at her crotch and I can barely see any stains now. "My face is up here Cera~. I know that you like my body, but we don't want to make another mess~." She teases me in a playful manner. I just turn my head and kiss her forehead since there is such a disparity in our height. Instead of a worded comeback she just closes her eye's and enjoys the attention I'm giving her.

I bring the hand that's wrapped around her and I place it on her back. "I can give you a back massage if you want, it will pass the time while we wait for you to dry." She opens her eye's half way and my breathe is taken away by her beauty and seductive look. She moves her body in front of me and I have full access to her back. "I'll take that as a yes my little Swallow...." I whisper into her ear from behind and I see her body tremble slightly. She looks back at me coyly and then faces forward again. I start rubbing her back up and down gently with the palms of hands. "Maybe you would prefer my wife..." I whisper into her ear again and she leans her head against mine as she trembles slightly.

I know she is enjoying this more than a massage. I notice her hands are near her southern area, we cant have that. I reach around her as I stop massaging her and pull her hands out of her pants. "Ah, ah, ah, no touching allowed. If you play with yourself while I do this I'll never to it again. So no touching..." I breath gently into her ear as I say this. She gives a cute frustrated groan, but she listens. I put her hands on my knees so they are touching something. I bring my hands back to her back and continue to rub it.

After a few more up and down move movements, I gently use my knuckles to kneed her muscles. She is relaxing and I think she isn't going to be aroused as long as I don't mess with her. I want to see how long she can last before she cant resist feeling herself up. "You know, I have always found that your fair complexation reminds me of vanilla ice cream..." I voice my thoughts into her ear. I can feel her wiggle as she tries to focus on something else. "You smell like it too. I could just devour you for the rest of my life Ciri...." Her hands leave my knees for a brief second, as soon as they do I stop all movement and contact. She moans in frustration and looks at me with a red face. She quickly puts her hands back and I start massaging her again.

I know this is torture for her, but I cant stop myself from doing this. She makes it so much better than it has to be. I lean my head in again and bring my lips right against her ear. "In fact, I'd like a taste right now...." I slowly drag my tongue down her neck starting from her ear, and she is gripping my pants and bringing her hands on and off, over and over in desperation of trying to resist the temptation of touching herself. I make it to her nape and I gently sink my teeth in and suck just a little. Her hands immediately shoot into her pants and I stop again.

She looks back at me and has a red face that is both aroused and frustrated. "Cera.... Please...." My, she even let go of her pride and asked nicely. Who am I to ignore such a request, I bring my chest and abs against her soft and toned back. "MMmm~." I bring my arms around to her front and begin to rub her front for her as well, and I'm going to keep bringing her to the edge and stopping till she begs for it. The Ciri I know and love only shows that part of her to me, and I want to see it. Right. Now.