The show had to go on, even if Evangeline felt that her world was about to collapse, even if she felt small in front of that man who was looking at her carefully. The show must go on.

She fixed her gaze on the door, stood up straight, walked across the stage, and smiled. She did all that because the show had to go on.

After finishing her act, Evangeline ran out of the tent. She felt that she was drowning. She had so many feelings wanting to get out at the same time that she was unable to let any of them out. Thoughts were racing through her mind:

'This must be a nightmare. This can't be my reality. I can't go on anymore. I don't want to. I want to die, but I'm already dead. I am dead. I am dead. I am dead. Am I dead?' All this was going around in Evangeline's head as she lay in the snow. Her body was beginning to freeze, but she could not feel anything else than the eternal agony of a soul that is drowning in its own lament.

Evangeline could hear how countless voices called her by name. However, she could not react. Her body was there, but her mind was far away, in a place where she could not be hurt.

Worried and confused, the other circus phenomena brought the poor girl to their tent. They laid her down and covered her with a blanket, for she was as cold as the snow in which she had been lying.

Evangeline had not been able to dream since the day before her death. However, that night she dreamed. She dreamed of the life she would have liked to have with her beloved. The life she was sure she would have until misfortune came into her life, and she decided to sacrifice her existence so that Brendan would live.

In her dream, she and Brendan gave themselves body and soul to the passion they felt for each other. Her beloved whispered in her ear a thousand ways he would make her happy for the rest of her life. Evangeline was in heaven.

They walked hand in hand through endless meadows filled with all kinds of wildflowers. They laughed endlessly, even if there was no specific reason. If they were together, they needed nothing else.

As a result of their love, a beautiful girl with black hair and honey eyes was born. Her smile was so bright that they decided to call her Sunrise because every time her parents saw her smile, their souls jumped for joy.

Wrapped up in that dreamy reality, Evangeline woke up. No emotion could be seen on her face. She was cold, so she took the blanket with which she was wrapped and went out. She walked around the place without going to a fixed point. She seemed to be lost. However, she was very clear about what she wanted to do.

Evangeline wanted to go to the village to find that man who looked so much like her beloved Brendan. She wanted to confirm whether it was him or not. Something was preventing her from entering the village. Without Lucifer's permission, she was forbidden to leave the circus or interact with other humans. She was terrified that he would find out and punish her.

Defeated, she decided to return. Maybe it wasn't him, and if it was, what would she do? She was already dead, and he had already forgotten her. There was no doubt about it. He was holding another woman's hand.

'How could he forget me so quickly? Did he ever love me?' Evangeline wondered in confusion as she frantically brushed her hair in front of the mirror.

"Can I come in?" asked a voice outside the tent. Jonas was worried about his friend.

"Yes," Evangeline answered after a few seconds of silence.

"Is something wrong with you? You ran out after you finished your act. said Jonah hurriedly.

"I will be right."

"Are you sure? You looked very bad when we found you lying in the snow," Jonas whispered.

"I'm just not used to the idea of being dead yet. Sometimes it's so difficult for me to deal with it." Evangeline was lying. Although she sometimes felt lost, the reason for her current state was Brendan. However, she didn't want to talk about it. She preferred to keep it a secret until she knew what was really going on.

"No matter what we monsters feel, the show must go on." Said Evangeline as Jonah left the tent