In the world where humans, demi-humans, elves, spirits, and demons existed plunged into endless wars by nations and their neighbour tribes. In hundreds of years later, one unified empire rose from the deep and stood in the centre of the continent became the superpower of among all nations, granted rights of all races, refined education, bloomed economy, sustainable trade, and full national security to its loyal citizens. This empire didn't have the same contribution as its competitors, science, technology, and life quality won among them. All these were pleased and pledged by its ruler, an outlaw girl with a mysterious background changed the ways of traditions and reformed to her empire she desired, she is the current sovereign, Empress Victoria Louise of the Grand Germania Empire with the title of Kaiserin.
Far far away from the fertile land, the silence broke up at Alnus Hill as huge troops of cavalry charging with their spears at the front. However, before they could reach, a mysterious explosion glittered in front of them and they have slaughtered without any of their bones left. "Hold your position! Don't panic!" The commander shouted to his troops as they were shocked what they saw, in a moment they charged to the front. On the other side, an officer reported to his superior, "They are in range, Field Marshal." With an order, the Field Marshal shouted, "All troops, fire at will!" The troops were not using swords, arrows, nor even axes, they picked up their "weapons" and fired at a long distance. The incoming infantries with shields and spears were annihilated expect their commander who just barely survived, he crawled on the soil as a familiar figure stood in front of him. He looked up and shocked in fear, the figure glow under the bright moonlight seemed to be a teenage girl in elegant uniform, she took out a "small weapon" and cloaked it, pointed it to the commander's head. The man spoke in fear, "You... you are the..." The girl smiled and said, "Yes, I am what you know, I am the sky, the land, and the sea. I am, the Kaiserin." The man begged for mercy, with a loud noise, the girl shot him in cold blood.
"Your Majesty, we must capture their capital!" In a conference hall located in the momentary headquarter on Alnus Hill, generals urged their Empress to accept their cause but she refused. "No, we can't take the Kingdom of Elben." "But the army must march through it!" She started to loose patient and replied, "So you want me to bring up and precipitate a general conflict? All I want is a quick war to establish true power of El Zaberina to show them who has the true leadership to rule this continent, not to slaughter innocent citizens!" Then one of the generals spoke up, "I understand your concern madam, but for the future security of our empire we must annex them." The Empress looked firmly to them and stood up, "For the future? Did you say that? If we annex all the kingdoms and Roma Empire next to us, is that what we can take? Full security? No no no!! THIS WILL LEAD REBELLION AGAINST OUR EMPIRE!!" She threw her glass of wine onto the floor with rage as the general staff fell in silence. She calmed for a moment and sat down as she continued, "Let me tell you all, our empire consists of all races around the world, demi-humans, humans, elves you name them all. The goal of ours is to establish a nation with equal rights, what if we looked down of them, their lives, cultures and traditions, this will build up vengeance to against us."
Suddenly, the door slammed opened as a soldier ran into the room. "Fool! You should knock the door before you come in!" "Is alright, let him speak," the Empress calmed the general as the solider kneeled on the ground and bow to her. "Your Majesty, I got news from the frontline, this is an emergence!" "What it is?" Without hesitation, the solider handed out a scroll of paper to her. "This is a royal message from the Saderan Empire, written by Princess Pina herself." The general staffs were shocked from the news as the Empress read the scroll. "She wants to meet your majesty in person, seems she need help from a bandit attack on a fortress city." After reading the scroll, she returned it to the solider and told him, "Send my message to her, I will be meeting her in that town as soon as possible." "Yes, your majesty!"
As the solider left, the field marshal stated, "So, your first step of the plan is to getting to know our greatest enemy, your majesty?" With a smile, the empress slighted laughed, "That's it, Marshal Von Moltke. You're right, this is a golden opportunity to see what this princess is capable of."